/*! * * Wijmo Library 5.20242.30 * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo * * Copyright(c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the End-User License Agreement For MESCIUS Wijmo Software. * us.sales@mescius.com * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo/licensing * */ /** * {@module wijmo.viewer} * Defines a series of classes, interfaces and functions related to the viewer controls. */ /** * */ export declare var ___keepComment: any; import { EventArgs, Event, Control, IEventHandler, Point, Rect } from 'wijmo/wijmo'; import { Popup, Menu } from 'wijmo/wijmo.input'; import * as selfModule from 'wijmo/wijmo.viewer'; export declare class _MultiSelectEx { private _itemsSource; private _selectAllItem; private _multiSelect; private _selectedAll; private _innerCheckedItemsChanged; private _lostFocus; readonly checkedItemsChanged: Event; constructor(element: HTMLElement); _updateHeader(): string; onIsDroppedDownChanged(): void; onCheckedItemsChanged(sender: any, e: any): void; isEditable: boolean; isDisabled: boolean; displayMemberPath: string; selectedValuePath: string; itemsSource: any[]; checkedItems: any[]; readonly lostFocus: Event; _updateSelectedAll(): void; } export declare var parametersIcon: string; export declare var icons: { paginated: string; print: string; exports: string; portrait: string; landscape: string; pageSetup: string; previousPage: string; nextPage: string; firstPage: string; lastPage: string; backwardHistory: string; forwardHistory: string; selectTool: string; moveTool: string; continuousView: string; singleView: string; fitWholePage: string; fitPageWidth: string; zoomOut: string; zoomIn: string; fullScreen: string; exitFullScreen: string; thumbnails: string; outlines: string; search: string; searchNext: string; searchPrevious: string; hamburgerMenu: string; viewMenu: string; searchOptions: string; searchLeft: string; searchRight: string; showZoomBar: string; rubberbandTool: string; magnifierTool: string; rotateDocument: string; rotatePage: string; }; export interface _ViewerMenuItem { title: string; icon?: string; commandTag?: number; } export interface _IToolbarSvgButtonClickedEventArgs { commandTag: string; } /** * Provides arguments for {@link wijmo.viewer.ViewerBase.pageLoaded} event. */ export declare class PageLoadedEventArgs extends EventArgs { private _pageIndex; private _pageElement; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link PageLoadedEventArgs} class. * * @param pageIndex Number containing the page index of loaded page. * @param pageElement HTMLDivElement containing wrapper for rendered SVG of loaded page. */ constructor(pageIndex: number, pageElement: HTMLDivElement); /** * Gets or sets the page index of loaded page. */ pageIndex: number; /** * Gets or sets the HTMLDivElement containing wrapper for rendered SVG of loaded page. */ pageElement: HTMLDivElement; } export declare class _ActionQueue { private _actions; private _isStarted; private _any; queue(action: Function): void; _continue(): void; start(): void; readonly isStarted: boolean; } export interface _ITouchEventsMap { startName: string; moveName: string; endName: string; } export declare function _getTouchEventMap(): _ITouchEventsMap; export declare enum _TouchDirection { None = 0, Left = 1, Up = 2, Right = 3, Down = 4 } export declare class _TouchInfo { static getCenter(start: Point, end: Point): Point; static getCenterClient(startInfo: _TouchInfo, endInfo: _TouchInfo): Point; static getCenterScreen(startInfo: _TouchInfo, endInfo: _TouchInfo): Point; static getDistance(startInfo: _TouchInfo, endInfo: _TouchInfo): number; static _getDirection(start: _TouchInfo, end: _TouchInfo): _TouchDirection; private _id; private _target; private _screenX; private _screenY; private _clientX; private _clientY; private _systemTouchInfo; constructor(source: Touch | PointerEvent); readonly id: number; readonly systemTouchInfo: Touch | PointerEvent; readonly screenX: number; readonly screenY: number; readonly clientX: number; readonly clientY: number; } export declare class _SpeedReducer { private _timeInterval; private _speedInterval; private _timer; private _disposeEvents; timeInterval: number; speedInterval: number; stop(): void; start(speedX: number, speedY: number, intervalAction: (x: number, y: number) => void): void; } export declare class _Scroller extends Control { private static _scrollbarWidth; static getScrollbarWidth(refresh?: boolean): number; } export interface _IEnumItem { text: string; value: number; } export declare function _enumToArray(enumType: any): _IEnumItem[]; export declare class _RubberbandOnAppliedEventArgs extends EventArgs { private _rect; constructor(rect: Rect); readonly rect: Rect; } export declare class _LinkClickedEventArgs extends EventArgs { private _a; constructor(a: SVGElement); readonly element: SVGElement; } export declare enum _ParameterType { Boolean = 0, DateTime = 1, Time = 2, Date = 3, Integer = 4, Float = 5, String = 6 } /** * Specifies the type of a catalog item. */ export declare enum CatalogItemType { /** * A folder. */ Folder = 0, /** * A FlexReport definition file. */ File = 1, /** * An SSRS report or a FlexReport defined in the FlexReport definition file. */ Report = 2 } /** * Provides arguments for {@link wijmo.viewer.ViewerBase.queryLoadingData} event. */ export declare class QueryLoadingDataEventArgs extends EventArgs { private _data; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link QueryLoadingDataEventArgs} class. * * @param data The request data sent to the service on loading the document. */ constructor(data?: any); /** * Gets the request data sent to the service on loading the document. */ readonly data: any; } export declare class _ExecutionStatus { static loaded: string; static rendering: string; static completed: string; static stopped: string; static cleared: string; static notFound: string; } export declare enum _ActionKind { Bookmark = 0, Custom = 1 } /** * Specifies the mouse modes, which defines the mouse behavior of viewer. */ export declare enum MouseMode { /** Select text. */ SelectTool = 0, /** Move page. */ MoveTool = 1, /** Rubberband to zoom. */ RubberbandTool = 2, /** Magnifier tool. */ MagnifierTool = 3 } /** * Specifies the view modes, which define how to show document pages in the view panel. */ export declare enum ViewMode { /** Only show one document page. */ Single = 0, /** Show document pages continuously. */ Continuous = 1 } /** * Describes the supported zoom modes of FlexViewer. */ export declare enum ZoomMode { /** Custom zoom mode. The actual zoom factor is determined by the value of the {@link ViewerBase.zoomFactor} property. */ Custom = 0, /** Pages are zoomed in or out as necessary to fit the page width in the view panel. */ PageWidth = 1, /** Pages are zoomed in or out as necessary to fit the whole page in the view panel. */ WholePage = 2 } export declare enum _ViewerActionType { TogglePaginated = 0, Print = 1, Portrait = 2, Landscape = 3, ShowPageSetupDialog = 4, FirstPage = 5, PrePage = 6, NextPage = 7, LastPage = 8, PageNumber = 9, PageCountLabel = 10, Backward = 11, Forward = 12, SelectTool = 13, MoveTool = 14, Continuous = 15, Single = 16, ZoomOut = 17, ZoomIn = 18, ZoomValue = 19, FitWholePage = 20, FitPageWidth = 21, ToggleFullScreen = 22, ShowHamburgerMenu = 23, ShowViewMenu = 24, ShowSearchBar = 25, ShowThumbnails = 26, ShowOutlines = 27, ShowExportsPanel = 28, ShowPageSetupPanel = 29, ShowZoomBar = 30, ShowSearchOptions = 31, SearchPrev = 32, SearchNext = 33, SearchMatchCase = 34, SearchMatchWholeWord = 35, RubberbandTool = 36, MagnifierTool = 37, RotateDocument = 38, RotatePage = 39 } export declare enum _RotateAngle { NoRotate = 0, Rotation90 = 1, Rotation180 = 2, Rotation270 = 3 } export declare enum _PaperKind { Custom = 0, Letter = 1, LetterSmall = 2, Tabloid = 3, Ledger = 4, Legal = 5, Statement = 6, Executive = 7, A3 = 8, A4 = 9, A4Small = 10, A5 = 11, B4 = 12, B5 = 13, Folio = 14, Quarto = 15, Standard10x14 = 16, Standard11x17 = 17, Note = 18, Number9Envelope = 19, Number10Envelope = 20, Number11Envelope = 21, Number12Envelope = 22, Number14Envelope = 23, CSheet = 24, DSheet = 25, ESheet = 26, DLEnvelope = 27, C5Envelope = 28, C3Envelope = 29, C4Envelope = 30, C6Envelope = 31, C65Envelope = 32, B4Envelope = 33, B5Envelope = 34, B6Envelope = 35, ItalyEnvelope = 36, MonarchEnvelope = 37, PersonalEnvelope = 38, USStandardFanfold = 39, GermanStandardFanfold = 40, GermanLegalFanfold = 41, IsoB4 = 42, JapanesePostcard = 43, Standard9x11 = 44, Standard10x11 = 45, Standard15x11 = 46, InviteEnvelope = 47, LetterExtra = 50, LegalExtra = 51, TabloidExtra = 52, A4Extra = 53, LetterTransverse = 54, A4Transverse = 55, LetterExtraTransverse = 56, APlus = 57, BPlus = 58, LetterPlus = 59, A4Plus = 60, A5Transverse = 61, B5Transverse = 62, A3Extra = 63, A5Extra = 64, B5Extra = 65, A2 = 66, A3Transverse = 67, A3ExtraTransverse = 68, JapaneseDoublePostcard = 69, A6 = 70, JapaneseEnvelopeKakuNumber2 = 71, JapaneseEnvelopeKakuNumber3 = 72, JapaneseEnvelopeChouNumber3 = 73, JapaneseEnvelopeChouNumber4 = 74, LetterRotated = 75, A3Rotated = 76, A4Rotated = 77, A5Rotated = 78, B4JisRotated = 79, B5JisRotated = 80, JapanesePostcardRotated = 81, JapaneseDoublePostcardRotated = 82, A6Rotated = 83, JapaneseEnvelopeKakuNumber2Rotated = 84, JapaneseEnvelopeKakuNumber3Rotated = 85, JapaneseEnvelopeChouNumber3Rotated = 86, JapaneseEnvelopeChouNumber4Rotated = 87, B6Jis = 88, B6JisRotated = 89, Standard12x11 = 90, JapaneseEnvelopeYouNumber4 = 91, JapaneseEnvelopeYouNumber4Rotated = 92, Prc16K = 93, Prc32K = 94, Prc32KBig = 95, PrcEnvelopeNumber1 = 96, PrcEnvelopeNumber2 = 97, PrcEnvelopeNumber3 = 98, PrcEnvelopeNumber4 = 99, PrcEnvelopeNumber5 = 100, PrcEnvelopeNumber6 = 101, PrcEnvelopeNumber7 = 102, PrcEnvelopeNumber8 = 103, PrcEnvelopeNumber9 = 104, PrcEnvelopeNumber10 = 105, Prc16KRotated = 106, Prc32KRotated = 107, Prc32KBigRotated = 108, PrcEnvelopeNumber1Rotated = 109, PrcEnvelopeNumber2Rotated = 110, PrcEnvelopeNumber3Rotated = 111, PrcEnvelopeNumber4Rotated = 112, PrcEnvelopeNumber5Rotated = 113, PrcEnvelopeNumber6Rotated = 114, PrcEnvelopeNumber7Rotated = 115, PrcEnvelopeNumber8Rotated = 116, PrcEnvelopeNumber9Rotated = 117, PrcEnvelopeNumber10Rotated = 118 } /** * Provides arguments for {@link wijmo.viewer.ViewerBase.beforeSendRequest} event. */ export declare class RequestEventArgs extends EventArgs { private _url; private _settings; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link RequestEventArgs} class. * * @param url String containing the URL to which the request is sent. * @param settings An object used to configure the request. It has the * same structure and semantics as the settings parameter of the * {@link wijmo.httpRequest} method. */ constructor(url: string, settings: any); /** * Gets or sets the URL to which the request is sent. */ url: string; /** * Gets or sets the object used to configure the request. It has the * same structure and semantics as the settings parameter of the * {@link wijmo.httpRequest} method. */ settings: any; } export declare const ViewerBaseClsNames: { applyButton: string; btnSearch: string; container: string; contents: string; dialogFooter: string; dialogHeader: string; exportContainer: string; exportEditor: string; exportFormat: string; exportFormats: string; exportFormatsFooter: string; exportFormatsGroup: string; exportFormatsWrapper: string; footer: string; headers: string; hostElement: string; inputZoom: string; leftpanel: string; loading: string; magnifier: string; miniToolbar: string; nav: string; outer: string; outlinesTree: string; pageCount: string; pageNumber: string; pageSetupContainer: string; pageSetupFooter: string; pageThumbnail: string; pageViewContinuous: string; pageViewPagesContainer: string; pageViewSingle: string; pageViewVScroller: string; pagesWrapper: string; pageview: string; parameterContainer: string; parameterControl: string; parameterErrorshidden: string; parameterHead: string; parameterHidden: string; parametersContainer: string; rubberBand: string; searchBar: string; searchBox: string; searchContainer: string; searchItem: string; searchNext: string; searchOption: string; searchPage: string; searchPre: string; searchResult: string; searchResultList: string; searchText: string; searchWrapper: string; searchbtnGroups: string; separator: string; splitter: string; tabContent: string; tabContentInner: string; tabContentWrapper: string; tabPane: string; tabTitle: string; tabTitleWrapper: string; tabsleft: string; tabtitle: string; tabtitleWrapper: string; thumbnailItem: string; thumbnailList: string; toolbar: string; toolbarContainer: string; toolbarMove: string; toolbarWrapper: string; vScrollerWrapper: string; viewPage: string; viewPanelContainer: string; viewerLoading: string; viewerMenu: string; zoomBar: string; }; export declare enum _UnitType { Document = 0, Inch = 1, Mm = 2, Pica = 3, Point = 4, Twip = 5, InHs = 6, Display = 7, Cm = 8, Dip = 9 } export declare class _Unit { static _MmPerInch: number; static _DocumentUnitsPerInch: number; static _PointsPerInch: number; static _TwipsPerInch: number; static _PicaPerInch: number; static _CmPerInch: number; static _DisplayPerInch: number; static _DipPerInch: number; private static _unitTypes; private static _unitTypeDic; private _value; private _units; private _valueInPixel; constructor(value: any, units?: _UnitType); private static _initUnitTypeDic; readonly value: number; readonly units: _UnitType; readonly valueInPixel: number; toString(): string; static toString(unit: _Unit): string; static convertValue(value: number, from: _UnitType, to: _UnitType): number; } export interface _IRect { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; } export interface _ISize { width: _Unit; height: _Unit; } /** * Defines the interface of promise which is used for asynchronous calling. */ export interface IPromise { /** * Call the function after a promise is fulfilled or rejected. * * @param onFulfilled The function which will be executed when a promise is fulfilled. * This has a single parameter, the fulfillment value. If a value is returned, it will be * passed to the next callback function. If no value is returned, the original value will be passed. * @param onRejected The function which will be executed when a promise is rejected. * This has a single parameter, the rejection reason. If a value is returned, it will be * passed to the next callback function. If no value is returned, the original value will be passed. * @return An IPromise equivalent to the value you return from onFulfilled/onRejected after being passed. */ then(onFulfilled?: (value?: any) => any, onRejected?: (reason?: any) => any): IPromise; /** * Call the function after a promise is rejected. * * @param onRejected The function which will be executed when a promise is rejected. * This has a single parameter, the rejection reason. The return value will be * passed to the next callback function. * @return An IPromise equivalent to the value returned by onFulfilled/onRejected after being passed. */ catch(onRejected: (reason?: any) => any): IPromise; } export declare class _Promise implements IPromise { private _callbacks; private _finished; readonly isFinished: boolean; cancel(): void; then(onFulfilled?: (value?: any) => any, onRejected?: (reason?: any) => any): this; catch(onRejected: (reason?: any) => any): IPromise; resolve(value?: any): this; reject(reason?: any): this; onFulfilled(value: any): void; onRejected(reason: any): void; } export declare class _CompositedPromise extends _Promise { private _promises; constructor(promises: IPromise[]); _init(): void; } export interface _IDocumentService { serviceUrl: string; filePath: string; } export interface _IDocumentStatus { status: string; errorList: string[]; progress: number; pageCount: number; expiredDateTime: Date; hasOutlines: boolean; initialPosition: any; } export interface _IDocumentFeatures { paginated: boolean; nonPaginated: boolean; textSearchInPaginatedMode: boolean; pageSettings: boolean; } export interface _IDocumentStatus { status: string; errorList: string[]; progress: number; pageCount: number; expiredDateTime: Date; hasOutlines: boolean; initialPosition: any; } export interface _IDocumentFeatures { paginated: boolean; nonPaginated: boolean; textSearchInPaginatedMode: boolean; pageSettings: boolean; } export interface _IExecutionInfo { path: string; loadedDateTime: Date; expiredDateTime: Date; pageSettings?: _IPageSettings; features?: _IDocumentFeatures; status?: _IDocumentStatus; outlinesLocation: string; statusLocation: string; pageSettingsLocation: string; featuresLocation: string; supportedFormatsLocation: string; } export interface _IExecutionInfo { path: string; loadedDateTime: Date; expiredDateTime: Date; pageSettings?: _IPageSettings; features?: _IDocumentFeatures; status?: _IDocumentStatus; outlinesLocation: string; statusLocation: string; pageSettingsLocation: string; featuresLocation: string; supportedFormatsLocation: string; } export interface _IPageSettings { paginated: boolean; height: _Unit; width: _Unit; bottomMargin: _Unit; landscape: boolean; leftMargin: _Unit; paperSize: _PaperKind; rightMargin: _Unit; topMargin: _Unit; } export interface _ISearchResultItem { nearText: string; positionInNearText: number; boundsList: _IRect[]; pageIndex: number; } export interface _IOutlineNode { caption: string; children: _IOutlineNode[] | (() => IPromise); level: number; target: string; position?: _IDocumentPosition; } export interface _IDocumentPosition { pageBounds?: _IRect; pageIndex: number; } export interface _IExportDescription { name: string; format: string; optionDescriptions?: _IExportOptionDescription[]; } export interface _IExportOptionDescription { name: string; type: string; nullable: boolean; defaultValue: any; allowedValues?: string[]; group: string; } export interface _IDocumentOptions extends _IDocumentService { paginated?: boolean; } export interface _IRenderOptions { format: string; paged?: boolean; outputRange?: string | number; resolution?: number; } export interface _ISearchOptions { text: string; matchCase?: boolean; wholeWord?: boolean; } export interface _IReportService extends _IDocumentService { reportName: string; } export interface _IReportOptions extends _IDocumentOptions, _IReportService { } export interface _IReportStatus extends _IDocumentStatus { initialPosition: _IDocumentPosition; } export interface _IReportExecutionInfo extends _IExecutionInfo { id: string; hasParameters: boolean; parametersLocation: string; } export interface _IParameter { allowBlank: boolean; allowedValues: { key: string; value: any; }[]; dataType: _ParameterType; error?: string; hidden: boolean; maxLength: number; multiValue: boolean; name: string; nullable: boolean; prompt: string; value: any; } /** * Describes an item in the report server of a specific path. */ export interface ICatalogItem { /** * The short name of the item. */ name: string; /** * The full path (starts with the report provider key) of the item. */ path: string; /** * The type of the item. */ type: CatalogItemType; /** * The array of child items. */ items: ICatalogItem[]; } export declare const _abstractMethodExceptionText = "It is an abstract method, please implement it."; export declare const _hiddenCss = "hidden"; export declare function _pointMove(positive: boolean, pos: Point, detalPosOrX: Point | number, y?: number): Point; export declare function _disableCache(url: string): string; export declare function _removeChildren(node: HTMLElement, condition?: (ele: Element) => boolean): void; export declare function _toDOMs(html: string): DocumentFragment; export declare function _addEvent(elm: any, evType: string, fn: Function, useCapture?: boolean): void; export declare function _removeEvent(elm: any, evType: string, fn: Function): void; export declare function _addWjHandler(key: string, event: Event, func: IEventHandler, self?: any): void; export declare function _removeAllWjHandlers(key: string, event: Event): void; export declare function _getErrorMessage(reason: any): string; export declare function _twipToPixel(value: number): number; export declare function _pixelToTwip(value: number): number; export declare function _transformSvg(svg: SVGElement, width: number, height: number, zoomFactor?: number, rotateAngle?: _RotateAngle): SVGElement; export declare function _getTransformedPosition(bound: _IRect, size: _ISize, rotateAngle: _RotateAngle, zoomFactor: number): Point; export declare function _getRotatedSize(size: _ISize, rotateAngle: _RotateAngle): _ISize; export declare function _strEndsWith(str: string, value: string, ignoreCase?: boolean): boolean; export declare function _isEqual(a: any, b: any): boolean; export declare class _ParametersEditor extends Control { private _itemSources; private _parameters; private _errors; private static _paramIdAttr; private static _errorsHiddenCss; private _errorsVisible; private _validateTimer; private _lastEditedParam; private static _dateTimeFormat; private _savingParam; readonly commit: Event; readonly validate: Event; constructor(element: any); _setErrors(value: any[]): void; readonly parameters: Object; itemsSource: _IParameter[]; savingParam: boolean; _reset(): void; _setErrorsVisible(value: boolean): void; _updateErrorsVisible(): void; onCommit(): void; onValidate(): void; _deferValidate(paramName: string, beforeValidate?: Function, afterValidate?: Function): void; private _updateErrorDiv; _render(): void; refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; _validateParameters(): boolean; static _isFloat(value: string): boolean; static _checkValueType(value: string, isSpecificType: Function): boolean; private _generateComboEditor; private _updateParameters; private _generateBoolEditor; private _generateStringEditor; private _createTextarea; private _bindTextChangedEvent; private _generateNumberEditor; private _generateDateTimeEditor; private _validateNullValueOfParameter; } export declare function _statusJsonReviver(k: string, v: any): any; export declare function _pageSettingsJsonReviver(k: string, v: any): any; export declare function _appendQueryString(url: string, queries: Object): string; export declare function _joinUrl(...data: (string | string[])[]): string; export declare function _joinStringUrl(data: string[]): string[]; export declare function _prepareStringUrl(data: string): string[]; export declare function _parseReportExecutionInfo(json: string): _IReportExecutionInfo; export declare enum _TouchEventType { Start = 0, Move = 1, End = 2 } export declare class _TouchEventArgs extends EventArgs { private _systemEvent; private _type; private _touchInfos; constructor(systemEvent: TouchEvent | PointerEvent | _TouchEventArgs); readonly timeStamp: number; readonly touchInfos: _TouchInfo[]; readonly systemEvent: TouchEvent | PointerEvent; readonly target: EventTarget; readonly currentTarget: EventTarget; readonly type: _TouchEventType; readonly pointersCount: number; cancelBubble: boolean; preventDefault(): void; } export declare class _TouchEvent extends Event { raise(sender: any, args: _TouchEventArgs): void; } export declare class _TouchTrigger { private _element; private _disposeAction; private static _elementDataName; private static bindElement; private static unbindElement; static getTrigger(element: HTMLElement): _TouchTrigger; constructor(source: any); _onSystemTouchEvent(event: any): void; _createTouchEventArgs(e: any): _TouchEventArgs; dispose(): void; readonly hostElement: HTMLElement; _onTouchEvent(sender: any, e: _TouchEventArgs): void; touchMove: selfModule._TouchEvent; touchStart: selfModule._TouchEvent; touchEnd: selfModule._TouchEvent; onTouchEnd(event: _TouchEventArgs): void; onTouchStart(event: _TouchEventArgs): void; onTouchMove(event: _TouchEventArgs): void; } export declare class _PinchEventArgs extends _TouchEventArgs { private _pinchType; private _pinchDistance; private _centerClient; private _centerClientDelta; private _centerScreen; private _centerScreenDelta; private _pre; private _zoom; constructor(touchEventArgs: _TouchEventArgs, pinchType: _TouchEventType, pre?: _PinchEventArgs); readonly zoom: number; readonly pointersCount: number; readonly prePinchDistance: number; readonly pinchDistance: number; readonly centerScreenDelta: Point; readonly centerClientDelta: Point; readonly centerClient: Point; readonly preCenterClient: Point; readonly centerScreen: Point; readonly preCenterScreen: Point; readonly type: _TouchEventType; } export declare class _PinchEvent extends _TouchEvent { raise(sender: any, args: _PinchEventArgs): void; } export declare class _PinchTrigger extends _TouchTrigger { private _preEventArgs; pinch: selfModule._PinchEvent; onPinch(args: _PinchEventArgs): void; onTouchStart(args: _TouchEventArgs): void; onTouchend(args: _TouchEventArgs): void; onTouchMove(args: _TouchEventArgs): void; private _onPinching; private _onPinchEnd; private _process; } export declare class _PanEventArgs extends _TouchEventArgs { private _panType; private _client; private _screen; private _clientDelta; private _screenDelta; constructor(args: _TouchEventArgs, pre?: _PanEventArgs, type?: _TouchEventType); readonly type: selfModule._TouchEventType; readonly clientDelta: Point; readonly screenDelta: Point; readonly client: Point; readonly screen: Point; readonly pointersCount: number; readonly touchInfo: _TouchInfo; } export declare class _PanEvent extends _TouchEvent { raise(sender: any, args: _PanEventArgs): void; } export declare class _PanTrigger extends _TouchTrigger { private _panEvents; private _panStartTimer; private static _threhold; private _prePanEventArgs; panMove: selfModule._PanEvent; panStart: selfModule._PanEvent; panEnd: selfModule._PanEvent; onPanEnd(args: _PanEventArgs): void; onPanStart(args: _PanEventArgs): void; onPanMove(args: _PanEventArgs): void; private _prepareMove; private _prepareStart; private _prepareEnd; private _clearPanStartTimer; private _tryStopPan; private _stopPan; private _processPan; onTouchStart(args: _TouchEventArgs): void; onTouchMove(args: _TouchEventArgs): void; onTouchEnd(args: _TouchEventArgs): void; private _createPanEventArgs; } export declare class _SwipeEventArgs extends _PanEventArgs { private _duration; private _startTouchInfo; private _endTouchInfo; private _speed; private _direction; constructor(startInfo: _TouchInfo, endInfo: _TouchInfo, panEventArgs: _PanEventArgs, duration: number); readonly duration: number; readonly startTouchInfo: _TouchInfo; readonly endTouchInfo: _TouchInfo; readonly speed: Point; readonly pointersCount: number; readonly direction: _TouchDirection; } export declare class _SwipeEvent extends _PanEvent { raise(sender: any, args: _SwipeEventArgs): void; } export declare class _SwipeTrigger extends _PanTrigger { static minDistance: number; static maxDuration: number; private _panStartEventArgs; private _prePanMoveEventArgs; swipe: selfModule._SwipeEvent; static getSpeed(distance: number, duration: number): number; onPanStart(args: _PanEventArgs): void; onPanMove(args: _PanEventArgs): void; onPanEnd(args: _PanEventArgs): void; onSwipe(args: _SwipeEventArgs): void; _createSwipeEventArgs(endArgs: _PanEventArgs): _SwipeEventArgs; } export declare class _TouchManager { private static _touchPointerName; static _allTouchInfos: _TouchInfo[]; static _isTouchEvent(event: PointerEvent | TouchEvent): boolean; static _isTouchStart(type: string): boolean; static _isTouchEnd(type: string): boolean; static _isTouchMove(type: string): boolean; static _eventTypeContains(current: string, definitions: string): boolean; static _registerTouchInfo(systemEvent: TouchEvent | PointerEvent): void; private _trigger; private _pinchTrigger; private _removeDefaultTouch; private _defaultTouchAction; private _defaultMsTouchAction; constructor(element: any, removeDefaultTouch?: boolean); touchMove: selfModule._TouchEvent; touchStart: selfModule._TouchEvent; touchEnd: selfModule._TouchEvent; panMove: selfModule._PanEvent; panStart: selfModule._PanEvent; panEnd: selfModule._PanEvent; swipe: selfModule._SwipeEvent; pinch: selfModule._PinchEvent; onPinch(event: _PinchEventArgs): void; onSwipe(event: _SwipeEventArgs): void; onTouchEnd(event: _TouchEventArgs): void; onTouchStart(event: _TouchEventArgs): void; onTouchMove(event: _TouchEventArgs): void; onPanEnd(args: _PanEventArgs): void; onPanStart(args: _PanEventArgs): void; onPanMove(args: _PanEventArgs): void; removeDefaultTouch: boolean; readonly hostElement: HTMLElement; readonly contentElement: Element; dispose(): void; } export declare class _VScroller extends _Scroller { private _wrapper; private _height; private _max; private _desiredValue; static _ctrlTemplate: string; static controlTemplate: string; constructor(element: any); readonly valueChanged: Event; onValueChanged(): void; preventScrollEvent(): void; height: number; value: number; max: number; refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; } export declare class _ExportOptionEditor extends Control { private _exportDescription; private _options; private _previousEmbedFonts; private _previousShowNavigator; private static _optionIdAttr; private static _optionNameAttr; private static _skippedOptions; private static _generalGroupName; private _optionLabels; private _groupTitleField; constructor(element: any); readonly options: Object; exportDescription: _IExportDescription; private _skipOption; private _render; private _generateEditor; private _generateComboEditor; private _generateBoolEditor; private _generateNumberEditor; private _generateStringEditor; private _generateGroup; private _updateEditors; private _getOptionLabel; private _getOptionDescByName; private _getOptionValue; private _setOptionValue; private readonly _optionLabelsText; private readonly _groupTitle; private _globalize; refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; } export interface _IHttpRequest { method?: string; urlEncode?: boolean; data?: any; async?: boolean; cache?: boolean; success?: (xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => void; user?: string; password?: string; requestHeaders?: any; beforeSend?: (xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => void; error?: (xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => void; responseType?: string; } /** * Represents a routine for processing HTTP requests. */ export interface IHttpRequestHandler { /** * Occurs before the request is sent to the server. * @param args Describes the current request. */ beforeSend(args: RequestEventArgs): void; /** * Gets or sets an object containing request headers to be used when sending or requesting data. */ requestHeaders: any; } export declare function _httpRequest(url: string, handler: IHttpRequestHandler, settings?: _IHttpRequest): XMLHttpRequest; export interface _IDocAction { kind: _ActionKind; data?: string; } export interface _IHistory { zoomMode?: ZoomMode; zoomFactor?: number; position?: _IDocumentPosition; viewMode?: ViewMode; pageAngles?: _RotateAngle[]; } export interface _IViewerActionChangedEventArgs { action: _IViewerAction; } export interface _IViewerAction { actionType: _ViewerActionType; disabled: boolean; checked: boolean; shown: boolean; } export interface _IViewModeChangedEventArgs { oldValue: ViewMode; newValue: ViewMode; } export declare class _HistoryManager { private _items; private _position; readonly statusChanged: Event; private _onStatusChanged; readonly current: _IHistory; clear(): void; add(): void; forward(): _IHistory; backward(): _IHistory; canForward(): boolean; canBackward(): boolean; } export declare enum _ArActionKind { Hyperlink = "hyperlink", Bookmark = "bookmark", Drillthrough = "drillthrough", Sort = "sort", Toggle = "toggle" } export interface _IArDocAction extends _IDocAction { arKind: _ArActionKind; } export interface IArClientParameter { Name: string; Value: any; } export declare enum _ArParameterType { String = 0, DateTime = 1, Boolean = 2, Integer = 3, Float = 4 } export declare enum _ArParameterState { OK = 0, ExpectValue = 1, HasOutstandingDependencies = 2, ValuesValidationFailed = 3, DynamicValuesUnavailable = 4 } export interface _IArParameterValue { Label: string; Value: any; } export interface _IArParameter { Name: string; ParameterType: _ArParameterType; Prompt: string; Nullable: boolean; MultiLine: boolean; MultiValue: boolean; AllowEmpty: boolean; DateOnly: boolean; Value: any; Values: _IArParameterValue[]; AvailableValues: _IArParameterValue[]; State: _ArParameterState; ExtendedErrorInfo: string; DependantParameters: _IArParameter[]; } export interface _IArExecutionInfo extends _IExecutionInfo { } export interface _IArExportOptions extends _IRenderOptions { printing?: boolean; } export declare class _DocumentService implements _IDocumentService { private _url; private _documentPath; private _httpHandler; constructor(options: _IDocumentService, httpHandler: IHttpRequestHandler); readonly serviceUrl: string; readonly filePath: string; getStatus(): IPromise; setPageSettings(pageSettings: _IPageSettings): IPromise; getBookmark(name: string): IPromise; executeCustomAction(action: _IDocAction): IPromise; load(data?: any): IPromise; dispose(): IPromise; getOutlines(): IPromise; renderToFilter(options: _IRenderOptions): IPromise; search(searchOptions: _ISearchOptions): IPromise; getRenderToFilterUrl(options: _IRenderOptions): IPromise; getExportedUrl(options: _IRenderOptions): IPromise; getSupportedExportDescriptions(): IPromise; getFeatures(): IPromise; getPingTimeout(): number; getFileName(): string; downloadDataUrl(url: string): IPromise; downloadBlob(url: string): IPromise; httpRequest(url: string, settings?: _IHttpRequest): IPromise; } export declare class _ReportServiceBase extends _DocumentService { render(): IPromise; } export declare class _ReportService extends _ReportServiceBase implements _IReportService { private _reportName; private _instanceId; private _status; private _outlinesLocation; private _statusLocation; private _pageSettingsLocation; private _featuresLocation; private _parametersLocation; private static _reportCommand; private static _instancesCommand; private static _customActionParam; private static _renderAction; private static _searchAction; private static _cancelAction; private static _outlinesAction; private static _exportAction; private static _parametersAction; private static _bookmarkAction; private static _pageSettingsAction; private static _supportedFormatsAction; private static _invalidReportControllerError; private static _invalidReportCacheControllerError; constructor(options: _IReportService, httpHandler: IHttpRequestHandler); readonly isCleared: boolean; static getReportNames(serviceUrl: string, reportFilePath: string, httpHandler?: IHttpRequestHandler): IPromise; static getReports(serviceUrl: string, path: string, data?: any, httpHandler?: IHttpRequestHandler): IPromise; readonly reportName: string; getBookmark(name: string): IPromise; executeCustomAction(action: _IDocAction): IPromise; getStatus(): IPromise; getDocumentStatus(): IPromise; _getReportCache(): IPromise; getParameters(): IPromise; _getUrlMainPart(): string; _getReportUrl(...params: string[]): string; _getReportInstancesUrl(...params: string[]): string; _checkReportController(promise: _Promise): boolean; _checkReportInstanceController(promise?: _Promise): boolean; _getError(xhr: XMLHttpRequest): string; render(data?: any): IPromise; renderToFilter(options: _IRenderOptions): IPromise; load(data?: any): IPromise; cancel(): IPromise; dispose(): IPromise; getOutlines(): IPromise; getRenderToFilterUrl(options: _IRenderOptions): IPromise; getExportedUrl(options: _IRenderOptions): IPromise; search(searchOptions: _ISearchOptions): IPromise; setPageSettings(pageSettings: _IPageSettings): IPromise; setParameters(parameters: Object): IPromise; getSupportedExportDescriptions(): IPromise; getFeatures(): IPromise; } export declare class _DocumentSource { static _abstractMethodException: string; private _features; private _paginated; private _hasOutlines; private _pageCount; private _service; private _supportedExportDescriptions; private _pageSettings; private _isLoadCompleted; private _isInstanceCreated; private _isDisposed; private _errors; private _expiredDateTime; private _executionDateTime; private _initialPosition; private _httpHandler; readonly pageCountChanged: Event; readonly disposed: Event; readonly pageSettingsChanged: Event; readonly loading: Event; readonly loadCompleted: Event; readonly queryLoadingData: Event; onQueryLoadingData(e: QueryLoadingDataEventArgs): void; constructor(options: _IDocumentOptions, httpHandler: IHttpRequestHandler); _updateIsLoadCompleted(value: boolean): void; _updateIsDisposed(value: boolean): void; _getIsDisposed(): boolean; _checkHasOutlines(data: _IDocumentStatus): boolean; _checkIsLoadCompleted(data: _IDocumentStatus): boolean; readonly encodeRequestParams: boolean; readonly executionDateTime: Date; readonly expiredDateTime: Date; readonly errors: string[]; readonly isLoadCompleted: boolean; readonly isInstanceCreated: boolean; readonly isDisposed: boolean; readonly features: _IDocumentFeatures; readonly pageSettings: _IPageSettings; onPageSettingsChanged(e?: EventArgs): void; onLoadCompleted(e?: EventArgs): void; onLoading(e?: EventArgs): void; onDisposed(e?: EventArgs): void; setPageSettings(pageSettings: _IPageSettings): IPromise; _updatePageSettings(newValue: _IPageSettings): void; readonly _innerService: _DocumentService; readonly paginated: boolean; readonly hasThumbnails: boolean; readonly hasOutlines: boolean; readonly pageCount: number; initialPosition: _IDocumentPosition; readonly service: _IDocumentService; getSupportedExportDescriptions(): IPromise; getBookmark(name: string): IPromise; executeCustomAction(action: _IDocAction): IPromise; getOutlines(): IPromise; getFeatures(): IPromise; dispose(): IPromise; load(): IPromise; _updateExecutionInfo(data: _IExecutionInfo): void; _updateDocumentStatus(data: _IDocumentStatus): void; _getExecutionDateTime(data: _IExecutionInfo): Date; _getExpiredDateTime(data: _IDocumentStatus | _IExecutionInfo): Date; _getPageCount(data: _IDocumentStatus): number; _updatePageCount(value: number): void; getStatus(): IPromise; _createDocumentService(options: _IDocumentService): _DocumentService; onPageCountChanged(e?: EventArgs): void; export(options: _IRenderOptions): void; print(rotations?: _RotateAngle[]): void; protected readonly httpHandler: IHttpRequestHandler; private _removeScript; private _rotate; renderToFilter(options: _IRenderOptions): IPromise; getRenderToFilterUrl(options: _IRenderOptions): IPromise; getExportedUrl(options: _IRenderOptions, raiseEvent?: boolean): IPromise; search(searchOptions: _ISearchOptions): IPromise; } export declare class _ReportSourceBase extends _DocumentSource { private _status; constructor(options: _IDocumentOptions, httpHandler: IHttpRequestHandler); readonly statusChanged: Event; readonly autoRun: boolean; readonly hasParameters: boolean; status: string; getParameters(): IPromise; setParameters(parameters: Object): IPromise; render(): IPromise; executeCustomAction(action: _IDocAction): IPromise; onStatusChanged(e?: EventArgs): void; readonly _innerService: _ReportServiceBase; _updateDocumentStatus(data: _IReportStatus): void; } export declare class _Report extends _ReportSourceBase { private _hasParameters; private _parameters; constructor(options: _IReportOptions, httpHandler: IHttpRequestHandler); static getReportNames(serviceUrl: string, reportFilePath: string, httpHandler?: IHttpRequestHandler): IPromise; static getReports(serviceUrl: string, path: string, data?: any, httpHandler?: IHttpRequestHandler): IPromise; readonly reportName: string; readonly hasParameters: boolean; load(): IPromise; cancel(): IPromise; dispose(): IPromise; setParameters(parameters: Object): IPromise; getParameters(): IPromise; _getIsDisposed(): boolean; _updateExecutionInfo(data: _IReportExecutionInfo): void; _checkIsLoadCompleted(data: _IReportStatus): boolean; _createDocumentService(options: _IReportService): _ReportService; readonly _innerService: _ReportService; } export declare class _PdfDocumentSource extends _DocumentSource { private _status; constructor(options: _IDocumentService, httpHandler: IHttpRequestHandler); readonly status: string; readonly _innerService: _PdfDocumentService; _createDocumentService(options: _IDocumentService): _PdfDocumentService; load(): IPromise; _updateStatus(newValue: string): void; getStatus(): IPromise; renderToFilter(options: _IRenderOptions): IPromise; _updateDocumentStatus(data: _IDocumentStatus): void; } export declare class _PdfDocumentService extends _DocumentService { private static _pdfCommand; private static _exportAction; private static _supportedFormatsAction; private static _searchAction; private static _invalidPdfControllerError; private _status; private _statusLocation; private _featuresLocation; _getPdfUrl(...params: string[]): string; _getPdfStatus(data?: any): IPromise; _checkPdfController(promise?: _Promise): boolean; dispose(): IPromise; load(data?: any): IPromise; getStatus(data?: any): IPromise; renderToFilter(options: _IRenderOptions, data?: any): IPromise; getRenderToFilterUrl(options: _IRenderOptions): IPromise; getExportedUrl(options: _IRenderOptions): IPromise; getSupportedExportDescriptions(): IPromise; getFeatures(): IPromise; search(searchOptions: _ISearchOptions): IPromise; } export declare function _parseExecutionInfo(json: string): _IExecutionInfo; export declare class _SearchManager { private _documentSource; private _text; private _matchCase; private _wholeWord; private _searchResult; private _currentIndex; readonly currentChanged: Event; readonly searchStarted: Event; readonly searchCompleted: Event; readonly resultsCleared: Event; readonly textChanged: Event; readonly current: _ISearchResultItem; currentIndex: number; documentSource: _DocumentSource; matchCase: boolean; readonly searchResult: _ISearchResultItem[]; text: string; wholeWord: boolean; clear(): void; search(pre?: boolean): void; private _clearResults; private _getSearchResults; private _onCurrentChanged; private _onSearchStarted; private _onSearchCompleted; private _onResultsCleared; private _onTextChanged; } export declare class _Page { private _documentSource; private _parent; private _size?; private _content; private _index; private _rotateAngle; private _contentPromise; private _pendingContent; private static _bookmarkReg; static _bookmarkAttr: string; private static _customActionReg; static _customActionAttr: string; private static _idReg; private static _idReferReg; private static _invalidHref; constructor(documentSource: _DocumentSource, index: number, size?: _ISize); readonly linkClicked: Event; readonly index: number; readonly size: _ISize; rotateAngle: _RotateAngle; readonly content: any; readonly pendingContent: boolean; getContent(): IPromise; protected _processSvgResponse(svg: string): string; _extractSize(content: HTMLElement): _ISize; private _onLinkClicked; protected _processActionLinks(svg: SVGElement, actionElementFound: (element: SVGElement) => void): void; private _addGlobalUniqueId; } export declare class _ArPage extends _Page { _processSvgResponse(svg: string): string; protected _processActionLinks(svg: SVGElement, actionElementFound: (element: SVGElement) => void): void; } export interface _IHitTestInfo { pageIndex: number; x: number; y: number; hitWorkingArea: boolean; } export interface _IPageHitTestInfo { pageIndex: number; x: number; y: number; } export interface _IPageView { pageIndex: number; pages: _Page[]; scrollTop: number; scrollLeft: number; panMode: boolean; zoomFactor: number; zoomMode: ZoomMode; pageIndexChanged: Event; zoomFactorChanged: Event; zoomModeChanged: Event; positionChanged: Event; rotateAngleChanged: Event; pageLoaded: Event; moveToPage(pageIndex: number): IPromise; moveToPosition(position: _IDocumentPosition): IPromise; rotatePageTo(pageIndex: number, rotateAngle: _RotateAngle): any; hitTest(x: number, y: number): _IHitTestInfo; isPageContentLoaded(pageIndex: number): boolean; resetPages(): any; invalidate(): any; refresh(): any; } export interface _IZoomModeChangedEventArgs { oldValue: ZoomMode; newValue: ZoomMode; } export interface _IZoomFactorChangedEventArgs { oldValue: number; newValue: number; } export interface IInnerDocumentPosition extends _IDocumentPosition { samePage?: boolean; } export declare class _PageViewBase extends Control implements _IPageView { private _autoHeightCalculated; private _startX; private _startY; private _panMode; private _pageIndex; private _pages; private _zoomFactor; private _zoomMode; private _touchManager; private _zoomModeUpdating; protected _pagesWrapper: HTMLElement; private _fBorderBoxMode; private _movingPromise; private _targetRenderPageIndex; static _pageMargin: number; static _pageBorderWidth: number; static _ctrlTemplate: string; static controlTemplate: string; constructor(element: any); _getTemplateParts(): object; _getPagesContainer(): HTMLElement; readonly pageIndexChanged: Event; readonly zoomFactorChanged: Event; readonly zoomModeChanged: Event; readonly positionChanged: Event; readonly rotateAngleChanged: Event; readonly pageLoaded: Event; _init(): void; dispose(): void; _bindTouchEvents(touchManager: _TouchManager): void; _initTouchEvents(): void; protected readonly _borderBoxMode: boolean; private _zoomByPinch; private _getFixedPosition; _getAbovePageCount(top: number): number; private _zoom; readonly pageIndex: number; pages: _Page[]; readonly scrollTop: number; readonly scrollLeft: number; private _zoomFactorChangeInitiated; private _zoomModeChangeInitiated; zoomFactor: number; zoomMode: ZoomMode; panMode: boolean; private _bindEvents; private _startPanning; private _panning; private _stopPanning; _onPageIndexChanged(): void; _onZoomFactorChanged(oldValue: number, newValue: number): void; _onZoomModeChanged(oldValue: ZoomMode, newValue: ZoomMode): void; _onPositionChanged(): void; _onRotateAngleChanged(): void; _onPageLoaded(pageIndex: number, pageElement: HTMLDivElement): void; _renderViewPage(viewPage: HTMLDivElement, pageIndex: number, isContinuous: boolean): IPromise; _reserveViewPage(): void; _getViewPortHeight(): number; _getViewPortWidth(): number; _setPageTransform(viewPage: HTMLDivElement, pageIndex: number): void; _addViewPage(): HTMLDivElement; _getPageSize(pageIndex: number): _ISize; _render(pageIndex: number): IPromise; _moveToPagePosition(position: _IDocumentPosition): void; _updatePageViewTransform(): void; _updatePageIndex(index: number): void; moveToPage(pageIndex: number): IPromise; resolvePageIndex(pageIndex: number): number; moveToPosition(position: _IDocumentPosition): IPromise; private _calcZoomModeZoom; _zoomToView(): void; private _calcZoomToViewFactor; _zoomToViewWidth(): void; protected _calcZoomToViewWidthFactor(): number; _getTransformedPoint(pageIndex: number, top: number, left: number): Point; _hitTestPagePosition(pnt: _IPageHitTestInfo): _IHitTestInfo; rotatePageTo(pageIndex: number, rotateAngle: _RotateAngle): void; hitTest(clientX: number, clientY: number): _IHitTestInfo; resetPages(): void; refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; isPageContentLoaded(pageIndex: number): boolean; protected _hitTestPageIndex(top: number): number; protected _pointInViewPanelClientArea(clientX: number, clientY: number): boolean; protected _panelViewPntToPageView(clientX: number, clientY: number): _IPageHitTestInfo; } export declare class _ContinuousPageView extends _PageViewBase { private static _preFetchPageCount; private _swipeSpeedReducer; private _disposeBodyStopSwipe; private _scrollingTimer; private _zoomFactorTimer; constructor(element: any); _init(): void; dispose(): void; _stopSwip(): void; _bindTouchEvents(touchManager: _TouchManager): void; _getAbovePageCount(top: number): number; refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; protected _hitTestPageIndex(top: number): number; _guessPageIndex(): number; _render(pageIndex: number): IPromise; _moveToPagePosition(position: _IDocumentPosition): void; protected _pointInViewPanelClientArea(clientX: number, clientY: number): boolean; protected _panelViewPntToPageView(clientX: number, clientY: number): _IPageHitTestInfo; _reserveViewPage(): void; _updatePageViewTransform(): void; _zoomToViewWidth(): void; protected _calcZoomToViewWidthFactor(): number; private _ensurePageIndexPosition; private _getPageViewOffsetLeft; } export declare class _SinglePageView extends _PageViewBase { private _pagesContainer; private _vscroller; private _desiredPageScrollTop; private _innerNavigating; private _virtualScrollMode; static _ctrlTemplate: string; static controlTemplate: string; constructor(element: any); _init(): void; private _initScroller; private _initEvents; _bindTouchEvents(touchManager: _TouchManager): void; _getTemplateParts(): object; applyTemplate(css: string, tpl: string, parts: Object): HTMLElement; virtualScrollMode: boolean; readonly _isScrollerVisible: boolean; readonly _scroller: _VScroller; readonly _hasPageVScrollBar: boolean; readonly _hasPageHScrollBar: boolean; _getPagesContainer(): HTMLElement; _getPageHeightWithoutZoom(pageIndex: number): number; private _hasScrollbar; private _updateScroller; _updateScrollerValue(): void; _doScrollerValueChanged(): void; _doContainerWheel(e: WheelEvent): void; _doContainerScroll(): void; _doContainerKeyDown(): void; _preventContainerScroll(): void; _innerMoveToPreviousPageAtBottom(e?: UIEvent): void; _innerMoveToNextPageAtTop(e?: UIEvent): void; _innerMoveToPage(pageIndex: number, pagePercent: number): void; _innerMoveToPagePosition(pagePercent: number): void; moveToPosition(position: _IDocumentPosition): IPromise; _moveToPagePosition(position: IInnerDocumentPosition): void; protected _hitTestPageIndex(top: number): number; protected _pointInViewPanelClientArea(clientX: number, clientY: number): boolean; protected _panelViewPntToPageView(clientX: number, clientY: number): _IPageHitTestInfo; _render(pageIndex: number): IPromise; _guessPageIndex(): number; _reserveViewPage(): void; _updatePageViewTransform(): void; _onPageLoaded(pageIndex: number, pageElement: HTMLDivElement): void; _onZoomFactorChanged(oldValue: number, newValue: number): void; _zoomToViewWidth(): void; protected _calcZoomToViewWidthFactor(): number; refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; } export declare class _CompositePageView extends Control implements _IPageView { private _activePageView; private _singlePageView; private _continuousPageView; private _viewMode; static _ctrlTemplate: string; static controlTemplate: string; constructor(element: any); readonly pageIndexChanged: Event; readonly zoomFactorChanged: Event; readonly zoomModeChanged: Event; readonly positionChanged: Event; readonly rotateAngleChanged: Event; readonly pageLoaded: Event; applyTemplate(css: string, tpl: string, parts: Object): HTMLElement; readonly pageIndex: number; pages: _Page[]; zoomMode: ZoomMode; zoomFactor: number; panMode: boolean; viewMode: ViewMode; readonly scrollTop: number; readonly scrollLeft: number; readonly _activePageViewElement: HTMLElement; onPageIndexChanged(): void; onZoomFactorChanged(oldValue: number, newValue: number): void; onZoomModeChanged(oldValue: ZoomMode, newValue: ZoomMode): void; onPositionChanged(): void; onRotateAngleChanged(): void; onPageLoaded(e: PageLoadedEventArgs): void; private _updateActivePageView; private _initPageView; private _addPageViewHandlers; private _handlerPageIndexChanged; private _handlerZoomFactorChanged; private _handlerZoomModeChanged; private _handlerPositionChanged; private _handlerRotateAngleChanged; private _handlerPageLoaded; private _removePageViewHandlers; private _updatePageViewsVisible; moveToPage(pageIndex: number): IPromise; moveToPosition(position: _IDocumentPosition): IPromise; rotatePageTo(pageIndex: number, rotateAngle: _RotateAngle): void; hitTest(x: number, y: number): _IHitTestInfo; resetPages(): void; refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; isPageContentLoaded(pageIndex: number): boolean; } export declare const _commandTagAttr = "command-tag"; export declare function isIOS(): boolean; export declare function _createSvgBtn(svgContent: string): HTMLElement; export declare function _checkImageButton(button: HTMLElement, checked: boolean): void; export declare function _checkSeparatorShown(container: HTMLElement): void; export declare function _disableImageButton(button: HTMLElement, disabled: boolean): void; export declare function _getPositionByHitTestInfo(hitTestInfo: _IHitTestInfo): _IDocumentPosition; export declare function _setLandscape(pageSettings: _IPageSettings, landscape: boolean): void; export declare function _showImageButton(button: HTMLElement, visible: boolean): void; export declare function _isDisabledImageButton(button: HTMLElement): boolean; export declare function _isCheckedImageButton(button: HTMLElement): boolean; export declare function _toDOM(html: string): HTMLElement; export declare class _Toolbar extends Control { _toolbarWrapper: HTMLElement; private _toolbarContainer; private _toolbarLeft; private _toolbarRight; private _toolbarMoveTimer; private static _moveStep; private static _moveInterval; private static _enabledCss; private _disposed; static _ctrlTemplate: string; static controlTemplate: string; constructor(element: any); applyTemplate(css: string, tpl: string, parts: Object): HTMLElement; dispose(): void; private _clearToolbarMoveTimer; private _scrollRight; private _scrollLeft; private _checkMoveButtonEnabled; private _showToolbarMoveButton; _globalize(): void; resetWidth(): void; addSeparator(): HTMLElement; svgButtonClicked: Event; onSvgButtonClicked(e: _IToolbarSvgButtonClickedEventArgs): void; addCustomItem(element: any, commandTag?: any): void; addSvgButton(title: string, svgContent: string, commandTag: any, isToggle?: boolean): HTMLElement; refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; } export declare class _ViewerToolbarBase extends _Toolbar { private _viewer; constructor(element: any, viewer: ViewerBase); _initToolbarItems(): void; onSvgButtonClicked(e: _IToolbarSvgButtonClickedEventArgs): void; readonly viewer: ViewerBase; static _initToolbarZoomValue(hostToolbar: HTMLElement, viewer: ViewerBase): void; static _initToolbarPageNumberInput(hostToolbar: HTMLElement, viewer: ViewerBase): void; } export declare class _SideTabs extends Control { private _headersContainer; private _contentsContainer; private _idCounter; private _tabPages; private _tabPageDic; readonly tabPageActived: Event; readonly tabPageVisibilityChanged: Event; readonly expanded: Event; readonly collapsed: Event; static _activedCss: string; static _collapsedCss: string; static _ctrlTemplate: string; static controlTemplate: string; constructor(element: any); applyTemplate(css: string, tpl: string, parts: Object): HTMLElement; readonly tabPages: _TabPage[]; getTabPage(id: string): _TabPage; getFirstShownTabPage(except?: _TabPage): _TabPage; readonly visibleTabPagesCount: number; readonly activedTabPage: _TabPage; removePage(page: string | _TabPage): void; addPage(title: string, svgIcon: string, index?: number): _TabPage; readonly isCollapsed: boolean; hide(page: string | _TabPage): void; show(page: string | _TabPage): void; deactive(page: string | _TabPage): void; active(page: string | _TabPage): void; enable(page: string | _TabPage, value?: boolean): void; enableAll(value?: boolean): void; onTabPageActived(): void; onTabPageVisibilityChanged(tabPage: _TabPage): void; onExpanded(): void; onCollapsed(): void; collapse(): void; expand(): void; toggle(): void; private _clearActiveStyles; private _getNewTabPageId; } export declare class _TabPage { private _header; private _outContent; private _content; private _id; constructor(outContent: HTMLElement, header: HTMLElement, id: string); readonly isActived: boolean; readonly isHidden: boolean; readonly id: string; readonly header: HTMLElement; readonly content: HTMLElement; readonly outContent: HTMLElement; enable(value?: boolean): void; format(customizer: (_TabPage: this) => void): void; } export interface _ITabPageVisibilityChangedEventArgs { tabPage: _TabPage; } export declare class _PageSetupEditor extends Control { private _divPaperKind; private _divOrientation; private _divMarginsLeft; private _divMarginsTop; private _divMarginsRight; private _divMarginsBottom; private _cmbPaperKind; private _cmbOrientation; private _numMarginsLeft; private _numMarginsTop; private _numMarginsRight; private _numMarginsBottom; private _uiUpdating; private _gPaperKind; private _gOrientation; private _gMargins; private _gLeft; private _gRight; private _gTop; private _gBottom; private _pageSettings; static _ctrlTemplate: string; static controlTemplate: string; constructor(ele: any); pageSettings: _IPageSettings; private _globalize; private _updateValue; private _clonePageSettings; _updateUI(): void; private _findIndex; refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; } export declare class _PageSetupDialog extends Popup { private _pageSetupEditorElement; private _btnClose; private _btnCancel; private _btnApply; private _pageSetupEditor; private _gHeader; readonly applied: Event; static _ctrlTemplate: string; static controlTemplate: string; constructor(ele: any); readonly pageSettings: _IPageSettings; private _globalize; private _addEvents; private _apply; private onApplied; showWithValue(pageSettings: _IPageSettings): void; refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; } export declare class _MouseTool extends Control { private _pageView; private _viewPanelContainer; private _isActive; private _isStarted; private _startPnt; private _stopOnClientOut; private _css; private _activeCss; private _visibleCss; constructor(element: any, viewPanelContainer: HTMLElement, pageView: _IPageView, stopOnClientOut: boolean, css: string, activeCss: string, visibleCss: string); activate(): void; deactivate(): void; reset(): void; readonly isActive: boolean; readonly startPnt: Point; readonly pageView: selfModule._IPageView; readonly viewPanelContainer: HTMLElement; protected _initElement(): void; protected _innerStop(pnt?: Point): void; protected _getTemplateParts(): Object; protected _onMouseDown(e: MouseEvent): void; protected _onMouseMove(e: MouseEvent): void; protected _onMouseUp(e: MouseEvent): void; protected _start(ht: _IHitTestInfo): void; protected _move(pnt: Point, ht: _IHitTestInfo): void; protected _stop(pnt?: Point): void; protected _bindEvents(): void; protected _toClientPoint(e: MouseEvent): Point; protected _testPageWorkingAreaHit(pnt: Point): _IHitTestInfo; } export declare class _Rubberband extends _MouseTool { readonly applied: Event; constructor(element: any, viewPanelContainer: HTMLElement, pageView: _IPageView); protected _start(ht: _IHitTestInfo): void; protected _move(pnt: Point, ht: _IHitTestInfo): void; protected _stop(pnt?: Point): void; private _onApplied; } export declare class _Magnifier extends _MouseTool { static _ctrlTemplate: string; static controlTemplate: string; private readonly _Magnification; private _viewPageDiv; private _currentPageIndex; constructor(element: any, viewPanelContainer: HTMLElement, pageView: _IPageView); deactivate(): void; reset(): void; protected _getTemplateParts(): { _viewPageDiv: string; }; protected _bindEvents(): void; protected _start(ht: _IHitTestInfo): void; protected _move(pnt: Point, ht: _IHitTestInfo): void; private _showMagnifer; private _fillPage; private _showHitPosition; } /** * Base class for all the viewer controls. */ export declare class ViewerBase extends Control implements IHttpRequestHandler { private _leftPanel; _viewpanelContainer: HTMLElement; private _initialPosition; private _viewerContainer; private _pages; _documentEventKey: string; private _requestHeaders; private _keepSerConnTimer; private _documentSource; private _pageIndex; private _mouseMode; private _viewMode; private _serviceUrl; private _filePath; private _paginated; private _needBind; private _historyManager; private _fullScreen; private _miniToolbarPinnedTimer; private _autoHeightCalculated; private _exportFormats; _searchManager: _SearchManager; private _rubberband; private _magnifier; private _thresholdWidth; private _outlinesPageId; private _thumbnailsPageId; private _exportsPageId; private _pageSetupPageId; _sidePanel: HTMLElement; private _toolbar; private _mobileToolbar; private _miniToolbar; private _splitter; private _pageSetupDialog; private _expiredTime; private _hostOriginWidth; private _hostOriginHeight; private _bodyOriginScrollTop; private _bodyOriginScrollLeft; private _footer; private _zoomBar; private _searchBar; private _searchOptionsMenu; _hamburgerMenu: _HamburgerMenu; private _viewMenu; private _historyMoving; private _historyTimer; private _gSearchTitle; private _gMatchCase; private _gWholeWord; private _gSearchResults; private _gThumbnailsTitle; private _gOutlinesTitle; private _gPageSetupTitle; private _gPageSetupApplyBtn; private _gExportsPageTitle; private _gExportsPageApplyBtn; private _gExportFormatTitle; static _seperatorHtml: string; private static _viewpanelContainerMinHeight; private static _miniToolbarPinnedTime; private static _narrowCss; private static _narrowWidthThreshold; private static _thumbnailWidth; private static _historyTimeout; private _prohibitAddHistory; private _initialScroll; private _pageMoving; private _devicePixelRatio; static _zoomValuesFormatter: (value: number) => string; static _zoomValuesParser: (text: string) => number; static _defaultZoomValues: { value: number; name: string; }[]; private static _exportItems; static _ctrlTemplate: string; /** * Gets or sets the template used to instantiate the viewer controls. */ static controlTemplate: string; readonly _documentSourceChanged: Event; /** * Occurs after the page index is changed. */ readonly pageIndexChanged: Event; /** * Occurs after the view mode is changed. */ readonly viewModeChanged: Event; /** * Occurs after the mouse mode is changed. */ readonly mouseModeChanged: Event; /** * Occurs after the full screen mode is changed. */ readonly fullScreenChanged: Event; /** * Occurs after the zoom factor is changed. */ readonly zoomFactorChanged: Event; /** * Occurs after the zoom mode is changed. */ readonly zoomModeChanged: Event; /** * Occurs when querying the request data sent to the service before loading the document. */ readonly queryLoadingData: Event; /** * Occurs before every request sent to the server. * * The event allows you to modify request options like URL, headers, * data and even the request method, before sending them to the server. * The event passes an argument of the {@link RequestEventArgs} type, * whose properties have the same meaning and structure as the * parameters of the {@link wijmo.httpRequest} method, and can be * modified to update the request attributes. * * For example, you can put an authentication token to the 'Authorization' * header: * *
viewer.beforeSendRequest.addHandler((s, e) => {
     *     e.settings.requestHeaders.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + appAuthService.getToken();
     * });
* * If the URL is used to induce an HTTP request that is executed by the browser * automatically (for example, if the URL is used as a parameter to the * window.open() function, or as a HTML link), then the e.settings argument * will be null. */ readonly beforeSendRequest: Event; /** * Occurs when the next page has been loaded from the server, and its SVG has been rendered. */ readonly pageLoaded: Event; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link ViewerBase} class. * * @param element The DOM element that will host the control, or a CSS selector for the host element (e.g. '#theCtrl'). * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the control. */ constructor(element: any, options?: any); _getProductInfo(): string; /** * Gets or sets the address of C1 Web API service. * * For example, http://demos.componentone.com/ASPNET/c1webapi/4.0.20172.105/api/report */ serviceUrl: string; /** * Gets or sets the full path to the document on the server. * * The path starts with the key of a provider which is registered at server for locating specified document. */ filePath: string; /** * Gets or sets an object containing request headers to be used when sending * or requesting data. * * The most typical use for this property is in scenarios where authentication * is required. For example: * *
viewer.requestHeaders = {
     *     Authorization: 'Bearer ' + appAuthService.getToken();
     * };
*/ requestHeaders: any; /** * Gets or sets the threshold to switch between mobile and PC template. * * Default value is 767px. If width of control is smaller than thresholdWidth, mobile template will * be applied. If width of control is equal or greater than thresholdWidth, PC template * will be applied. * If thresholdWidth is set to 0, then only PC template is applied * and if it's set to a large number e.g. 9999, then only mobile template is applied. */ thresholdWidth: number; _innerPaginated: boolean; protected _setTabOrder(value: number): void; protected _setIsDisabled(value: boolean): void; private _updateInnerElementsTabIndex; invalidate(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; /** * Reloads the document. * * This is useful for force reloading and rerendering the document. */ reload(): void; /** * Refreshes the control. * * @param fullUpdate Whether to update the control layout as well as the content. */ refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; private _updateLayout; private _switchTemplate; _getSource(): _DocumentSource; _needBindDocumentSource(): void; _supportsPageSettingActions(): boolean; _isMobileTemplate(): boolean; private _init; private _initTools; _globalize(): void; private _autoCalculateHeight; private _bindEvents; private _checkMiniToolbarVisible; private _showMiniToolbar; _goToBookmark(action: _IDocAction): void; _executeCustomAction(action: _IDocAction): void; _getStatusUtilCompleted(documentSource: _DocumentSource): void; private _initChildren; private _initSearchBar; private _showSearchBar; private _initFooter; private _showFooter; private _createChildren; private _initPageView; private readonly _pageView; private _initSplitter; _toggleSplitter(collapsed?: boolean): void; private _resetMiniToolbarPosition; private _resetToolbarWidth; private _resetViewPanelContainerWidth; _shouldAutoHeight(): boolean; private _initSidePanel; private _clearPreHightLights; private _highlightPosition; private _scrollToPosition; private _initSidePanelSearch; private _initSidePanelOutlines; private _initSidePanelThumbnails; private _initSidePanelExports; private _ensureExportFormatsLoaded; private _updateExportTab; private _initSidePanelPageSetup; _executeAction(action: _ViewerActionType): void; _initSearchOptionsMenu(owner: HTMLElement): void; _initHamburgerMenu(owner: HTMLElement): void; _initViewMenu(owner: HTMLElement): void; private _initToolbar; private _clearExportFormats; private _supportedExportsDesc; private readonly _exportItemDescriptions; _actionIsChecked(action: _ViewerActionType): boolean; _isDocumentSourceLoaded(): boolean; _actionIsDisabled(action: _ViewerActionType): boolean; _actionIsShown(action: _ViewerActionType): boolean; readonly _viewerActionStatusChanged: Event; _onViewerActionStatusChanged(e: _IViewerActionChangedEventArgs): void; private _setViewerAction; private _updateViewerActions; private _updateViewModeActions; private _updatePageSettingsActions; private _updateMouseModeActions; private _updateZoomModeActions; private _updateZoomFactorActions; private _onPageSettingsUpdated; private _onPageCountUpdated; private _updatePageNavActions; private _onHistoryManagerStatusUpdated; _updateUI(): void; private _updateViewContainerCursor; private _updateFullScreenStyle; /** * Shows the page setup dialog. */ showPageSetupDialog(): void; private _createPageSetupDialog; /** * Scales the current page to show the whole page in view panel. */ zoomToView(): void; /** * Scales the current page to fit the width of the view panel. */ zoomToViewWidth(): void; private _setPageLandscape; _setPaginated(paginated: boolean): void; private _setPageSettings; _showViewPanelErrorMessage(message: string): void; _showViewPanelMessage(message?: string, className?: string): void; _removeViewPanelMessage(): void; _reRenderDocument(): void; private _zoomBtnClicked; _getDocumentSource(): _DocumentSource; _setDocumentSource(value: _DocumentSource): void; _loadDocument(value: _DocumentSource, force?: boolean, disposeSource?: boolean): IPromise; protected _actionElementClicked(element: SVGElement): void; protected _getActionInfo(element: SVGElement): _IDocAction; private _onDocumentSourceLoadCompleted; _createPage(index: number, defPageSize: _ISize): _Page; _clearKeepSerConnTimer(): void; _keepServiceConnection(): void; _getExpiredTime(): number; _disposeDocument(disposeSource?: boolean): void; _resetDocument(): void; _setDocumentRendering(): void; /** * Moves to the page at the specified index. * * @param index Index (0-base) of the page to move to. * @return An {@link wijmo.viewer.IPromise} object with current page index. */ moveToPage(index: number): IPromise; private _getCurrentPosition; private _resolvePageIndex; private _innerMoveToPage; private _moveToLastPage; private _moveBackwardHistory; private _moveForwardHistory; private _moveToHistory; private _isPositionEquals; private _isPageAnglesChanged; private _updateHistoryCurrent; private _innerAddHistory; private _addHistory; private _updateCurrentPageAngles; private _mergeHistory; private _ensureDocumentLoadCompleted; _updatePageIndex(index: number): void; private _getRotatedAngle; private _rotateDocument; private _rotatePage; /** * Gets or sets a value indicating the current zoom mode to show the document pages. */ zoomMode: ZoomMode; /** * Gets or sets a value indicating the current zoom factor to show the document pages. */ zoomFactor: number; /** * Gets or sets a value indicating how to show the document pages. */ viewMode: ViewMode; /** * Gets or sets a value indicating the mouse behavior. * * The default is SelectTool which means clicking and dragging the mouse will select the text. */ mouseMode: MouseMode; /** * Gets or sets a value indicating whether the viewer is under full screen mode. */ fullScreen: boolean; /** * Gets the index of the page which is currently displayed in the view panel. */ readonly pageIndex: number; private _initMiniToolbar; private _pinMiniToolbar; _onDocumentSourceChanged(e?: EventArgs): void; /** * Raises the {@link pageIndexChanged} event. * * @param e The {@link EventArgs} object. */ onPageIndexChanged(e?: EventArgs): void; /** * Raises the {@link viewModeChanged} event. * * @param e The {@link EventArgs} object. */ onViewModeChanged(oldValue: ViewMode, newValue: ViewMode): void; /** * Raises the {@link mouseModeChanged} event. * * @param e The {@link EventArgs} object. */ onMouseModeChanged(e?: EventArgs): void; /** * Raises the {@link fullScreenChanged} event. * * @param e The {@link EventArgs} object. */ onFullScreenChanged(e?: EventArgs): void; /** * Raises the {@link zoomFactorChanged} event. * * @param e The {@link EventArgs} object. */ onZoomFactorChanged(e?: EventArgs): void; /** * Raises the {@link zoomModeChanged} event. * * @param e The {@link EventArgs} object. */ onZoomModeChanged(e?: EventArgs): void; /** * Raises the {@link queryLoadingData} event. * * @param e The {@link QueryLoadingDataEventArgs} object that contains the loading data. */ onQueryLoadingData(e: QueryLoadingDataEventArgs): void; /** * Raises the {@link beforeSendRequest} event. * * @param e The {@link RequestEventArgs} object. */ onBeforeSendRequest(e: RequestEventArgs): void; /** * Raises the {@link pageLoaded} event. * * @param e The {@link PageLoadedEventArgs} object. */ onPageLoaded(e: PageLoadedEventArgs): void; beforeSend(e: RequestEventArgs): void; } /** * Defines the PDFViewer control for displaying the PDF document. * * The {@link serviceUrl} property indicates the url of C1 Web API which provides PDF services. * The PDF services use C1PdfDocumentSource to process PDF document. * * Here is the sample to show a PDF document: * ```typescript * import { PdfViewer } from 'wijmo/wijmo.viewer'; * var pdfViewer = new PdfViewer('#pdfViewer'); * pdfViewer.serviceUrl= 'http://demos.componentone.com/ASPNET/c1webapi/4.0.20172.105/api/report'; * pdfViewer.filePath= 'PdfRoot/DefaultDocument.pdf'; * ``` */ export declare class PdfViewer extends ViewerBase { /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link PdfViewer} class. * * @param element The DOM element that will host the control, or a CSS selector for the host element (e.g. '#theCtrl'). * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the control. */ constructor(element: any, options?: any); _getProductInfo(): string; readonly _innerDocumentSource: _PdfDocumentSource; _getSource(): _PdfDocumentSource; } export declare class _ViewerMiniToolbar extends _ViewerToolbarBase { private _gPrint; private _gPreviousPage; private _gNextPage; private _gZoomOut; private _gZoomIn; private _gExitFullScreen; constructor(element: any, viewer: ViewerBase); _initToolbarItems(): void; _globalize(): void; } export declare class _ViewerToolbar extends _ViewerToolbarBase { private _gPaginated; private _gPrint; private _gExports; private _gPortrait; private _gLandscape; private _gPageSetup; private _gFirstPage; private _gPreviousPage; private _gNextPage; private _gLastPage; private _gBackwardHistory; private _gForwardHistory; private _gSelectTool; private _gMoveTool; private _gContinuousMode; private _gSingleMode; private _gWholePage; private _gPageWidth; private _gZoomOut; private _gZoomIn; private _gRubberbandTool; private _gMagnifierTool; private _gRotatePage; private _gRotateDocument; private _gFullScreen; constructor(element: any, viewer: ViewerBase); _globalize(): void; _initToolbarItems(): void; } export declare class _ViewerMobileToolbarBase extends _ViewerToolbarBase { constructor(element: any, viewer: ViewerBase); } export declare class _ViewerZoomBar extends _ViewerMobileToolbarBase { private _gZoomOut; private _gZoomIn; constructor(element: any, viewer: ViewerBase); _initToolbarItems(): void; _globalize(): void; } export declare class _ViewerMobileToolbar extends _ViewerMobileToolbarBase { private _gShowHamburgerMenu; private _gPrevPage; private _gNextPage; private _gShowViewMenu; private _gShowSearchBar; private _gFullScreen; constructor(element: any, viewer: ViewerBase); _initToolbarItems(): void; _globalize(): void; } export declare class _SearchBar extends _ViewerMobileToolbarBase { private _gSearchOptions; private _gSearchPrev; private _gSearchNext; constructor(element: any, viewer: ViewerBase); _initToolbarItems(): void; private _initSearchInput; private _initSearchBtnGroups; _globalize(): void; } export declare class _ViewerMenuBase extends Menu { private _viewer; constructor(viewer: ViewerBase, owner: HTMLElement, options?: any); readonly viewer: ViewerBase; private _bindMenuItems; _initItems(): any[]; _internalFormatItem(item: _ViewerMenuItem, itemElement: HTMLElement): void; private _formatItem; private _onItemClicked; _updateActionStatus(actionElement: HTMLElement, actionType: _ViewerActionType): void; private _updateActionStatusCore; _updateItemsStatus(): void; refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; showMenu(above?: boolean): void; } export declare class _SearchOptionsMenu extends _ViewerMenuBase { constructor(viewer: ViewerBase, owner: HTMLElement, options?: any); _initItems(): any[]; _internalFormatItem(item: _ViewerMenuItem, itemElement: HTMLElement): void; _updateActionStatus(actionElement: HTMLElement, actionType: _ViewerActionType): void; } export declare class _HamburgerMenu extends _ViewerMenuBase { constructor(viewer: ViewerBase, owner: HTMLElement, options?: any); _initItems(): any[]; } export declare class _ViewMenu extends _ViewerMenuBase { constructor(viewer: ViewerBase, owner: HTMLElement, options?: any); _initItems(): any[]; } export declare class _ReportHamburgerMenu extends _HamburgerMenu { constructor(viewer: ViewerBase, owner: HTMLElement, options?: any); _initItems(): any[]; } export declare enum _ArDocumentFormat { Image = 3, Pdf = 4, Html = 5, Word = 6, Xls = 7, Xml = 8, Svg = 9 } export declare enum _ArLoadState { NotStarted = 0, Rendering = 1, Rendered = 2, Cancelling = 3, Cancelled = 4, Error = 5 } export declare enum _ArErrorCode { InvalidCulture = 0, InvalidVersion = 1, UnknownReportType = 2, NoSuchReport = 3, ParametersNotSet = 4, RuntimeIsBusy = 5, InternalError = 6, ParameterNotExists = 7, NoAcceptableFormats = 8, InvalidToken = 9, UnsupportedFormat = 10, InvalidSetOfParameters = 11, MethodNotSupported = 12, NoValidLicenseFound = 13 } export interface _IArError { Description: string; ErrorCode: _ArErrorCode; } export interface _IArMethodResponse { Error: _IArError; } export interface _IArJsonResponse { xhr: XMLHttpRequest; json?: T; } export interface _IADrillthroughReportData { Parameters: _IArParameter[]; NumberOfParameters: number; ReportName: string; } export declare class _ArReportService extends _DocumentService { static StateToStatus(state: _ArLoadState): _ExecutionStatus; static ConvertFormat(format: string): _ArDocumentFormat; private _lifeTime; private _drillthroughData; private _token; private _parameters; private _hasDelayedContent; private _canChangeRenderMode; private _documentFormat; private _autoRun; private _uid; private _isDisposed; private _hasOutlines; static IsError(data: _IArJsonResponse<_IArMethodResponse>): data is _IArJsonResponse<_IArMethodResponse>; readonly isDisposed: boolean; readonly autoRun: boolean; readonly canChangeRenderMode: boolean; readonly parameters: _IArParameter[]; getStatus(): IPromise; setPageSettings(pageSettings: _IPageSettings): IPromise; getBookmark(name: string): IPromise; executeCustomAction(action: _IArDocAction): IPromise; load(data?: any): IPromise; loadDrillthroughReport(data: _IADrillthroughReportData): IPromise; processOnClick(actionData: string): IPromise; getReportProperty(name: string): IPromise; render(data?: any): IPromise; setDrillthroughData(value: _IADrillthroughReportData): void; dispose(async?: boolean): IPromise; getOutlines(test?: boolean): IPromise; _getError(data: _IArJsonResponse | XMLHttpRequest): string; _getBookmarks(parentId: number, startFrom: number, count: number, getChildren?: boolean): IPromise; renderToFilter(options: _IRenderOptions): IPromise; search(options: _ISearchOptions): IPromise; setParameters(value: _IArParameter[]): IPromise; validateParameter(value: _IArParameter): IPromise; getRenderToFilterUrl(options: _IRenderOptions): IPromise; getExportedUrl(options: _IArExportOptions): IPromise; getPingTimeout(): number; getSupportedExportDescriptions(): IPromise; getFeatures(): IPromise; private _ajax; private _convertFromServiceParameter; private _convertToServiceParameter; private _merge; private _mergeParameters; private _parseXml; } export interface _IArDocumentOptions extends _IDocumentOptions { } export declare class _ArReportSource extends _ReportSourceBase { constructor(options: _IArDocumentOptions, httpRequest: IHttpRequestHandler); readonly autoRun: boolean; readonly encodeRequestParams: boolean; readonly hasParameters: boolean; readonly hasThumbnails: boolean; readonly _innerService: _ArReportService; getParameters(): IPromise; setParameters(value: Object): IPromise; print(rotations?: _RotateAngle[]): void; _createDocumentService(options: _IDocumentService): _DocumentService; _getIsDisposed(): boolean; _updateExecutionInfo(data: _IArExecutionInfo): void; _checkIsLoadCompleted(data: _IReportStatus): boolean; _convertParameters(params: _IArParameter[]): _IParameter[]; } /** * Defines the ReportViewer control for displaying the FlexReport or SSRS report. * * The {@link serviceUrl} property indicates the url of C1 Web API which provides report services. * The report services use C1FlexReport to process a FlexReport, and use C1SSRSDocumentSource and C1PdfDocumentSource to process an SSRS report. * * Here is a sample of how to show a FlexReport: * ```typescript * import { ReportViewer } from 'wijmo/wijmo.viewer'; * var reportViewer = new ReportViewer('#reportViewer'); * reportViewer.serviceUrl = 'http://demos.componentone.com/ASPNET/c1webapi/4.0.20172.105/api/report'; * reportViewer.filePath = 'ReportsRoot/Formatting/AlternateBackground.flxr'; * reportViewer.reportName = 'AlternateBackground'; * ``` * * Here is a sample of how to show an SSRS report: * ```typescript * import { ReportViewer } from 'wijmo/wijmo.viewer'; * var reportViewer = new ReportViewer('#reportViewer'); * reportViewer.serviceUrl = 'http://demos.componentone.com/ASPNET/c1webapi/4.0.20172.105/api/report'; * reportViewer.filePath = 'c1ssrs/AdventureWorks/Company Sales'; * ``` */ export declare class ReportViewer extends ViewerBase { private _reportName; private _clientParameters; private _paramsEditor; private _gParameterTitle; private _parametersPageId; static _parameterCommandTag: number; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link ReportViewer} class. * * @param element The DOM element that will host the control, or a CSS selector for the host element (e.g. '#theCtrl'). * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the control. */ constructor(element: any, options?: any); _getProductInfo(): string; /** * Gets or sets the report name. * * For FlexReport, sets it with the report name defined in the FlexReport definition file. * For SSRS report, leave it as empty string. The SSRS report path is specified by the {@link filePath} property. */ reportName: string; /** * Gets or sets a value indicating whether the content should be represented as a set of fixed sized pages. * * The default value is null which means using paginated mode for a FlexReport and non-paginaged mode for an SSRS report. */ paginated: boolean; /** * Gets or sets a dictionary of {name: value} pairs that describe the parameters used to run the report. * * This property is useful if the report requires that certain parameters (for example, the hidden ones) to be passed during the initial stage. * *
    * reportViewer.parameters = {
    *    'CustomerID': 'ALFKI'
    * };
*/ parameters: any; /** * Gets the report names defined in the specified FlexReport definition file. * * @param serviceUrl The address of C1 Web API service. * @param reportFilePath The full path to the FlexReport definition file. * @param httpHandler The HTTP request handler. This parameter is optional. * @return An {@link wijmo.viewer.IPromise} object with a string array which contains the report names. */ static getReportNames(serviceUrl: string, reportFilePath: string, httpHandler?: IHttpRequestHandler): IPromise; /** * Gets the catalog items in the specified folder path. * * You can get all items under the folder path by passing the data parameter as: * 1) A true value. * 2) An object which has the "recursive" property with true value. * * @param serviceUrl The address of C1 Web API service. * @param path The folder path. The path to the FlexReport definition file will be treated as a folder path. * @param data The request data sent to the report service, or a boolean value indicates whether getting all items under the path. * @param httpHandler The HTTP request handler. This parameter is optional. * @return An {@link IPromise} object with an array of {@link wijmo.viewer.ICatalogItem}. */ static getReports(serviceUrl: string, path: string, data?: any, httpHandler?: IHttpRequestHandler): IPromise; onQueryLoadingData(e: QueryLoadingDataEventArgs): void; _globalize(): void; _executeAction(action: _ViewerActionType): void; _executeCustomAction(action: _IDocAction): void; _actionIsDisabled(action: _ViewerActionType): boolean; _initHamburgerMenu(owner: HTMLElement): void; private _initSidePanelParameters; readonly _innerDocumentSource: _Report; _loadDocument(value: _ReportSourceBase, force?: boolean, disposeSource?: boolean): IPromise; _reRenderDocument(): void; _onDocumentStatusChanged(): void; private _renderDocumentSource; _disposeDocument(disposeSource?: boolean): void; _setDocumentRendering(): void; _getSource(): _DocumentSource; _supportsPageSettingActions(): boolean; refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void; protected _isArReport(): boolean; _createPage(index: number, defPageSize: _ISize): selfModule._Page; protected _actionElementClicked(element: SVGElement): void; protected _getActionInfo(element: SVGElement): _IDocAction; }