import {xc, PropAction, PropDef, PropDefMap, ReactiveSurface} from 'xtal-element/lib/XtalCore.js'; import {wrap} from 'xtal-element/lib/with-path.js'; import {mergeDeep} from 'trans-render/lib/mergeDeep.js'; import { passAttrToProp } from 'xtal-element/lib/passAttrToProp.js'; import {XtalJsonMergeProps} from './types.d.js'; type X = XtalJsonMerge; /** * Parse and notify JSON contained inside. * @element xtal-json-merge * @event value-changed * */ export class XtalJsonMerge extends HTMLElement implements ReactiveSurface, XtalJsonMergeProps{ static is = 'xtal-json-merge'; static observedAttributes = ['disabled', 'input']; attributeChangedCallback(n: string, ov: string, nv: string){ passAttrToProp(this, slicedPropDefs, n, ov, nv); } //,like%20x-foo%3Ais%20%28%3A--state1%2C%20%3A--state2%29%2C%20x-foo%3Anot%20%28%3A--state2%29%2C%20and%20x-foo%3A--state1%3A--state2. constructor() { super(); const aThis = this as any; console.log(aThis.attachInternals); if(aThis.attachInternals !== undefined){ (aThis)._internals = aThis.attachInternals(); } } self = this; propActions = propActions; reactor = new xc.Rx(this); disabled: boolean | undefined; value: any; /** * A key value pair object that allows the JSON to be passed functions or objects during the JSON parsing phase. * @type {object} */ refs: object; onPropChange(n: string, prop: PropDef, newVal: any){ this.reactor.addToQueue(prop, newVal); } /** * @private * Prior to manipulation from callback */ rawMergedObject: object; /** * An object that should be merged with the JSON inside the element * @type {object} * @attr **/ input: object; /** * Pass in a function to handle the resulting merged object, rather than using events. * @type {function} * */ postMergeCallbackFn: (mergedObj: any, t: XtalJsonMerge) => any; /** * Number of milliseconds to wait before passing the input on for processing. * @type {number} * */ delay: number; /** * @private */ stringToParse: string; /** * The object to insert. * @type {array} * */ objectToMergeInputInto: object; /** * object inside a new empty object, with key equal to this value. * E.g. if the incoming object is {foo: 'hello', bar: 'world'} * and with-path = 'myPath' * then the source object which be merged into is: * {myPath: {foo: 'hello', bar: 'world'}} * @attr with-path */ withPath!: string; connectedCallback(){ = 'none'; xc.hydrate(this, slicedPropDefs); this.loadJSON(); } loadJSON() { const scriptTag = this.querySelector('script[type="application\/json"]') as HTMLScriptElement; if (!scriptTag) { setTimeout(() => { this.loadJSON(); }, 100); return; } this.stringToParse = scriptTag.innerText; } } const linkObjectToMergeInputInto = ({stringToParse, disabled, refs, self}: X) => { setTimeout(() => { try{ if(refs !== undefined){ self.objectToMergeInputInto = JSON.parse(stringToParse, (key, val) => { if (typeof val !== 'string') return val; if (!val.startsWith('${refs.') || !val.endsWith('}')) return val; const realKey = val.substring(7, val.length - 1); return self.refs[realKey]; }); }else{ self.objectToMergeInputInto = JSON.parse(stringToParse); } }catch (e) { console.error("Unable to parse " + stringToParse); } }, self.delay ?? 0); }; const wrapAndMerge = ({input, objectToMergeInputInto, withPath, self, disabled, delay}: X) => { const wrappedObject = wrap(objectToMergeInputInto, withPath); self.rawMergedObject = mergeDeep(wrappedObject, input); }; const applyCallback =({rawMergedObject, postMergeCallbackFn, self}: X) => { const key = slicedPropDefs.propLookup.value.alias; if(postMergeCallbackFn !== undefined){ self[key] = postMergeCallbackFn(rawMergedObject, self); }else{ self[key] = rawMergedObject; } } const propActions = [linkObjectToMergeInputInto, wrapAndMerge, applyCallback] as PropAction[]; const baseProp: PropDef = { dry: true, async: true, }; const objProp1: PropDef = { ...baseProp, type: Object }; const objProp2: PropDef = { ...objProp1, notify: true, obfuscate: true, }; const objProp3: PropDef= { ...objProp1, stopReactionsIfFalsy: true, } const strProp1: PropDef = { ...baseProp, type: String, } const propDefMap: PropDefMap = { disabled: { ...baseProp, stopReactionsIfTruthy: true }, value: objProp2, refs: objProp1, rawMergedObject: objProp1, stringToParse: strProp1, withPath: strProp1, objectToMergeInputInto: objProp3, postMergeCallbackFn: objProp1, input: { ...objProp3, parse: true, } }; const slicedPropDefs = xc.getSlicedPropDefs(propDefMap); xc.letThereBeProps(XtalJsonMerge, slicedPropDefs, 'onPropChange'); xc.define(XtalJsonMerge); declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { "xtal-json-merge": XtalJsonMerge, } }