/** * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved. * @license MIT */ import { Terminal, ITerminalAddon } from 'xterm'; import { IRenderDimensions } from 'browser/renderer/shared/Types'; interface ITerminalDimensions { /** * The number of rows in the terminal. */ rows: number; /** * The number of columns in the terminal. */ cols: number; } const MINIMUM_COLS = 2; const MINIMUM_ROWS = 1; export class FitAddon implements ITerminalAddon { private _terminal: Terminal | undefined; public activate(terminal: Terminal): void { this._terminal = terminal; } public dispose(): void {} public fit(): void { const dims = this.proposeDimensions(); if (!dims || !this._terminal || isNaN(dims.cols) || isNaN(dims.rows)) { return; } // TODO: Remove reliance on private API const core = (this._terminal as any)._core; // Force a full render if (this._terminal.rows !== dims.rows || this._terminal.cols !== dims.cols) { core._renderService.clear(); this._terminal.resize(dims.cols, dims.rows); } } public proposeDimensions(): ITerminalDimensions | undefined { if (!this._terminal) { return undefined; } if (!this._terminal.element || !this._terminal.element.parentElement) { return undefined; } // TODO: Remove reliance on private API const core = (this._terminal as any)._core; const dims: IRenderDimensions = core._renderService.dimensions; if (dims.css.cell.width === 0 || dims.css.cell.height === 0) { return undefined; } const scrollbarWidth = this._terminal.options.scrollback === 0 ? 0 : core.viewport.scrollBarWidth; const parentElementStyle = window.getComputedStyle(this._terminal.element.parentElement); const parentElementHeight = parseInt(parentElementStyle.getPropertyValue('height')); const parentElementWidth = Math.max(0, parseInt(parentElementStyle.getPropertyValue('width'))); const elementStyle = window.getComputedStyle(this._terminal.element); const elementPadding = { top: parseInt(elementStyle.getPropertyValue('padding-top')), bottom: parseInt(elementStyle.getPropertyValue('padding-bottom')), right: parseInt(elementStyle.getPropertyValue('padding-right')), left: parseInt(elementStyle.getPropertyValue('padding-left')) }; const elementPaddingVer = elementPadding.top + elementPadding.bottom; const elementPaddingHor = elementPadding.right + elementPadding.left; const availableHeight = parentElementHeight - elementPaddingVer; const availableWidth = parentElementWidth - elementPaddingHor - scrollbarWidth; const geometry = { cols: Math.max(MINIMUM_COLS, Math.floor(availableWidth / dims.css.cell.width)), rows: Math.max(MINIMUM_ROWS, Math.floor(availableHeight / dims.css.cell.height)) }; return geometry; } }