/*! * * Wijmo Library 5.20242.30 * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo * * Copyright(c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the End-User License Agreement For MESCIUS Wijmo Software. * us.sales@mescius.com * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo/licensing * */ /** * {@module wijmo.chart.finance.analytics} * Analytics extensions for {@link FinancialChart}. */ /** * */ export declare var ___keepComment: any; import { Rect, Size } from 'wijmo/wijmo'; import { SeriesBase, _HitTester, ChartType, _DataPoint, Axis, IRenderEngine, RenderEventArgs, LabelPosition, DataPoint } from 'wijmo/wijmo.chart'; /** * Represents a Fibonacci Retracements tool for the {@link FinancialChart}. * The tool enables the calculation and plotting of various alert levels that are * useful in financial charts. * * To add Fibonacci tool to a {@link FinancialChart} control, create an instance * of the {@link Fibonacci} and add it to the series collection of the chart. * For example: * *
    * // create chart
    * var chart = new FinancialChart('#chartElement');
    * // create Fibonacci tool
    * var ftool = new Fibonacci();
    * chart.series.push(ftool);
*/ export declare class Fibonacci extends SeriesBase { private _high; private _low; private _minX; private _maxX; private _actualHigh; private _actualLow; private _levels; private _uptrend; private _labelPosition; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link Fibonacci} class. * * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object. */ constructor(options?: any); /** * Gets or sets the low value of {@link Fibonacci} tool. * * If not specified, the low value is calculated based on data values provided by itemsSource. */ low: number; /** * Gets or sets the high value of {@link Fibonacci} tool. * * If not specified, the high value is caclulated based on * data values provided by the itemsSource. */ high: number; /** * Gets or sets the label position for levels in {@link Fibonacci} tool. */ labelPosition: LabelPosition; /** * Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create uptrending {@link Fibonacci} tool. * * Default value is true(uptrend). If the value is false, the downtrending levels are plotted. */ uptrend: boolean; /** * Gets or sets the array of levels for plotting. * * Default value is [0, 23.6, 38.2, 50, 61.8, 100]. */ levels: number[]; /** * Gets or sets the x minimal value of the {@link Fibonacci} tool. * * If not specified, current minimum of x-axis is used. * The value can be specified as a number or Date object. */ minX: any; /** * Gets or sets the x maximum value of the {@link Fibonacci} tool. * * If not specified, current maximum of x-axis is used. * The value can be specified as a number or Date object. */ maxX: any; private _getMinX; private _getMaxX; private _updateLevels; private _render; _getChartType(): ChartType; } /** * Represents a Fibonacci Arcs tool for the {@link FinancialChart}. */ export declare class FibonacciArcs extends SeriesBase { private _start; private _end; private _levels; private _labelPosition; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link FibonacciArcs} class. * * @param options A JavaScript object containing initialization data. */ constructor(options?: any); /** * Gets or sets the starting {@link DataPoint} for the base line. * * The {@link DataPoint} x value can be a number or a Date object * (for time-based data). * * Unlike some of the other Fibonacci tools, the starting * {@link DataPoint} is not calculated automatically if * undefined. */ start: DataPoint; /** * Gets or sets the ending {@link DataPoint} for the base line. * * The {@link DataPoint} x value can be a number or a Date object * (for time-based data). * * Unlike some of the other Fibonacci tools, the ending * {@link DataPoint} is not calculated automatically if * undefined. */ end: DataPoint; /** * Gets or sets the array of levels for plotting. * * Default value is [38.2, 50, 61.8]. */ levels: number[]; /** * Gets or sets the {@link LabelPosition} for levels in {@link FibonacciArcs} tool. */ labelPosition: LabelPosition; _render(sender: SeriesBase, args: RenderEventArgs): void; private _getX; private _getY; _getChartType(): ChartType; } /** * Represents a Fibonacci Fans tool for the {@link FinancialChart}. */ export declare class FibonacciFans extends SeriesBase { private _start; private _end; private _levels; private _labelPosition; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link FibonacciFans} class. * * @param options A JavaScript object containing initialization data. */ constructor(options?: any); /** * Gets or sets the starting {@link DataPoint} for the base line. * * If not set, the starting {@link DataPoint} is calculated automatically. * The {@link DataPoint} x value can be a number or a Date object (for * time-based data). */ start: DataPoint; /** * Gets or sets the ending {@link DataPoint} for the base line. * * If not set, the starting {@link DataPoint} is calculated automatically. * The {@link DataPoint} x value can be a number or a Date object (for * time-based data). */ end: DataPoint; /** * Gets or sets the array of levels for plotting. * * Default value is [0, 23.6, 38.2, 50, 61.8, 100]. */ levels: number[]; /** * Gets or sets the {@link LabelPosition} for levels in {@link FibonacciFans} tool. */ labelPosition: LabelPosition; _updateLevels(): void; _render(sender: SeriesBase, args: RenderEventArgs): void; private _getX; private _getY; _getChartType(): ChartType; } /** * Represents a Fibonacci Time Zones tool for the {@link FinancialChart}. */ export declare class FibonacciTimeZones extends SeriesBase { private _startX; private _endX; private _levels; private _labelPosition; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link FibonacciTimeZones} class. * * @param options A JavaScript object containing initialization data. */ constructor(options?: any); /** * Gets or sets the starting X data point for the time zones. * * If not set, the starting X data point is calculated automatically. The * value can be a number or a Date object (for time-based data). */ startX: any; /** * Gets or sets the ending X data point for the time zones. * * If not set, the ending X data point is calculated automatically. The * value can be a number or a Date object (for time-based data). */ endX: any; /** * Gets or sets the array of levels for plotting. * * Default value is [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]. */ levels: number[]; /** * Gets or sets the {@link LabelPosition} for levels in {@link FibonacciTimeZones} tool. */ labelPosition: LabelPosition; _render(sender: SeriesBase, args: RenderEventArgs): void; _updateLevels(): void; private _getX; _getChartType(): ChartType; } /** * Base class for overlay and indicator series (abstract). */ export declare class OverlayIndicatorBase extends SeriesBase { private __hitTester; _styles: any; _seriesCount: number; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link OverlayIndicatorBase} class. * * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object. */ constructor(options?: any); readonly _hitTester: _HitTester; _getChartType(): ChartType; _getXValues(): number[]; _getDataPoint(dataX: number, dataY: number, seriesIndex: number, pointIndex: number, ax: Axis, ay: Axis): _DataPoint; _shouldCalculate(): boolean; _init(): void; _calculate(): void; _clearValues(): void; _getName(dim: number): string; _getStyles(dim: number): any; legendItemLength(): number; measureLegendItem(engine: IRenderEngine, index: number): Size; drawLegendItem(engine: IRenderEngine, rect: Rect, index: number): void; } /** * Base class for overlay and indicator series that render a single series (abstract). */ export declare class SingleOverlayIndicatorBase extends OverlayIndicatorBase { private _period; _xvals: number[]; _yvals: number[]; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link SingleOverlayIndicatorBase} class. * * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object. */ constructor(options?: any); /** * Gets or sets the period for the calculation as an integer value. */ period: any; getValues(dim: number): number[]; getDataRect(currentRect?: Rect, calculatedRect?: Rect): Rect; _clearValues(): void; _shouldCalculate(): boolean; _init(): void; _getItem(pointIndex: number): any; } /** * Represents a Willaims %R indicator series for the {@link FinancialChart}. * * Williams %R is a momentum indicator that is the inverse of a fast stochastic * oscillator ({@link Stochastic}). The Williams %R indicator is designed to * tell whether an asset is trading near the high or low of its trading range. */ export declare class WilliamsR extends SingleOverlayIndicatorBase { /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link WilliamsR} class. * * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object. */ constructor(options?: any); _calculate(): void; } export declare function _williamsR(highs: number[], lows: number[], closes: number[], period: number): number[]; /** * Represents a Stochastic Oscillator indicator series for the {@link FinancialChart}. * * Stochastic oscillators are momentum indicators designed to predict price turning * points by comparing an asset's closing price to its high-low range. * * The {@link Stochastic} series can be used for fast (default), slow and full stochastic * oscillators. To create a slow or full stochastic oscillator, set the {@link smoothingPeriod} * to an integer value greater than one; slow stochastic oscillators generally use a fixed * {@link smoothingPeriod} of three. To create or revert to a fast stochastic oscillator, set the * {@link smoothingPeriod} to an integer value of one. */ export declare class Stochastic extends OverlayIndicatorBase { private _kVals; private _kXVals; private _dVals; private _dXVals; private _kPeriod; private _dPeriod; private _smoothingPeriod; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link Stochastic} class. * * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object. */ constructor(options?: any); /** * Gets or sets the period for the %K calculation. */ kPeriod: number; /** * Gets or sets the period for the %D simple moving average. */ dPeriod: number; /** * Gets or sets the smoothing period for full %K. */ smoothingPeriod: number; /** * Gets or sets the styles for the %K and %D lines. * * The following options are supported: * *
series.styles = {
     *   kLine: {
     *      stroke: 'red',
     *      strokeWidth: 1
     *   },
     *   dLine: {
     *      stroke: 'green',
     *      strokeWidth: 1
     *   },
     * }
*/ styles: any; getDataRect(currentRect?: Rect, calculatedRect?: Rect): Rect; _clearValues(): void; _shouldCalculate(): boolean; _init(): void; _calculate(): void; private _rendering; getCalculatedValues(key: string): any[]; } export declare function _stochastic(highs: number[], lows: number[], closes: number[], kPeriod: number, dPeriod: number, smoothingPeriod: number): any; /** * Represents a Relative Strength Index indicator series for the {@link FinancialChart}. * * Relative strength index is a momentum oscillator designed to measure the current * and historical strength or weakness of an asset based on the closing prices of a * recent trading period. */ export declare class RSI extends SingleOverlayIndicatorBase { /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link RSI} class. * * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object. */ constructor(options?: any); _calculate(): void; } export declare function _rsi(ys: number[], period: number): number[]; /** * Base class for {@link Macd} and {@link MacdHistogram} series (abstract). */ export declare class MacdBase extends OverlayIndicatorBase { _macdXVals: number[]; _macdVals: number[]; _signalXVals: number[]; _signalVals: number[]; _histogramXVals: number[]; _histogramVals: number[]; private _fastPeriod; private _slowPeriod; private _smoothingPeriod; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link MacdBase} class. * * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object. */ constructor(options?: any); /** * Gets or sets the fast exponential moving average period * for the MACD line. */ fastPeriod: number; /** * Gets or sets the slow exponential moving average period * for the MACD line. */ slowPeriod: number; /** * Gets or sets the exponential moving average period * for the signal line. */ smoothingPeriod: number; _clearValues(): void; _shouldCalculate(): boolean; _init(): void; _calculate(): void; } /** * Represents a Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) indicator series * for the {@link FinancialChart}. * * The MACD indicator is designed to reveal changes in strength, direction, momentum, * and duration of an asset's price trend. */ export declare class Macd extends MacdBase { /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link Macd} class. * * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object. */ constructor(options?: any); /** * Gets or sets the styles for the MACD and Signal lines. * * The following options are supported: * *
series.styles = {
     *   macdLine: {
     *      stroke: 'red',
     *      strokeWidth: 1
     *   },
     *   signalLine: {
     *      stroke: 'green',
     *      strokeWidth: 1
     *   },
     * }
*/ styles: any; legendItemLength(): number; getDataRect(currentRect?: Rect, calculatedRect?: Rect): Rect; private _rendering; getCalculatedValues(key: string): any[]; } /** * Represents a Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) Histogram indicator series * for the {@link FinancialChart}. * * The MACD indicator is designed to reveal changes in strength, direction, momentum, * and duration of an asset's price trend. */ export declare class MacdHistogram extends MacdBase { /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link MacdHistogram} class. * * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object. */ constructor(options?: any); getValues(dim: number): number[]; getDataRect(currentRect?: Rect, calculatedRect?: Rect): Rect; _getChartType(): ChartType; _getItem(pointIndex: number): any; } export declare function _macd(ys: number[], fastPeriod: number, slowPeriod: number, smoothingPeriod: number): any; export declare enum MovingAverageType { Simple = 0, Exponential = 1 } /** * Represents a Moving Average Envelopes overlay series for the {@link FinancialChart}. * * Moving average envelopes are moving averages set above and below a standard moving * average. The amount above/below the standard moving average is percentage based and * dictated by the {@link size} property. */ export declare class Envelopes extends OverlayIndicatorBase { private _upperYVals; private _lowerYVals; private _xVals; private _period; private _type; private _size; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link Envelopes} class. * * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object. */ constructor(options?: any); /** * Gets or sets the period for the calculation as an integer value. */ period: any; /** * Gets or sets the moving average type for the * envelopes. The default value is Simple. */ type: MovingAverageType; /** * Gets or set the size of the moving average * envelopes. The default value is 2.5 percent (0.025). */ size: number; getDataRect(currentRect?: Rect, calculatedRect?: Rect): Rect; _clearValues(): void; _init(): void; _shouldCalculate(): boolean; _calculate(): void; private _rendering; getCalculatedValues(key: string): any[]; } /** * Represents a Commodity Channel Index indicator series for the {@link FinancialChart}. * * The commodity channel index is an oscillator that measures an asset's current price * level relative to an average price level over a specified period of time. */ export declare class CCI extends SingleOverlayIndicatorBase { private _constant; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link CCI} class. * * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object. */ constructor(options?: any); /** * Gets or sets the constant value for the CCI calculation. The default * value is 0.015. */ constant: number; _calculate(): void; } export declare function _cci(highs: number[], lows: number[], closes: number[], period: number, constant: number): number[]; /** * Represents a Bollinger Bands® overlay series for the {@link FinancialChart}. * * Bollinger Bands is a registered trademark of John Bollinger. */ export declare class BollingerBands extends OverlayIndicatorBase { private _upperYVals; private _middleYVals; private _lowerYVals; private _xVals; private _period; private _multiplier; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link BollingerBands} class. * * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object. */ constructor(options?: any); /** * Gets or sets the period for the calculation as an integer value. */ period: any; /** * Gets or sets the standard deviation multiplier. */ multiplier: number; getDataRect(currentRect?: Rect, calculatedRect?: Rect): Rect; _clearValues(): void; _shouldCalculate(): boolean; _init(): void; _calculate(): void; private _rendering; getCalculatedValues(key: string): any[]; } export declare function _bollingerBands(ys: number[], period: number, multiplier: number): any; /** * Represents an Average True Range indicator series for the {@link FinancialChart}. * * Average true range is used to measure the volatility of an asset. Average true range * does not provide any indication of the price's trend, but rather the degree of price * volatility. */ export declare class ATR extends SingleOverlayIndicatorBase { /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link ATR} class. * * @param options JavaScript object containing initialization data for the object. */ constructor(options?: any); _calculate(): void; }