import { settings } from './settings' import { resizeObserver } from './dom' import { throttle } from './throttle' import { xin, xinValue, xinPath } from './xin' import { cloneWithBindings, elementToItem, elementToBindings, BOUND_SELECTOR, DataBinding } from './metadata' import { XinObject } from './xin-types' const listBindingRef = Symbol('list-binding') const SLICE_INTERVAL_MS = 16 // 60fps declare global { interface HTMLElement { [listBindingRef]?: ListBinding } } interface ListBindingOptions { idPath?: string initInstance?: (element: HTMLElement, value: any) => void updateInstance?: (element: HTMLElement, value: any) => void virtual?: { height: number, width?: number } } interface VirtualListSlice { firstItem: number lastItem: number topBuffer: number bottomBuffer: number } function updateRelativeBindings (element: HTMLElement, path: string): void { const boundElements = [...element.querySelectorAll(BOUND_SELECTOR)] if (element.matches(BOUND_SELECTOR)) { boundElements.unshift(element) } for (const boundElement of boundElements) { const bindings = elementToBindings.get(boundElement) as DataBinding[] for (const binding of bindings) { if (binding.path.startsWith('^')) { binding.path = `${path}${binding.path.substring(1)}` } if (binding.binding.toDOM != null) { binding.binding.toDOM(boundElement as HTMLElement, xin[binding.path]) } } } } class ListBinding { boundElement: HTMLElement listContainer: HTMLElement template: HTMLElement options: ListBindingOptions itemToElement: WeakMap private _array: any[] = [] private readonly _update?: VoidFunction private _previousSlice?: VirtualListSlice constructor (boundElement: HTMLElement, options: ListBindingOptions = {}) { this.boundElement = boundElement this.itemToElement = new WeakMap() if (boundElement.children.length !== 1) { throw new Error('ListBinding expects an element with exactly one child element') } if (boundElement.children[0] instanceof HTMLTemplateElement) { const template = boundElement.children[0] if (template.content.children.length !== 1) { throw new Error('ListBinding expects a template with exactly one child element') } this.template = cloneWithBindings(template.content.children[0]) as HTMLElement } else { this.template = boundElement.children[0] as HTMLElement this.template.remove() } this.listContainer = document.createElement('div') this.boundElement.append(this.listContainer) this.options = options if (options.virtual != null) { resizeObserver.observe(this.boundElement) this._update = throttle(() => { this.update(this._array, true) }, SLICE_INTERVAL_MS) this.boundElement.addEventListener('scroll', this._update) this.boundElement.addEventListener('resize', this._update) } } private visibleSlice (): VirtualListSlice { const { virtual } = this.options let firstItem = 0 let lastItem = this._array.length - 1 let topBuffer = 0 let bottomBuffer = 0 if (virtual != null) { const width = this.boundElement.offsetWidth const height = this.boundElement.offsetHeight const visibleColumns = virtual.width != null ? Math.max(1, Math.floor(width / virtual.width)) : 1 const visibleRows = Math.ceil(height / virtual.height) + 1 const totalRows = Math.ceil(this._array.length / visibleColumns) const visibleItems = visibleColumns * visibleRows let topRow = Math.floor(this.boundElement.scrollTop / virtual.height) if (topRow > totalRows - visibleRows + 1) { topRow = Math.max(0, totalRows - visibleRows + 1) this.boundElement.scrollTop = topRow * virtual.height } firstItem = topRow * visibleColumns lastItem = firstItem + visibleItems - 1 topBuffer = topRow * virtual.height bottomBuffer = totalRows * virtual.height - height - topBuffer } return { firstItem, lastItem, topBuffer, bottomBuffer } } update (array?: any[], isSlice?: boolean): void { if (array == null) { array = [] } this._array = array const { initInstance, updateInstance } = this.options // @ts-expect-error const arrayPath: string = array[xinPath] const slice = this.visibleSlice() const previousSlice = this._previousSlice const { firstItem, lastItem, topBuffer, bottomBuffer } = slice if (isSlice === true && previousSlice != null && firstItem === previousSlice.firstItem && lastItem === previousSlice.lastItem) { return } this._previousSlice = slice let removed = 0 let moved = 0 let created = 0 for (const element of [...this.listContainer.children]) { const proxy = elementToItem.get(element as HTMLElement) if (proxy == null) { element.remove() } else { const idx = array.indexOf(proxy) if (idx < firstItem || idx > lastItem) { element.remove() this.itemToElement.delete(proxy) elementToItem.delete(element as HTMLElement) removed++ } } } = String(topBuffer) + 'px' = String(bottomBuffer) + 'px' // build a complete new set of elements in the right order const elements: HTMLElement[] = [] const { idPath } = this.options for (let i = firstItem; i <= lastItem; i++) { const item = array[i] if (item === undefined) { continue } let element = this.itemToElement.get(item[xinValue]) if (element == null) { created++ element = cloneWithBindings(this.template) as HTMLElement if (typeof item === 'object') { this.itemToElement.set(item[xinValue], element) elementToItem.set(element, item[xinValue]) } this.listContainer.append(element) if (idPath != null) { const idValue = item[idPath] as string const itemPath = `${arrayPath}[${idPath}=${idValue}]` updateRelativeBindings(element, itemPath) } if (initInstance != null) { // eslint-disable-next-line initInstance(element, item) } } if (updateInstance != null) { // eslint-disable-next-line updateInstance(element, item) } elements.push(element) } // make sure all the elements are in the DOM and in the correct location let insertionPoint: HTMLElement | null = null for (const element of elements) { if (element.previousElementSibling !== insertionPoint) { moved++ if (insertionPoint?.nextElementSibling != null) { this.listContainer.insertBefore(element, insertionPoint.nextElementSibling) } else { this.listContainer.append(element) } } insertionPoint = element } if (settings.perf) { console.log(arrayPath, 'updated', { removed, created, moved }) } } } export const getListBinding = (boundElement: HTMLElement, options?: ListBindingOptions): ListBinding => { let listBinding = boundElement[listBindingRef] if (listBinding == null) { listBinding = new ListBinding(boundElement, options) boundElement[listBindingRef] = listBinding } return listBinding }