import * as React from "react"; import Rect from "./Rect"; /** @hidden @internal */ const canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== "undefined" && window.document && window.document.createElement); class DragDrop { static instance = new DragDrop(); /** @hidden @internal */ private _fDblClick: ((event: Event) => void) | undefined; /** @hidden @internal */ private _fClick: ((event: Event) => void) | undefined; /** @hidden @internal */ private _fDragEnd: ((event: Event) => void) | undefined; /** @hidden @internal */ private _fDragMove: ((event: React.MouseEvent) => void) | undefined; /** @hidden @internal */ private _fDragStart: ((pos: { clientX: number; clientY: number }) => boolean) | undefined; /** @hidden @internal */ private _fDragCancel: ((wasDragging: boolean) => void) | undefined; /** @hidden @internal */ private _glass: HTMLDivElement | undefined; /** @hidden @internal */ private _defaultGlassCursor: string; /** @hidden @internal */ private _glassCursorOverride: string | undefined; /** @hidden @internal */ private _manualGlassManagement: boolean = false; /** @hidden @internal */ private _lastClick: number; /** @hidden @internal */ private _clickX: number; /** @hidden @internal */ private _clickY: number; /** @hidden @internal */ private _startX: number = 0; /** @hidden @internal */ private _startY: number = 0; /** @hidden @internal */ private _dragDepth: number = 0; /** @hidden @internal */ private _glassShowing: boolean = false; /** @hidden @internal */ private _dragging: boolean = false; /** @hidden @internal */ private _active: boolean = false; // drag and drop is in progress, can be used on ios to prevent body scrolling (see demo) /** @hidden @internal */ private _document?: HTMLDocument; /** @hidden @internal */ private _rootElement?: HTMLElement | undefined; /** @hidden @internal */ private _lastEvent?: Event | React.MouseEvent | React.TouchEvent | React.DragEvent | undefined; /** @hidden @internal */ private constructor() { if (canUseDOM) { // check for serverside rendering this._glass = document.createElement("div"); = "998"; = "transparent"; = "none"; } this._defaultGlassCursor = "default"; this._onMouseMove = this._onMouseMove.bind(this); this._onMouseUp = this._onMouseUp.bind(this); this._onKeyPress = this._onKeyPress.bind(this); this._onDragCancel = this._onDragCancel.bind(this); this._onDragEnter = this._onDragEnter.bind(this); this._onDragLeave = this._onDragLeave.bind(this); this.resizeGlass = this.resizeGlass.bind(this); this._lastClick = 0; this._clickX = 0; this._clickY = 0; } // if you add the glass pane then you should remove it addGlass(fCancel: ((wasDragging: boolean) => void) | undefined) { if (!this._glassShowing) { if (!this._document) { this._document = window.document; } if (!this._rootElement) { this._rootElement = this._document.body; } this.resizeGlass(); this._document.defaultView?.addEventListener('resize', this.resizeGlass); this._document.body.appendChild(this._glass!); this._glass!.tabIndex = -1; this._glass!.focus(); this._glass!.addEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyPress); this._glass!.addEventListener("dragenter", this._onDragEnter, { passive: false }); this._glass!.addEventListener("dragover", this._onMouseMove, { passive: false }); this._glass!.addEventListener("dragleave", this._onDragLeave, { passive: false }); this._glassShowing = true; this._fDragCancel = fCancel; this._manualGlassManagement = false; } else { // second call to addGlass (via dragstart) this._manualGlassManagement = true; } } resizeGlass() { const glassRect = Rect.fromElement(this._rootElement!); glassRect.positionElement(this._glass!, "fixed"); } hideGlass() { if (this._glassShowing) { this._document!.body.removeChild(this._glass!); this._document!.defaultView?.removeEventListener('resize', this.resizeGlass); this._glassShowing = false; this._document = undefined; this._rootElement = undefined; this.setGlassCursorOverride(undefined); } } /** @hidden @internal */ _updateGlassCursor() { this._glass!.style.cursor = this._glassCursorOverride ?? this._defaultGlassCursor; } /** @hidden @internal */ _setDefaultGlassCursor(cursor: string) { this._defaultGlassCursor = cursor; this._updateGlassCursor() } setGlassCursorOverride(cursor: string | undefined) { this._glassCursorOverride = cursor; this._updateGlassCursor() } startDrag( event: Event | React.MouseEvent | React.TouchEvent | React.DragEvent | undefined, fDragStart: ((pos: { clientX: number; clientY: number }) => boolean) | undefined, fDragMove: ((event: React.MouseEvent) => void) | undefined, fDragEnd: ((event: Event) => void) | undefined, fDragCancel?: ((wasDragging: boolean) => void) | undefined, fClick?: ((event: Event) => void) | undefined, fDblClick?: ((event: Event) => void) | undefined, currentDocument?: Document, rootElement?: HTMLDivElement ) { // prevent 'duplicate' action (mouse event for same action as previous touch event (a fix for ios)) if (event && this._lastEvent && this._lastEvent.type.startsWith("touch") && event.type.startsWith("mouse") && event.timeStamp - this._lastEvent.timeStamp < 500) { return; } this._lastEvent = event; if (currentDocument) { this._document = currentDocument; } else { this._document = window.document; } if (rootElement) { this._rootElement = rootElement; } else { this._rootElement = this._document.body; } const posEvent = this._getLocationEvent(event); this.addGlass(fDragCancel); if (this._dragging) { console.warn("this._dragging true on startDrag should never happen"); } if (event) { this._startX = posEvent.clientX; this._startY = posEvent.clientY; if (!window.matchMedia || window.matchMedia("(pointer: fine)").matches) { this._setDefaultGlassCursor(getComputedStyle( as Element).cursor); } this._stopPropagation(event); this._preventDefault(event); } else { this._startX = 0; this._startY = 0; this._setDefaultGlassCursor("default"); } this._dragging = false; this._fDragStart = fDragStart; this._fDragMove = fDragMove; this._fDragEnd = fDragEnd; this._fDragCancel = fDragCancel; this._fClick = fClick; this._fDblClick = fDblClick; this._active = true; if (event?.type === 'dragenter') { this._dragDepth = 1; this._rootElement.addEventListener("dragenter", this._onDragEnter, { passive: false }); this._rootElement.addEventListener("dragover", this._onMouseMove, { passive: false }); this._rootElement.addEventListener("dragleave", this._onDragLeave, { passive: false }); this._document.addEventListener("dragend", this._onDragCancel, { passive: false }); this._document.addEventListener("drop", this._onMouseUp, { passive: false }); } else { this._document.addEventListener("mouseup", this._onMouseUp, { passive: false }); this._document.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, { passive: false }); this._document.addEventListener("touchend", this._onMouseUp, { passive: false }); this._document.addEventListener("touchmove", this._onMouseMove, { passive: false }); } } isDragging() { return this._dragging; } isActive() { return this._active; } toString() { const rtn = "(DragDrop: " + "startX=" + this._startX + ", startY=" + this._startY + ", dragging=" + this._dragging + ")"; return rtn; } /** @hidden @internal */ private _onKeyPress(event: KeyboardEvent) { if (event.keyCode === 27) { // esc this._onDragCancel(); } } /** @hidden @internal */ private _onDragCancel() { this._rootElement!.removeEventListener("dragenter", this._onDragEnter); this._rootElement!.removeEventListener("dragover", this._onMouseMove); this._rootElement!.removeEventListener("dragleave", this._onDragLeave); this._document!.removeEventListener("dragend", this._onDragCancel); this._document!.removeEventListener("drop", this._onMouseUp); this._document!.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove); this._document!.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._onMouseUp); this._document!.removeEventListener("touchend", this._onMouseUp); this._document!.removeEventListener("touchmove", this._onMouseMove); this.hideGlass(); if (this._fDragCancel !== undefined) { this._fDragCancel(this._dragging); } this._dragging = false; this._active = false; } /** @hidden @internal */ private _getLocationEvent(event: any) { let posEvent: any = event; if (event && event.touches) { posEvent = event.touches[0]; } return posEvent; } /** @hidden @internal */ private _getLocationEventEnd(event: any) { let posEvent: any = event; if (event.changedTouches) { posEvent = event.changedTouches[0]; } return posEvent; } /** @hidden @internal */ private _stopPropagation(event: Event | React.MouseEvent | React.TouchEvent | React.DragEvent) { if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } } /** @hidden @internal */ private _preventDefault(event: Event | React.MouseEvent | React.TouchEvent | React.DragEvent) { if (event.preventDefault && event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } return event; } /** @hidden @internal */ private _onMouseMove(event: Event | React.MouseEvent | React.TouchEvent | React.DragEvent) { this._lastEvent = event; const posEvent = this._getLocationEvent(event); this._stopPropagation(event); this._preventDefault(event); if (!this._dragging && (Math.abs(this._startX - posEvent.clientX) > 5 || Math.abs(this._startY - posEvent.clientY) > 5)) { this._dragging = true; if (this._fDragStart) { this._setDefaultGlassCursor("move"); this._dragging = this._fDragStart({ clientX: this._startX, clientY: this._startY }); } } if (this._dragging) { if (this._fDragMove) { this._fDragMove(posEvent); } } return false; } /** @hidden @internal */ private _onMouseUp(event: Event) { this._lastEvent = event; const posEvent = this._getLocationEventEnd(event); this._stopPropagation(event); this._preventDefault(event); this._active = false; this._rootElement!.removeEventListener("dragenter", this._onDragEnter); this._rootElement!.removeEventListener("dragover", this._onMouseMove); this._rootElement!.removeEventListener("dragleave", this._onDragLeave); this._document!.removeEventListener("dragend", this._onDragCancel); this._document!.removeEventListener("drop", this._onMouseUp); this._document!.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove); this._document!.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._onMouseUp); this._document!.removeEventListener("touchend", this._onMouseUp); this._document!.removeEventListener("touchmove", this._onMouseMove); if (!this._manualGlassManagement) { this.hideGlass(); } if (this._dragging) { this._dragging = false; if (this._fDragEnd) { this._fDragEnd(event); } // dump("set dragging = false\n"); } else { if (this._fDragCancel) { this._fDragCancel(this._dragging); } if (Math.abs(this._startX - posEvent.clientX) <= 5 && Math.abs(this._startY - posEvent.clientY) <= 5) { const clickTime = new Date().getTime(); // check for double click if (Math.abs(this._clickX - posEvent.clientX) <= 5 && Math.abs(this._clickY - posEvent.clientY) <= 5) { if (clickTime - this._lastClick < 500) { if (this._fDblClick) { this._fDblClick(event); } } } if (this._fClick) { this._fClick(event); } this._lastClick = clickTime; this._clickX = posEvent.clientX; this._clickY = posEvent.clientY; } } return false; } /** @hidden @internal */ private _onDragEnter(event: DragEvent) { this._preventDefault(event); this._stopPropagation(event); this._dragDepth++; return false; } /** @hidden @internal */ private _onDragLeave(event: DragEvent) { this._preventDefault(event); this._stopPropagation(event); this._dragDepth--; if (this._dragDepth <= 0) { this._onDragCancel(); } return false; } } export default DragDrop;