/*! * * Wijmo Library 5.20242.30 * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo * * Copyright(c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the End-User License Agreement For MESCIUS Wijmo Software. * us.sales@mescius.com * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo/licensing * */ /** * {@module wijmo.knockout.gauge} * KnockoutJS bindings for wijmo.gauge module */ /** * */ export declare var ___keepComment: any; import { WjBinding } from 'wijmo/wijmo.knockout.base'; export declare class WjGaugeBinding extends WjBinding { _getControlConstructor(): any; } /** * KnockoutJS binding for the {@link LinearGauge} control. * * Use the {@link wjLinearGauge} binding to add {@link LinearGauge} controls to your * KnockoutJS applications. For example: * *
<p>Here is a LinearGauge control:</p> * <div data-bind="wjLinearGauge: { * value: props.value, * min: props.min, * max: props.max, * format: props.format, * showRanges: props.showRanges }" * <class="linear-gauge"> * <div data-bind="wjRange: { * wjProperty: 'pointer', * thickness: props.ranges.pointerThickness }"> * </div> * <div data-bind="wjRange: { * min: props.ranges.lower.min, * max: props.ranges.lower.max, * color: props.ranges.lower.color }"> * </div> * <div data-bind="wjRange: { * min: props.ranges.middle.min, * max: props.ranges.middle.max, * color: props.ranges.middle.color }"> * </div> * <div data-bind="wjRange: { * min: props.ranges.upper.min, * max: props.ranges.upper.max, * color: props.ranges.upper.color }"> * </div> * </div>* * The wjLinearGauge binding may contain the {@link wjRange} child binding. * * The wjLinearGauge binding supports all read-write properties and events of * the {@link LinearGauge} control. The value property provides two-way binding mode. */ export declare class wjLinearGauge extends WjGaugeBinding { _getControlConstructor(): any; } /** * KnockoutJS binding for the {@link BulletGraph} control. * * Use the {@link wjBulletGraph} binding to add {@link BulletGraph} controls to your * KnockoutJS applications. For example: * *
<p>Here is a BulletGraph control:</p> * <div data-bind="wjBulletGraph: { * value: props.value, * min: props.min, * max: props.max, * format: props.format, * good: props.ranges.middle.max, * bad: props.ranges.middle.min, * target: props.ranges.target, * showRanges: props.showRanges }" * class="linear-gauge"> * <div data-bind="wjRange: { * wjProperty: 'pointer', * thickness: props.ranges.pointerThickness }"> * </div> * </div>* * The wjBulletGraph binding may contain the {@link wjRange} child binding. * * The wjBulletGraph binding supports all read-write properties and events of * the {@link BulletGraph} control. The value property provides two-way binding mode. */ export declare class wjBulletGraph extends wjLinearGauge { _getControlConstructor(): any; } /** * KnockoutJS binding for the {@link RadialGauge} control. * * Use the {@link wjRadialGauge} binding to add {@link RadialGauge} controls to your * KnockoutJS applications. For example: * *
<p>Here is a RadialGauge control:</p> * <div data-bind="wjRadialGauge: { * value: props.value, * min: props.min, * max: props.max, * format: props.format, * showRanges: props.showRanges }" * class="radial-gauge"> * <div data-bind="wjRange: { * wjProperty: 'pointer', * thickness: props.ranges.pointerThickness }"> * </div> * <div data-bind="wjRange: { * min: props.ranges.lower.min, * max: props.ranges.lower.max, * color: props.ranges.lower.color }"> * </div> * <div data-bind="wjRange: { * min: props.ranges.middle.min, * max: props.ranges.middle.max, * color: props.ranges.middle.color }"> * </div> * <div data-bind="wjRange: { * min: props.ranges.upper.min, * max: props.ranges.upper.max, * color: props.ranges.upper.color }"> * </div> * </div>* * The wjRadialGauge binding may contain the {@link wjRange} child binding. * * The wjRadialGauge binding supports all read-write properties and events of * the {@link RadialGauge} control. The value property provides two-way binding mode. */ export declare class wjRadialGauge extends WjGaugeBinding { _getControlConstructor(): any; } /** * KnockoutJS binding for the Gauge's {@link Range} object. * * The {@link wjRange} binding must be contained in one of the following bindings: *