import {forCondition, forMs} from "kht"; export class WSClient { protected _connected: boolean; public get connected() { return this._connected; } constructor( private url: string, private header: any, private socket?: any ) { this.initial(); } protected initial() { if (!require) { throw new Error("Cannot load WSServer. Try to install all required dependencies:, socket-controllers"); } try { this.socket = require("")(this.url, this.header); this.socket.on("connect", () => { this._connected = true; }); this.socket.on("disconnect", () => { this._connected = false; }); } catch (e) { throw new Error(" package was not found installed. Try to install it: npm install --save"); } } public on(event: string, callback: Function) { this.socket.on(event, callback); } public emit(event: string, message: any) { this.socket.emit(event, message); } public removeEvent(event: string) { this.socket.removeAllListeners(event); } } let seq = 1; let rspSeq = 0; // TODO: add function const client1 = new WSClient("http://localhost:9999", {query: {token: "c1"}}); console.log("send 1"); client1.emit("message", {code: 1, seq: seq++}); console.log("send 2"); client1.emit("message", {code: 2, seq: seq++}); console.log("send 3"); client1.emit("message", {code: 3, seq: seq++, data: {arg1: "HelloWorld!"}}); console.log("send 4"); client1.emit("message", {code: 4, seq: seq++, data: {m: "this is a data"}}); console.log("expect 14"); client1.on("message", (msg: any) => console.log("rsp", msg)); console.log("send 5"); client1.emit("message", {code: 5, seq: seq++, data: {m: "this is a data"}}); console.log("send 6"); client1.emit("message", {code: 6, seq: seq++, data: {m: "this is a data"}}); console.log("send 7"); client1.emit("message", {code: 7, seq: seq++, data: {m: "this is a data"}}); console.log("send 8"); client1.emit("message", {code: 8, seq: seq++, data: {m: "this is a data"}}); console.log("expect 20"); console.log("=== success"); const client2 = new WSClient("http://localhost:10000", {query: {token: "c2"}}); console.log("send 1"); client2.emit("message", {code: 1, seq: seq++}); console.log("send 2"); client2.emit("message", {code: 2, seq: seq++}); console.log("send 3"); client2.emit("message", {code: 3, seq: seq++, data: {arg1: "HelloWorld!"}}); console.log("send 4"); client2.emit("message", {code: 4, seq: seq++, data: {m: "this is a data"}}); console.log("expect 14"); client2.on("message", (msg: any) => console.log("rsp", msg)); console.log("send 5"); client2.emit("message", {code: 5, seq: seq++, data: {m: "this is a data"}}); console.log("send 6"); client2.emit("message", {code: 6, seq: seq++, data: {m: "this is a data"}}); console.log("send 7"); client2.emit("message", {code: 7, seq: seq++, data: {m: "this is a data"}}); console.log("send 8"); client2.emit("message", {code: 8, seq: seq++, data: {m: "this is a data"}}); console.log("expect 20"); console.log("=== success"); const client3 = new WSClient("http://localhost:9999", {query: {token: "c3"}}); const client4 = new WSClient("http://localhost:10000", {query: {token: "c4"}}); let data1: any = {m: "this is a data"}; let data2: any = {}; for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { data2[Math.random().toFixed(20).toString()] = Math.random().toFixed(20).toString(); } let data3: any = {}; for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { data3[Math.random().toFixed(20).toString()] = Math.random().toFixed(20).toString(); } let data4: any = {}; for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { data4[Math.random().toFixed(20).toString()] = Buffer.from(Math.random().toFixed(20).toString()); } async function benchmark(client: WSClient) { await forMs(1000); console.log("benchmark started", seq); rspSeq = seq; let start =; client.on("message", (msg: any) => { rspSeq++; }); for (let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { client.emit("message", {code: 101, seq: seq++, data: data1}); } console.log("t1 sent"); await forCondition(() => rspSeq === seq); const t1 = - start; console.log("t1", t1); for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { client.emit("message", {code: 101, seq: seq++, data: data2}); } console.log("t2 sent"); await forCondition(() => rspSeq === seq); const t2 = - start; console.log("t2", t2); for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { client.emit("message", {code: 101, seq: seq++, data: data3}); } console.log("t3 sent"); await forCondition(() => rspSeq === seq); const t3 = - start; console.log("t3", t3); for (let i = 0; i < 200; i++) { client.emit("message", {code: 101, seq: seq++, data: data4}); } console.log("t4 sent"); await forCondition(() => rspSeq === seq); const t4 = - start; console.log("t4", t4); return [t1, t2, t3, t4]; } (async function () { let delta = await benchmark(client3); console.log("benchmark1 finished", delta); delta = await benchmark(client4); console.log("benchmark2 finished", delta); })();