import {createServer, Server} from "http"; import {Socket} from ""; import {Error} from "tslint/lib/error"; import {CLIENT_EVENTS} from "../src/proxy"; export class WSProxy { protected _connected: boolean; public get connected() { return this._connected; } protected server: Server; protected io: Server; protected socket: Socket; constructor() { this.initial(); } public async initial() { // 9999 => 10000 this.server = createServer((...args: any[]) => { }); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => this.server.listen("10000", resolve)); if (!require) { throw new Error("Cannot load WSServer. Try to install all required dependencies:, socket-controllers"); } const sockets: any = {}; try { this.socket = require("")("http://localhost:9999", { // todo: get identities when reconnect query: { proxy: JSON.stringify({id: "123", identities: Object.keys(sockets)}), } }); this.on("connect", () => { console.log("connect ..."); this._connected = true; }); this.on("disconnect", () => { console.log("disconnect ..."); this._connected = false; }); this.on("prx:login_result", ({identity, result}) => { if (result === "SUCCESS") { sockets[identity].emit(CLIENT_EVENTS.SC_LOGIN, "SUCCESS"); } }); this.on("prx:send", (identity, msg) => { // console.log("service send", identity, msg);//, "-", sockets[identity], "-"); sockets[identity].emit(CLIENT_EVENTS.MSG, msg); }); this.on("prx:broadcast", (msg) => { console.log("service broadcast", msg); }); this.on("prx:shutdown", (identity) => { // todo: test shutdown => logout console.log("service shutdown", identity); }); } catch (e) { throw new Error(" package was not found installed. Try to install it: npm install --save"); } // ===== svr try { = require("")(this.server); } catch (e) { throw new Error(" package was not found installed. Try to install it: npm install --save"); }"connection", async (socket: Socket) => { const identity = socket.handshake.query.token; this.emit("prx:login", identity); // if(sockets[identity]) { // replace // throw new Error(`socket of identity ${identity} are already exist`); // } sockets[identity] = socket; socket.on(CLIENT_EVENTS.MSG, (...messages: any[]) => { // console.log("msg", messages) this.emit("prx:msg", identity, ...messages); }); socket.on(CLIENT_EVENTS.DISCONNECT, (...messages: any[]) => { this.emit("prx:logout", identity, ...messages); }); // socket.on("proxy", (message: string) => { // this.sessions.remove(identity); // }); console.log(`client connected: ${}, identity: ${identity}`); }); console.log("initialed"); return this; } public on(event: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void) { this.socket.on(event, callback); } public emit(event: string, ...args: any[]) { this.socket.emit(event, ...args); } public removeEvent(event: string) { this.socket.removeAllListeners(event); } } const proxy = new WSProxy();