import { css, StyleSheet } from './css' import { deepClone } from './deep-clone' import { appendContentToElement, ContentType, dispatch, resizeObserver } from './dom' import { elements } from './elements' import { camelToKabob, kabobToCamel } from './string-case' import { ElementCreator, SwissArmyElement } from './xin-types' export abstract class Component extends HTMLElement { static elements = elements private static _elementCreator?: ElementCreator styleNode?: HTMLStyleElement content: ContentType | null = elements.slot() value?: any [key: string]: any static StyleNode (styleSpec: StyleSheet): HTMLStyleElement { return as HTMLStyleElement } static elementCreator (options?: ElementDefinitionOptions & { tag?: string }): ElementCreator { if (this._elementCreator == null) { let desiredTag = options != null ? options.tag : null if (desiredTag == null) { desiredTag = camelToKabob( if (desiredTag.startsWith('-')) { desiredTag = desiredTag.substring(1) } if (!desiredTag.includes('-')) { desiredTag += '-elt' } } let attempts = 0 while (this._elementCreator == null) { attempts += 1 const tag = attempts === 1 ? desiredTag : `${desiredTag}-${attempts}` try { window.customElements.define(tag, this as unknown as CustomElementConstructor, options) this._elementCreator = elements[tag] } catch (e) { throw new Error(`could not define ${} as <${tag}>: ${String(e)}`) } } } return this._elementCreator } initAttributes (...attributeNames: string[]): void { const attributes: { [key: string]: any } = {} const attributeValues = {} const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => { let triggerRender = false mutationsList.forEach((mutation) => { // eslint-disable-next-line triggerRender = !!(mutation.attributeName && attributeNames.includes(kabobToCamel(mutation.attributeName))) }) if (triggerRender && this.queueRender !== undefined) this.queueRender(false) }) observer.observe(this, { attributes: true }) attributeNames.forEach(attributeName => { attributes[attributeName] = deepClone(this[attributeName]) const attributeKabob = camelToKabob(attributeName) Object.defineProperty(this, attributeName, { enumerable: false, get () { if (typeof attributes[attributeName] === 'boolean') { return this.hasAttribute(attributeKabob) } else { // eslint-disable-next-line if (this.hasAttribute(attributeKabob)) { return typeof attributes[attributeName] === 'number' ? parseFloat(this.getAttribute(attributeKabob)) : this.getAttribute(attributeKabob) // @ts-expect-error } else if (attributeValues[attributeName] !== undefined) { // @ts-expect-error return attributeValues[attributeName] } else { return attributes[attributeName] } } }, set (value) { if (typeof attributes[attributeName] === 'boolean') { if (value !== this[attributeName]) { // eslint-disable-next-line if (value) { this.setAttribute(attributeKabob, '') } else { this.removeAttribute(attributeKabob) } this.queueRender() } } else if (typeof attributes[attributeName] === 'number') { if (value !== parseFloat(this[attributeName])) { this.setAttribute(attributeKabob, value) this.queueRender() } } else { if (typeof value === 'object' || `${value as string}` !== `${this[attributeName] as string}`) { if (value === null || value === undefined || typeof value === 'object') { this.removeAttribute(attributeKabob) } else { this.setAttribute(attributeKabob, value) } this.queueRender() // @ts-expect-error attributeValues[attributeName] = value } } } }) }) } private initValue (): void { const valueDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, 'value') if (valueDescriptor === undefined || valueDescriptor.get !== undefined || valueDescriptor.set !== undefined) { return } let value = this.hasAttribute('value') ? this.getAttribute('value') : deepClone(this.value) delete this.value Object.defineProperty(this, 'value', { enumerable: false, get () { return value }, set (newValue: any) { if (value !== newValue) { value = newValue this.queueRender(true) } } }) } private _refs?: { [key: string]: SwissArmyElement } get refs (): { [key: string]: SwissArmyElement } { const root = this.shadowRoot != null ? this.shadowRoot : this if (this._refs == null) { this._refs = new Proxy({}, { get (target: { [key: string]: SwissArmyElement }, ref: string) { if (target[ref] === undefined) { let element = root.querySelector(`[data-ref="${ref}"]`) if (element == null) { element = root.querySelector(ref) } if (element == null) throw new Error(`elementRef "${ref}" does not exist!`) element.removeAttribute('data-ref') target[ref] = element as SwissArmyElement } return target[ref] } }) } return this._refs } constructor () { super() this.initAttributes('hidden') this._value = deepClone(this.defaultValue) } connectedCallback (): void { this.hydrate() // super annoyingly, chrome loses its shit if you set *any* attributes in the constructor if (this.role != null) this.setAttribute('role', this.role) if (this.onResize !== undefined) { resizeObserver.observe(this) if (this._onResize == null) { this._onResize = this.onResize.bind(this) } this.addEventListener('resize', this._onResize) } if (this.value != null && this.getAttribute('value') != null) { this._value = this.getAttribute('value') } } disconnectedCallback (): void { resizeObserver.unobserve(this) } private _changeQueued = false private _renderQueued = false queueRender (triggerChangeEvent = false): void { if (!this._changeQueued) this._changeQueued = triggerChangeEvent if (!this._renderQueued) { this._renderQueued = true requestAnimationFrame(() => { // TODO add mechanism to allow component developer to have more control over // whether input vs. change events are emitted if (this._changeQueued) dispatch(this, 'change') this._changeQueued = false this._renderQueued = false this.render() }) } } private _hydrated = false private hydrate (): void { if (!this._hydrated) { this.initValue() if (this.styleNode !== undefined) { const shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }) shadow.appendChild(this.styleNode) appendContentToElement(shadow, this.content) } else { appendContentToElement(this as HTMLElement, this.content) } this._hydrated = true } } render (): void { this.hydrate() } }