/*! * * Wijmo Library 5.20242.30 * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo * * Copyright(c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the End-User License Agreement For MESCIUS Wijmo Software. * us.sales@mescius.com * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo/licensing * */ /** * {@module wijmo.angular.base} * Contains base classes for all Wijmo for AngularJS directives. */ /** * */ export declare var ___keepComment: any; import { Control } from 'wijmo/wijmo'; import { ControlMetaFactory, PropertyType, EventDescBase, ComplexPropDescBase, PropDescBase, MetaDataBase } from 'wijmo/wijmo.meta'; import * as wjcInput from 'wijmo/wijmo.input'; import * as wjcGrid from 'wijmo/wijmo.grid'; import * as wjcGridFilter from 'wijmo/wijmo.grid.filter'; import * as wjcGridGrouppanel from 'wijmo/wijmo.grid.grouppanel'; import * as wjcGridDetail from 'wijmo/wijmo.grid.detail'; import * as wjcGridSheet from 'wijmo/wijmo.grid.sheet'; import * as wjcGridMultirow from 'wijmo/wijmo.grid.multirow'; import * as wjcChart from 'wijmo/wijmo.chart'; import * as wjcChartHierarchical from 'wijmo/wijmo.chart.hierarchical'; import * as wjcChartAnnotation from 'wijmo/wijmo.chart.annotation'; import * as wjcChartInteraction from 'wijmo/wijmo.chart.interaction'; import * as wjcChartAnimation from 'wijmo/wijmo.chart.animation'; import * as wjcChartFinance from 'wijmo/wijmo.chart.finance'; import * as wjcChartRadar from 'wijmo/wijmo.chart.radar'; import * as wjcChartAnalytics from 'wijmo/wijmo.chart.analytics'; import * as wjcChartFinanceAnalytics from 'wijmo/wijmo.chart.finance.analytics'; import * as wjcGauge from 'wijmo/wijmo.gauge'; import * as wjcOlap from 'wijmo/wijmo.olap'; import * as wjcViewer from 'wijmo/wijmo.viewer'; import * as wjcNav from 'wijmo/wijmo.nav'; export declare class MetaFactory extends ControlMetaFactory { static CreateProp(propertyName: string, propertyType: PropertyType, changeEvent?: string, enumType?: any, isNativeControlProperty?: boolean, priority?: number): PropDesc; static CreateEvent(eventName: string, isPropChanged?: boolean): EventDesc; static CreateComplexProp(propertyName: string, isArray: boolean, ownsObject?: boolean): ComplexPropDesc; static findProp(propName: string, props: PropDesc[]): PropDesc; static findEvent(eventName: string, events: EventDesc[]): EventDesc; static findComplexProp(propName: string, props: ComplexPropDesc[]): ComplexPropDesc; } export declare class PropDesc extends PropDescBase { private _scopeBindingMode; private _customHandler; constructor(propertyName: string, propertyType: PropertyType, changeEvent?: string, enumType?: any, isNativeControlProperty?: boolean, priority?: number); scopeBindingMode: string; customHandler: (scope: any, control: Control, value: any, oldValue: any, link: WjLink) => any; } export declare class EventDesc extends EventDescBase { } export declare class ComplexPropDesc extends ComplexPropDescBase { } export declare function _registerNgModule(name: string): any; /** * Returns an array of all registered so far Wijmo Angular module names. * These are the names of Angular modules that allows you to obtain a module * reference using the angular.module(moduleName) function. */ export declare function getNgModules(): string[]; export declare class WjDirective { static _versionOk(minVer: string): boolean; static _parPropAttr: string; static _wjModelPropAttr: string; static _initPropAttr: string; static _initEventAttr: string; static _cntrlScopeProp: string; static _elemScopeProp: string; static _cntrlLinkProp: string; static _scopeChildrenProp: string; static _dirIdAttr: string; static _optionalAttr: boolean; static _dynaTemplates: boolean; static _angStripPrefixes: string[]; private static _dirIdCounter; link: (scope: any, templateElement: any, templateAttributes: any, controller: any) => any; controller: any; replace: boolean; require: any; restrict: string; scope: any; template: any; transclude: any; _property: string; _isPropertyArray: boolean; _ownObject: boolean; _parentReferenceProperty: string; _ngModelProperty: string; _isCustomParentInit: boolean; _props: PropDesc[]; _events: EventDesc[]; _complexProps: ComplexPropDesc[]; _$parse: any; private _stripReq; private _dirId; readonly _controlConstructor: any; _getMetaDataId(): any; _getMetaData(): MetaDataBase; constructor(); private _initDirective; _initSharedMeta(): void; _initProps(): void; _initEvents(): void; _createLink(): WjLink; _controllerImpl(controller: any, scope: any, tElement: any): void; _initControl(element: any): any; _isChild(): boolean; _isParentInitializer(): boolean; _isParentReferencer(): boolean; _scopeToAttrName(scopeName: string): string; _getComplexPropDesc(propName: string): ComplexPropDesc; private _initScopeEvents; private _initScopeDescription; _postLinkFn(): (scope: any, tElement: any, tAttrs: any, controller?: any) => void; private _prepareProps; private _stripRequire; _getId(): string; static _removeTransclude(html: string): string; } export declare class WjLink { directive: WjDirective; scope: any; tElement: any; tAttrs: any; controller: any; directiveTemplateElement: any; control: any; parent: WjLink; ngModel: any; private _ngModelPropDesc; private _nonAssignable; private _parentPropDesc; private _definedProps; private _definedEvents; private _oldValues; _isInitialized: boolean; private _hasTriggeredInitialized; private _isNgModelInitialized; private _scopeSuspend; private _suspendedEvents; private _siblingInsertedMO; private _destroyEhUnreg; _areChlildrenReady: boolean; _isDestroyed: boolean; constructor(); _link(): void; _onChildrenReady(): void; private _createInstance; private _parentReady; _initParent(): void; _destroy(): void; private _siblingInserted; private _notifyReady; _initControl(): any; private _prepareControl; private _setupScopeWithControlProperties; private _initNonAssignable; _suspendScope(): void; _resumeScope(): void; _isScopeSuspended(): boolean; _isAttrDefined(name: string): boolean; private _isAppliedToParent; _childInitialized(child: WjLink): void; private _thisInitialized; _initialized(): void; private _appliedToParent; private _checkRaiseInitialized; private _addWatchers; private _addEventHandlers; private _addEventHandler; private _updateScope; private _ngModelRender; private _castValueToType; private _isChild; private _isParentInitializer; private _isParentReferencer; private _getParentProp; private _getParentReferenceProperty; private _useParentObj; private _isParentArray; private _parentInCtor; private _getNgModelProperty; private _updateNgModelPropDesc; _safeApply(scope: any, name: any, value: any): boolean; _shouldApply(scope: any, name: any, value: any): boolean; _canApply(scope: any, name: any): boolean; _isEqual(v1: any, v2: any): boolean; _isEqualEx(v1: any, v2: any): boolean; _isSpValEq(v1: any, v2: any): boolean; _nullOrValue(value: any): any; _getIndex(): number; } export declare function softRefChart(): typeof wjcChart; export declare function softRefChartAnalytics(): typeof wjcChartAnalytics; export declare function softRefChartAnimation(): typeof wjcChartAnimation; export declare function softRefChartAnnotation(): typeof wjcChartAnnotation; export declare function softRefChartFinance(): typeof wjcChartFinance; export declare function softRefChartFinanceAnalytics(): typeof wjcChartFinanceAnalytics; export declare function softRefChartHierarchical(): typeof wjcChartHierarchical; export declare function softRefChartInteraction(): typeof wjcChartInteraction; export declare function softRefChartRadar(): typeof wjcChartRadar; export declare function softRefGauge(): typeof wjcGauge; export declare function softRefGrid(): typeof wjcGrid; export declare function softRefGridDetail(): typeof wjcGridDetail; export declare function softRefGridFilter(): typeof wjcGridFilter; export declare function softRefGridGrouppanel(): typeof wjcGridGrouppanel; export declare function softRefGridMultirow(): typeof wjcGridMultirow; export declare function softRefGridSheet(): typeof wjcGridSheet; export declare function softRefNav(): typeof wjcNav; export declare function softRefOlap(): typeof wjcOlap; export declare function softRefViewer(): typeof wjcViewer; export declare function softRefInput(): typeof wjcInput;