/*! * * Wijmo Library 5.20242.30 * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo * * Copyright(c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the End-User License Agreement For MESCIUS Wijmo Software. * us.sales@mescius.com * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo/licensing * */ /** * {@module wijmo.angular.core} * AngularJS directives for wijmo module */ /** * */ export declare var ___keepComment: any; import { WjDirective, WjLink } from 'wijmo/wijmo.angular.base'; /** * Angular module name, which can be used in the angular.module(moduleName) * function to obtain a reference to the module . */ export declare const ngModuleName = "wj.container"; /** * AngularJS directive for the {@link Tooltip} class. * * Use the wj-tooltip directive to add tooltips to elements on the page. * The wj-tooltip directive supports HTML content, smart positioning, and touch. * * The wj-tooltip directive is specified as a parameter added to the * element that the tooltip applies to. The parameter value is the tooltip * text or the id of an element that contains the text. For example: * *
<p wj-tooltip="#fineprint" > * Regular paragraph content...</p> * ... * <div id="fineprint" style="display:none"> * <h3>Important Note</h3> * <p> * Data for the current quarter is estimated * by pro-rating etc.</p> * </div>*/ export declare class WjTooltip extends WjDirective { constructor(); readonly _controlConstructor: any; _initControl(element: any): any; _createLink(): WjLink; } /** * AngularJS directive for custom validations based on expressions. * * The wj-validation-error directive supports both AngularJS and native HTML5 * validation mechanisms. It accepts an arbitrary AngularJS expression that should return * an error message string in case of the invalid input and an empty string if the input is valid. * * For AngularJS validation it should be used together with the ng-model directive. * In this case the wj-validation-error directive reports an error using a call * to the NgModelController.$setValidity method with the wjValidationError error key , * in the same way as it happens with AngularJS native and custom validation directives. * * For HTML5 validation, the wj-validation-error directive sets the error state to the * element using the setCustomValidity method from the HTML5 validation API. For example: * *
<p>HTML5 validation:</p> * <form> * <input type="password" * placeholder="Password" * name="pwd" ng-model="thePwd" * required minlength="2" /> * <input type="password" * placeholder="Check Password" * name="chk" ng-model="chkPwd" * wj-validation-error="chkPwd != thePwd ? 'Passwords don\'t match' : ''" /> * </form> * * <p>AngularJS validation:</p> * <form name="ngForm" novalidate> * <input type="password" * placeholder="Password" * name="pwd" ng-model="thePwd" * required minlength="2" /> * <input type="password" * placeholder="Check Password" * name="chk" ng-model="chkPwd" * wj-validation-error="chkPwd != thePwd" /> * <div * ng-show="ngForm.chk.$error.wjValidationError && !ngForm.chk.$pristine"> * Sorry, the passwords don't match. * </div> * </form>* */ export declare class WjValidationError extends WjDirective { constructor(); _postLinkFn(): (scope: any, tElement: any, tAttrs: any, controller: any) => void; _getMetaDataId(): any; }