* Wijmo Library 5.20242.30
* https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo
* Copyright(c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the End-User License Agreement For MESCIUS Wijmo Software.
* us.sales@mescius.com
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* {@module wijmo.react.barcode.composite}
* Contains React components for the wijmo.barcode.composite module.
export declare var ___keepComment: any;
import { BarcodeBaseEvents, BarcodeBaseInputs } from 'wijmo/wijmo.react.barcode.base';
import { LabelPosition } from 'wijmo/wijmo.barcode';
import * as React from 'react';
import * as wjcReactBase from 'wijmo/wijmo.react.base';
import * as wjcBarcodeComposite from 'wijmo/wijmo.barcode.composite';
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseInputs = BarcodeBaseInputs & {
hideAiText?: boolean;
hideLinkageText?: boolean;
labelPosition?: LabelPosition | string;
linkage?: string;
linkageHeight?: string | number;
linkageVersion?: wjcBarcodeComposite.Gs1DataBarLinkageVersion | string;
showLabel?: boolean;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseEvents = BarcodeBaseEvents & {};
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseMeta: {
inputs: string[];
events: string[];
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarOmnidirectionalInputs = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseInputs & {};
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarOmnidirectionalEvents = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseEvents & {};
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarOmnidirectionalMeta: {
inputs: string[];
events: string[];
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarOmnidirectionalProps = BarcodeGs1DataBarOmnidirectionalInputs & BarcodeGs1DataBarOmnidirectionalEvents;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarOmnidirectionalRef = wjcReactBase.WjRef;
* React component for the {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarOmnidirectional} control.
* The component supports all properties and events of the pure JavaScript {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarOmnidirectional} control it represents.
* The component includes an initialized event that is raised when the control is initialized after it is added to the page.
* You can use this event to perform further initialization in addition to setting properties in JSX.
* The signature of the handler function is the same as any other Wijmo event handlers.
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarOmnidirectional: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarTruncatedInputs = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseInputs & {};
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarTruncatedEvents = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseEvents & {};
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarTruncatedMeta: {
inputs: string[];
events: string[];
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarTruncatedProps = BarcodeGs1DataBarTruncatedInputs & BarcodeGs1DataBarTruncatedEvents;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarTruncatedRef = wjcReactBase.WjRef;
* React component for the {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarTruncated} control.
* The component supports all properties and events of the pure JavaScript {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarTruncated} control it represents.
* The component includes an initialized event that is raised when the control is initialized after it is added to the page.
* You can use this event to perform further initialization in addition to setting properties in JSX.
* The signature of the handler function is the same as any other Wijmo event handlers.
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarTruncated: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedInputs = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseInputs & {
ratio?: number;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedEvents = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseEvents & {};
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedMeta: {
inputs: string[];
events: string[];
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedProps = BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedInputs & BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedEvents;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedRef = wjcReactBase.WjRef;
* React component for the {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarStacked} control.
* The component supports all properties and events of the pure JavaScript {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarStacked} control it represents.
* The component includes an initialized event that is raised when the control is initialized after it is added to the page.
* You can use this event to perform further initialization in addition to setting properties in JSX.
* The signature of the handler function is the same as any other Wijmo event handlers.
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarStacked: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedOmnidirectionalInputs = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseInputs & {
ratio?: number;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedOmnidirectionalEvents = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseEvents & {};
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedOmnidirectionalMeta: {
inputs: string[];
events: string[];
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedOmnidirectionalProps = BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedOmnidirectionalInputs & BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedOmnidirectionalEvents;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedOmnidirectionalRef = wjcReactBase.WjRef;
* React component for the {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarStackedOmnidirectional} control.
* The component supports all properties and events of the pure JavaScript {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarStackedOmnidirectional} control it represents.
* The component includes an initialized event that is raised when the control is initialized after it is added to the page.
* You can use this event to perform further initialization in addition to setting properties in JSX.
* The signature of the handler function is the same as any other Wijmo event handlers.
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarStackedOmnidirectional: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarLimitedInputs = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseInputs & {};
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarLimitedEvents = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseEvents & {};
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarLimitedMeta: {
inputs: string[];
events: string[];
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarLimitedProps = BarcodeGs1DataBarLimitedInputs & BarcodeGs1DataBarLimitedEvents;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarLimitedRef = wjcReactBase.WjRef;
* React component for the {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarLimited} control.
* The component supports all properties and events of the pure JavaScript {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarLimited} control it represents.
* The component includes an initialized event that is raised when the control is initialized after it is added to the page.
* You can use this event to perform further initialization in addition to setting properties in JSX.
* The signature of the handler function is the same as any other Wijmo event handlers.
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarLimited: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedInputs = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseInputs & {
autoWidth?: boolean;
autoWidthZoom?: number;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedEvents = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseEvents & {};
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedMeta: {
inputs: string[];
events: string[];
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedProps = BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedInputs & BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedEvents;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedRef = wjcReactBase.WjRef;
* React component for the {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarExpanded} control.
* The component supports all properties and events of the pure JavaScript {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarExpanded} control it represents.
* The component includes an initialized event that is raised when the control is initialized after it is added to the page.
* You can use this event to perform further initialization in addition to setting properties in JSX.
* The signature of the handler function is the same as any other Wijmo event handlers.
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarExpanded: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedStackedInputs = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseInputs & {
autoWidth?: boolean;
autoWidthZoom?: number;
rowCount?: number;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedStackedEvents = BarcodeGs1DataBarBaseEvents & {};
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedStackedMeta: {
inputs: string[];
events: string[];
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedStackedProps = BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedStackedInputs & BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedStackedEvents;
export declare type BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedStackedRef = wjcReactBase.WjRef;
* React component for the {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarExpandedStacked} control.
* The component supports all properties and events of the pure JavaScript {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Gs1DataBarExpandedStacked} control it represents.
* The component includes an initialized event that is raised when the control is initialized after it is added to the page.
* You can use this event to perform further initialization in addition to setting properties in JSX.
* The signature of the handler function is the same as any other Wijmo event handlers.
export declare const BarcodeGs1DataBarExpandedStacked: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent;
export declare type BarcodePdf417Inputs = BarcodeBaseInputs & {
autoWidth?: boolean;
autoWidthZoom?: number;
columns?: number;
compact?: boolean;
errorCorrectionLevel?: number;
rows?: number;
export declare type BarcodePdf417Events = BarcodeBaseEvents & {};
export declare const BarcodePdf417Meta: {
inputs: string[];
events: string[];
export declare type BarcodePdf417Props = BarcodePdf417Inputs & BarcodePdf417Events;
export declare type BarcodePdf417Ref = wjcReactBase.WjRef;
* React component for the {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Pdf417} control.
* The component supports all properties and events of the pure JavaScript {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.Pdf417} control it represents.
* The component includes an initialized event that is raised when the control is initialized after it is added to the page.
* You can use this event to perform further initialization in addition to setting properties in JSX.
* The signature of the handler function is the same as any other Wijmo event handlers.
export declare const BarcodePdf417: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent;
export declare type BarcodeMicroPdf417Inputs = BarcodeBaseInputs & {
compactionMode?: wjcBarcodeComposite.MicroPdfCompactionMode | string;
dimensions?: wjcBarcodeComposite.MicroPdfDimensions | string;
fileId?: number;
optionalFields?: wjcBarcodeComposite.IOptionalFields;
segmentIndex?: number;
structuredAppend?: boolean;
export declare type BarcodeMicroPdf417Events = BarcodeBaseEvents & {};
export declare const BarcodeMicroPdf417Meta: {
inputs: string[];
events: string[];
export declare type BarcodeMicroPdf417Props = BarcodeMicroPdf417Inputs & BarcodeMicroPdf417Events;
export declare type BarcodeMicroPdf417Ref = wjcReactBase.WjRef;
* React component for the {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.MicroPdf417} control.
* The component supports all properties and events of the pure JavaScript {@link wijmo.barcode.composite.MicroPdf417} control it represents.
* The component includes an initialized event that is raised when the control is initialized after it is added to the page.
* You can use this event to perform further initialization in addition to setting properties in JSX.
* The signature of the handler function is the same as any other Wijmo event handlers.
export declare const BarcodeMicroPdf417: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent;