import { Color } from './color' import { elements } from './elements' import { camelToKabob } from './string-case' export interface StyleRule { [key: string]: string | number } export interface StyleMap { [key: string]: StyleRule } export interface StyleSheet { [key: string]: StyleRule | StyleMap } export function StyleNode (styleSheet: StyleSheet): HTMLStyleElement { return as HTMLStyleElement } const dimensionalProps = ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'gap'] const isDimensional = (cssProp: string): boolean => { return (cssProp.match(/(width|height|size|margin|padding|radius)/) != null) || dimensionalProps.includes(cssProp) } const renderStatement = (key: string, value: string | number | StyleRule, indentation = ''): string => { const cssProp = camelToKabob(key) if (typeof value === 'object') { const renderedRule = Object.keys(value).map(innerKey => renderStatement(innerKey, value[innerKey], `${indentation} `)).join('\n') return `${indentation} ${key} {\n${renderedRule}\n${indentation} }` } else if (typeof value === 'number' && isDimensional(cssProp)) { return `${indentation} ${cssProp}: ${value}px;` } return `${indentation} ${cssProp}: ${value};` } export const css = (obj: StyleSheet | StyleMap, indentation = ''): string => { const selectors = Object.keys(obj).map((selector) => { const body = obj[selector] const rule = Object.keys(body) .map(prop => renderStatement(prop, body[prop])) .join('\n') return `${indentation}${selector} {\n${rule}\n}` }) return selectors.join('\n\n') } export const initVars = (obj: StyleRule): StyleRule => { const rule: StyleRule = {} for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { const value = obj[key] rule[`--${camelToKabob(key)}`] = typeof value === 'number' ? String(value) + 'px' : value } return rule } export const darkMode = (obj: StyleRule): StyleRule => { const rule: StyleRule = {} for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { let value = obj[key] if (typeof value === 'string' && value.match(/^(#|rgb[a]?\(|hsl[a]?\()/) != null) { value = Color.fromCss(value).inverseLuminance.html rule[`--${camelToKabob(key)}`] = value } } return rule } export const vars = new Proxy<{ [key: string]: string }>({}, { get (target, prop: string) { if (target[prop] == null) { prop = prop.replace(/[A-Z]/g, x => `-${x.toLocaleLowerCase()}`) let [,varName,, isNegative, scaleText, method] = prop.match(/^([^\d_]*)((_)?(\d+)(\w*))?$/) as string[] varName = `--${varName}` if (scaleText != null) { const scale = isNegative == null ? Number(scaleText) / 100 : -Number(scaleText) / 100 switch (method) { case 'b': // brighten { const baseColor = getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue(varName) target[prop] = scale > 0 ? Color.fromCss(baseColor).brighten(scale).rgba : Color.fromCss(baseColor).darken(-scale).rgba } break case 's': // saturate { const baseColor = getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue(varName) target[prop] = scale > 0 ? Color.fromCss(baseColor).saturate(scale).rgba : Color.fromCss(baseColor).desaturate(-scale).rgba } break case 'h': // hue { const baseColor = getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue(varName) target[prop] = Color.fromCss(baseColor).rotate(scale).rgba } break case 'o': // alpha { const baseColor = getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue(varName) target[prop] = Color.fromCss(baseColor).opacity(scale).rgba } break case '': target[prop] = `calc(var(${varName}) * ${scale})` break default: console.error(method) throw new Error(`Unrecognized method ${method} for css variable ${varName}`) } } else { target[prop] = `var(${varName})` } } return target[prop] } })