* Wijmo Library 5.20242.30
* https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo
* Copyright(c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the End-User License Agreement For MESCIUS Wijmo Software.
* us.sales@mescius.com
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* {@module wijmo.react.chart.animation}
* Contains React components for the wijmo.chart.animation module.
export declare var ___keepComment: any;
import { BaseInputs, WjRef } from 'wijmo/wijmo.react.base';
import * as React from 'react';
import * as wjcCore from 'wijmo/wijmo';
import * as wjcChartAnimation from 'wijmo/wijmo.chart.animation';
export declare type FlexChartAnimationInputs = BaseInputs & {
animationMode?: wjcChartAnimation.AnimationMode | string;
axisAnimation?: boolean;
duration?: number;
easing?: wjcChartAnimation.Easing | string;
export declare type FlexChartAnimationEvents = {
ended?: wjcCore.IEventHandler;
export declare const FlexChartAnimationMeta: {
inputs: string[];
events: string[];
export declare type FlexChartAnimationProps = FlexChartAnimationInputs & FlexChartAnimationEvents;
export declare type FlexChartAnimationRef = WjRef;
* React component for the {@link wijmo.chart.animation.ChartAnimation} class.
* The flex-chart-animation component should be contained in
* one of the following components:
* {@link wijmo.react.chart.FlexChart}
* , {@link wijmo.react.chart.FlexPie}
* , {@link wijmo.react.chart.finance.FinancialChart}
* or {@link wijmo.react.chart.radar.FlexRadar}.
* The component supports all properties and events of the pure JavaScript {@link wijmo.chart.animation.ChartAnimation} class it represents.
* The component includes an initialized event that is raised when the control is initialized after it is added to the page.
* You can use this event to perform further initialization in addition to setting properties in JSX.
* The signature of the handler function is the same as any other Wijmo event handlers.
export declare const FlexChartAnimation: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent;