import { bind, on } from './bind' import { bindings } from './bindings' import { ElementPart, ElementCreator, SwissArmyElement } from '../src/xin-types' import { camelToKabob } from './string-case' const templates: { [key: string]: HTMLElement } = {} export const makeComponent = (...componentParts: ElementPart[]) => { return (...args: ElementPart[]) => elements.div(...args, ...componentParts) } export const create = (tagType: string, ...contents: ElementPart[]): SwissArmyElement => { if (templates[tagType] === undefined) { templates[tagType] = globalThis.document.createElement(tagType) } const elt = templates[tagType].cloneNode() as SwissArmyElement for (const item of contents) { if (item instanceof Element || item instanceof DocumentFragment || typeof item === 'string' || typeof item === 'number') { if (elt instanceof HTMLTemplateElement) { elt.content.append(item as Node) } else { elt.append(item as Node) } } else { for (const key of Object.keys(item)) { const value: any = (item)[key] if (key === 'apply') { value(elt) } else if (key === 'style') { if (typeof value === 'object') { for (const prop of Object.keys(value)) { if (prop.startsWith('--')) {, value[prop]) } else { // @ts-expect-error[prop] = value[prop] } } } else { elt.setAttribute('style', value) } } else if (key.match(/^on[A-Z]/) != null) { const eventType = key.substring(2).toLowerCase() on(elt, eventType, value) } else if (key.match(/^bind[A-Z]/) != null) { const bindingType = key.substring(4, 5).toLowerCase() + key.substring(5) const binding = bindings[bindingType] if (binding !== undefined) { bind(elt, value, binding) } else { throw new Error(`${key} is not allowed, bindings.${bindingType} is not defined`) } } else { const attr = camelToKabob(key) if (attr === 'class') { value.split(' ').forEach((className: string) => { elt.classList.add(className) }) // @ts-expect-error-error } else if (elt[attr] !== undefined) { // @ts-expect-error-error elt[attr] = value } else if (typeof value === 'boolean') { value ? elt.setAttribute(attr, '') : elt.removeAttribute(attr) } else { elt.setAttribute(attr, value) } } } } } return elt } const fragment: ElementCreator = (...contents: ElementPart[]) => { const frag = globalThis.document.createDocumentFragment() for (const item of contents) { frag.append(item as Node) } return frag } const _elements: { [key: string | symbol]: ElementCreator } = { fragment } export const elements = new Proxy(_elements, { get (target, tagName: string) { tagName = tagName.replace(/[A-Z]/g, c => `-${c.toLocaleLowerCase()}`) if (tagName.match(/^\w+(-\w+)*$/) == null) { throw new Error(`${tagName} does not appear to be a valid element tagName`) } else if (target[tagName] === undefined) { target[tagName] = (...contents: ElementPart[]) => create(tagName, ...contents) } return target[tagName] }, set () { throw new Error('You may not add new properties to elements') } })