/*! * * Wijmo Library 5.20242.30 * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo * * Copyright(c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the End-User License Agreement For MESCIUS Wijmo Software. * us.sales@mescius.com * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo/licensing * */ /** * {@module wijmo.angular2.chart.finance} * Contains Angular 2 components for the wijmo.chart.finance module. * * wijmo.angular2.chart.finance is an external TypeScript module that can be imported to your code * using its ambient module name. For example: * *
import * as wjFinance from 'wijmo/wijmo.angular2.chart.finance';
* @Component({
*     directives: [wjFinance.WjFinancialChart, wjFinance.WjFinancialChartSeries],
*     template: `
*       <wj-financial-chart [itemsSource]="data" [bindingX]="'x'">
*           <wj-financial-chart-series [binding]="'y'"></wj-financial-chart-series>
*       </wj-financial-chart>`,
*     selector: 'my-cmp',
* })
* export class MyCmp {
*     data: any[];
* }
* */ /** * */ export declare var ___keepComment: any; import { EventEmitter, AfterViewInit, ElementRef, Injector, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { IWjComponentMetadata, IWjComponentMeta } from 'wijmo/wijmo.angular2.directiveBase'; import * as wjcChartFinance from 'wijmo/wijmo.chart.finance'; declare var wjFinancialChartMeta: IWjComponentMeta; export { wjFinancialChartMeta }; /** * Angular 2 component for the {@link wijmo.chart.finance.FinancialChart} control. * * Use the wj-financial-chart component to add FinancialChart controls to your * Angular 2 applications. For details about Angular 2 markup syntax, see * Angular 2 Markup. * * The WjFinancialChart component is derived from the FinancialChart control and * inherits all its properties, events and methods. * * The wj-financial-chart component may contain the following child components: * {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.analytics.WjFlexChartTrendLine} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.analytics.WjFlexChartMovingAverage} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.analytics.WjFlexChartYFunctionSeries} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.analytics.WjFlexChartParametricFunctionSeries} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.analytics.WjFlexChartWaterfall} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.analytics.WjFlexChartBoxWhisker} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.animation.WjFlexChartAnimation} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.annotation.WjFlexChartAnnotationLayer} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.analytics.WjFlexChartFibonacci} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.analytics.WjFlexChartFibonacciArcs} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.analytics.WjFlexChartFibonacciFans} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.analytics.WjFlexChartFibonacciTimeZones} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.analytics.WjFlexChartAtr} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.analytics.WjFlexChartCci} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.analytics.WjFlexChartRsi} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.analytics.WjFlexChartWilliamsR} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.analytics.WjFlexChartMacd} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.analytics.WjFlexChartMacdHistogram} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.analytics.WjFlexChartStochastic} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.analytics.WjFlexChartBollingerBands} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.analytics.WjFlexChartEnvelopes} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.WjFinancialChartSeries} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.interaction.WjFlexChartRangeSelector} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.interaction.WjFlexChartGestures} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.WjFlexChartAxis} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.WjFlexChartLegend} * , {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.WjFlexChartLineMarker} * and {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.WjFlexChartPlotArea}. */ export declare class WjFinancialChart extends wjcChartFinance.FinancialChart implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewInit { static readonly meta: IWjComponentMetadata; private _wjBehaviour; /** * Indicates whether the component has been initialized by Angular. * Changes its value from false to true right before triggering the initialized event. */ isInitialized: boolean; /** * This event is triggered after the component has been initialized by Angular, that is * all bound properties have been assigned and child components (if any) have been initialized. */ initialized: EventEmitter; /** * Defines a name of a property represented by [(ngModel)] directive (if specified). * Default value is ''. */ wjModelProperty: string; /** * Allows you to override the global WjOptions.asyncBindings setting for this specific component. * See the WjOptions.{@link WjOptions.asyncBindings} property description for details. */ asyncBindings: boolean; /** * Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo gotFocus event for programmatic access. * Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. * In template bindings use the conventional gotFocus Wijmo event name. */ gotFocusNg: EventEmitter; /** * Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo lostFocus event for programmatic access. * Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. * In template bindings use the conventional lostFocus Wijmo event name. */ lostFocusNg: EventEmitter; /** * Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo refreshing event for programmatic access. * Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. * In template bindings use the conventional refreshing Wijmo event name. */ refreshingNg: EventEmitter; /** * Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo refreshed event for programmatic access. * Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. * In template bindings use the conventional refreshed Wijmo event name. */ refreshedNg: EventEmitter; /** * Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo invalidInput event for programmatic access. * Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. * In template bindings use the conventional invalidInput Wijmo event name. */ invalidInputNg: EventEmitter; /** * Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo rendering event for programmatic access. * Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. * In template bindings use the conventional rendering Wijmo event name. */ renderingNg: EventEmitter; /** * Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo rendered event for programmatic access. * Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. * In template bindings use the conventional rendered Wijmo event name. */ renderedNg: EventEmitter; /** * Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo selectionChanged event for programmatic access. * Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. * In template bindings use the conventional selectionChanged Wijmo event name. */ selectionChangedNg: EventEmitter; /** * This event is used to implement two-way binding to the selection property. * It's triggered when the property value changes, with the event argument holding the new property value. * You can bind handlers to this event in templates using the selectionChange event name. */ selectionChangePC: EventEmitter; /** * Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo itemsSourceChanging event for programmatic access. * Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. * In template bindings use the conventional itemsSourceChanging Wijmo event name. */ itemsSourceChangingNg: EventEmitter; /** * Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo itemsSourceChanged event for programmatic access. * Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. * In template bindings use the conventional itemsSourceChanged Wijmo event name. */ itemsSourceChangedNg: EventEmitter; /** * Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo seriesVisibilityChanged event for programmatic access. * Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. * In template bindings use the conventional seriesVisibilityChanged Wijmo event name. */ seriesVisibilityChangedNg: EventEmitter; constructor(elRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector, parentCmp: any); /** * If you create a custom component inherited from a Wijmo component, you can override this * method and perform necessary initializations that you usually do in a class constructor. * This method is called in the last line of a Wijmo component constructor and allows you * to not declare your custom component's constructor at all, thus preventing you from a necessity * to maintain constructor parameters and keep them in synch with Wijmo component's constructor parameters. */ created(): void; ngOnInit(): void; ngAfterViewInit(): void; ngOnDestroy(): void; addEventListener(target: EventTarget, type: string, fn: any, capture?: boolean): void; tooltipContent: any; labelContent: any; } declare var wjFinancialChartSeriesMeta: IWjComponentMeta; export { wjFinancialChartSeriesMeta }; /** * Angular 2 component for the {@link wijmo.chart.finance.FinancialSeries} class. * * The wj-financial-chart-series component must be * contained in a {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.finance.WjFinancialChart} component. * * Use the wj-financial-chart-series component to add FinancialSeries controls to your * Angular 2 applications. For details about Angular 2 markup syntax, see * Angular 2 Markup. * * The WjFinancialChartSeries component is derived from the FinancialSeries class and * inherits all its properties, events and methods. * * The wj-financial-chart-series component may contain a {@link wijmo.angular2.chart.WjFlexChartAxis} child component. */ export declare class WjFinancialChartSeries extends wjcChartFinance.FinancialSeries implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewInit { static readonly meta: IWjComponentMetadata; private _wjBehaviour; /** * Indicates whether the component has been initialized by Angular. * Changes its value from false to true right before triggering the initialized event. */ isInitialized: boolean; /** * This event is triggered after the component has been initialized by Angular, that is * all bound properties have been assigned and child components (if any) have been initialized. */ initialized: EventEmitter; /** * Gets or sets a name of a property that this component is assigned to. * Default value is 'series'. */ wjProperty: string; /** * Allows you to override the global WjOptions.asyncBindings setting for this specific component. * See the WjOptions.{@link WjOptions.asyncBindings} property description for details. */ asyncBindings: boolean; /** * Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo rendering event for programmatic access. * Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. * In template bindings use the conventional rendering Wijmo event name. */ renderingNg: EventEmitter; /** * Angular (EventEmitter) version of the Wijmo rendered event for programmatic access. * Use this event name if you want to subscribe to the Angular version of the event in code. * In template bindings use the conventional rendered Wijmo event name. */ renderedNg: EventEmitter; /** * This event is used to implement two-way binding to the visibility property. * It's triggered when the property value changes, with the event argument holding the new property value. * You can bind handlers to this event in templates using the visibilityChange event name. */ visibilityChangePC: EventEmitter; constructor(elRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector, parentCmp: any); /** * If you create a custom component inherited from a Wijmo component, you can override this * method and perform necessary initializations that you usually do in a class constructor. * This method is called in the last line of a Wijmo component constructor and allows you * to not declare your custom component's constructor at all, thus preventing you from a necessity * to maintain constructor parameters and keep them in synch with Wijmo component's constructor parameters. */ created(): void; ngOnInit(): void; ngAfterViewInit(): void; ngOnDestroy(): void; } export declare class WjChartFinanceModule { }