import { xin, touch, observe, xinPath, xinValue } from './xin' import { getListItem, elementToBindings, elementToHandlers, DataBindings, BOUND_CLASS, BOUND_SELECTOR, EVENT_CLASS, EVENT_SELECTOR, XinEventBindings, XinEventHandler } from './metadata' import { XinObject, XinTouchableType, XinBinding, XinProxy, XinBindingSpec } from './xin-types' const { document } = globalThis observe(() => true, (changedPath: string) => { const boundElements = document.body.querySelectorAll(BOUND_SELECTOR) for (const element of boundElements) { const dataBindings = elementToBindings.get(element) as DataBindings for (const dataBinding of dataBindings) { let { path, binding, options } = dataBinding const { toDOM } = binding if (toDOM != null) { if (path.startsWith('^')) { const dataSource = getListItem(element as HTMLElement) if (dataSource != null && (dataSource as XinProxy)[xinPath] != null) { path = dataBinding.path = `${(dataSource as XinProxy)[xinPath]}${path.substring(1)}` } else { console.error(`Cannot resolve relative binding ${path}`, element, 'is not part of a list') throw new Error(`Cannot resolve relative binding ${path}`) } } if (path.startsWith(changedPath)) { toDOM(element as HTMLElement, xin[path], options) } } } } }) const handleChange = (event: Event): void => { // @ts-expect-error-error let target = while (target != null) { const dataBindings = elementToBindings.get(target) as DataBindings for (const dataBinding of dataBindings) { const { binding, path } = dataBinding const { fromDOM } = binding if (fromDOM != null) { let value try { value = fromDOM(target, dataBinding.options) } catch (e) { console.error('Cannot get value from', target, 'via', dataBinding) throw new Error('Cannot obtain value fromDOM') } if (value != null) { const existing = xin[path] // eslint-disable-next-line if (existing == null) { xin[path] = value } else { // @ts-expect-error-error const existingActual = existing[xinPath] != null ? (existing as XinProxy)[xinValue] : existing const valueActual = value[xinPath] != null ? value[xinValue] : value if (existingActual !== valueActual) { xin[path] = valueActual } } } } } target = target.parentElement.closest(BOUND_SELECTOR) } } if (globalThis.document != null) { document.body.addEventListener('change', handleChange, true) document.body.addEventListener('input', handleChange, true) } export const bind = (element: HTMLElement | DocumentFragment, what: XinTouchableType | XinBindingSpec, binding: XinBinding, options?: XinObject): HTMLElement => { if (element instanceof DocumentFragment) { throw new Error('bind cannot bind to a DocumentFragment') } let path: string if (typeof what === 'object' && (what as XinProxy)[xinPath] === undefined && options === undefined) { const { value } = what as XinBindingSpec path = typeof value === 'string' ? value : value[xinPath] options = what as XinObject delete options.value } else { path = typeof what === 'string' ? what : (what as XinProxy)[xinPath] } if (path == null) { throw new Error('bind requires a path or object with xin Proxy') } const { toDOM } = binding element.classList.add(BOUND_CLASS) let dataBindings = elementToBindings.get(element) if (dataBindings == null) { dataBindings = [] elementToBindings.set(element, dataBindings) } dataBindings.push({ path, binding, options }) if (toDOM != null && !path.startsWith('^')) { touch(path) } return element } const handledEventTypes: Set = new Set() const handleBoundEvent = (event: Event): void => { // @ts-expect-error-error let target = event?.target.closest(EVENT_SELECTOR) let propagationStopped = false const wrappedEvent = new Proxy(event, { get (target, prop) { if (prop === 'stopPropagation') { return () => { event.stopPropagation() propagationStopped = true } } else { // @ts-expect-error-error const value = target[prop] return typeof value === 'function' ? value.bind(target) : value } } }) // eslint-disable-next-line no-unmodified-loop-condition while (!propagationStopped && target != null) { const eventBindings = elementToHandlers.get(target) as XinEventBindings // eslint-disable-next-line const handlers = eventBindings[event.type] || [] as XinEventHandler[] for (const handler of handlers) { if (typeof handler === 'function') { handler(wrappedEvent) } else { const func = xin[handler] if (typeof func === 'function') { func(wrappedEvent) } else { throw new Error(`no event handler found at path ${handler}`) } } if (propagationStopped) { continue } } target = target.parentElement.closest(EVENT_SELECTOR) } } export const on = (element: HTMLElement, eventType: string, eventHandler: XinEventHandler): void => { let eventBindings = elementToHandlers.get(element) element.classList.add(EVENT_CLASS) if (eventBindings == null) { eventBindings = {} elementToHandlers.set(element, eventBindings) } // eslint-disable-next-line if (!eventBindings[eventType]) { eventBindings[eventType] = [] } if (!eventBindings[eventType].includes(eventHandler)) { eventBindings[eventType].push(eventHandler) } if (!handledEventTypes.has(eventType)) { handledEventTypes.add(eventType) document.body.addEventListener(eventType, handleBoundEvent, true) } }