/*! * * Wijmo Library 5.20241.9 * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo * * Copyright(c) MESCIUS inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the End-User License Agreement For MESCIUS Wijmo Software. * us.sales@mescius.com * https://developer.mescius.com/wijmo/licensing * */ /** * {@module wijmo.angular2.directivebase} * Basic Wijmo for Angular 2 module containing internal common services and platform options. * * wijmo.angular2.directivebase is an external TypeScript module that can be imported to your code * using its ambient module name. For example: * *
import * as wjBase from 'wijmo/wijmo.angular2.directivebase';
* wjBase.WjOptions.asyncBindings = false;
* */ /** * */ export declare var ___keepComment: any; import { Injector, EventEmitter, NgZone } from '@angular/core'; import { ControlValueAccessor } from '@angular/forms'; import * as ng2 from '@angular/core'; /** * Exposes global options for the Wijmo for Angular 2 interop. */ export declare class WjOptions { /** * Indicates whether Wijmo components update binding sources of the two-way bound properties asynchronously * or synchronously. * * If this property is set to true (default) then changes to the Wijmo components' properties * with two-way bindings (like WjInputNumber.value) will cause the component to update a binding * source property asynchronously, after the current change detection cycle is completed. * Otherwise, if this property is set to false, the binding source will be updated immediately. * A corresponding property change event (like WjInputNumber.valueChanged) is also triggered * asynchronously or synchronously depending on this property value, after the binding source * was updated. * * This global setting can be changed for specific instances of Wijmo components, by assigning * the component's asyncBindings property with a specific boolean value. * * Transition to asynchronous binding source updates has happened in Wijmo version 350. Before that version, * binding sources were updated immediately after the component's property change. In some cases this * could lead to the ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError exception in the applications running * Angular in the debug mode. For example, if your component's property value is set to 0.12345, and * you two-way bind it to the value property of the WjInputNumber component with the format * property set to 'n2', the WjInputNumber immediately converts this value to 0.12. This change, * in turn, causes Angular to update your component property (the source of this binding), so that its * value changes from 0.12345 to 0.12. If this source update is performed synchronously then the binding * source property changes its value during the same change detection cycle, which is prohibited by Angular. * If Angular runs in debug mode then it executes a special check after every change detection cycle, which * detects this change and raises the ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError exception. * Asynchronous binding source updates resolve this problem, because the binding source property * is updated after the current change detection cycle has finished. * * If the ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError is not an issue for you, and parts of * you application logic are sensible to a moment when binding source update happens, you can change * this functionality by setting the global asyncBindings property to false. This should be * done before the first Wijmo component was instantiated by your application logic, and the best * place to do it is the file where you declare the application's root NgModule. This can be done * with the code like this: *
import * as wjBase from 'wijmo/wijmo.angular2.directivebase';
    * wjBase.WjOptions.asyncBindings = false;
* * Alternatively, you can change the update mode for the specific component using its own * asyncBindings property. For example: *
<wj-input-number [asyncBindings]="false" [(value)]="amount"></wj-input-number>
*/ static asyncBindings: boolean; } export interface IWjMetaBase { selector: string; inputs: string[]; outputs: string[]; providers: any[]; } export interface IWjComponentMeta extends IWjMetaBase { template: string; } export interface IWjDirectiveMeta extends IWjMetaBase { exportAs: string; } export declare type ChangePropertyEvent = { prop: string; evExposed: string; evImpl: string; }; export declare type EventPropertiesItem = { event: string; eventImpl: string; props?: ChangePropertyEvent[]; }; export declare type EventProperties = EventPropertiesItem[]; export interface IWjComponentMetadata { changeEvents?: { [event: string]: string[]; }; outputs?: string[]; siblingId?: string; parentRefProperty?: string; } export interface IPendingEvent { event: EventEmitter; args: any; } export declare class WjComponentResolvedMetadata { readonly changeEventMap: EventPropertiesItem[]; allImplEvents: string[]; constructor(rawMeta: IWjComponentMetadata); private resolveChangeEventMap; } export declare class WjDirectiveBehavior { static directiveTypeDataProp: string; static directiveResolvedTypeDataProp: string; static BehaviourRefProp: string; static parPropAttr: string; static wjModelPropAttr: string; static initializedEventAttr: string; static isInitializedPropAttr: string; static siblingDirIdAttr: string; static asyncBindingUpdatePropAttr: string; static siblingDirId: number; static wijmoComponentProviderId: string; static ngZone: NgZone; static outsideZoneEvents: { 'pointermove': boolean; 'pointerover': boolean; 'mousemove': boolean; 'wheel': boolean; 'touchmove': boolean; 'pointerenter': boolean; 'pointerleave': boolean; 'pointerout': boolean; 'mouseover': boolean; 'mouseenter': boolean; 'mouseleave': boolean; 'mouseout': boolean; }; private static _pathBinding; private _siblingInsertedMO; private _pendingEvents; private _pendingEventsTO; directive: Object; typeData: IWjComponentMetadata; resolvedTypeData: WjComponentResolvedMetadata; elementRef: ng2.ElementRef; injector: ng2.Injector; injectedParent: any; parentBehavior: WjDirectiveBehavior; isInitialized: boolean; isDestroyed: boolean; nz: NgZone; nzRun: (fn: any) => any; static getHostElement(ngHostElRef: ng2.ElementRef, injector?: Injector): HTMLElement; static attach(directive: Object, elementRef: ng2.ElementRef, injector: ng2.Injector, injectedParent: any): WjDirectiveBehavior; static getZone(directive: any): NgZone; constructor(directive: Object, elementRef: ng2.ElementRef, injector: ng2.Injector, injectedParent: any); ngOnInit(): void; ngAfterViewInit(): void; ngOnDestroy(): void; static instantiateTemplate(parent: HTMLElement, viewContainerRef: ng2.ViewContainerRef, templateRef: ng2.TemplateRef, /*domRenderer: ng2.Renderer,*/ useTemplateRoot?: boolean, dataContext?: any): { viewRef: ng2.EmbeddedViewRef; rootElement: Element; }; getPropChangeEvent(propName: string): string; private _createEvents; private _overrideDirectiveMethods; private subscribeToEvents; private addHandlers; private triggerPropChangeEvents; private _setupAsChild; private _isAsyncBinding; private _isChild; private _isParentInitializer; private _isParentReferencer; private _getParentProp; private _getParentReferenceProperty; private _useParentObj; private _parentInCtor; private _initParent; _getSiblingIndex(): number; private _siblingInserted; private _isHostElement; private _triggerEvent; private _triggerPendingEvents; flushPendingEvents(): void; private static evaluatePath; static getBehavior(directive: any): WjDirectiveBehavior; } export declare class Ng2Utils { static changeEventImplementSuffix: string; static wjEventImplementSuffix: string; static initEvents(directiveType: any, changeEvents: EventPropertiesItem[]): string[]; static getChangeEventNameImplemented(propertyName: any): string; static getChangeEventNameExposed(propertyName: any): string; private static getWjEventNameImplemented; static getWjEventName(ngEventName: string): string; static getBaseType(type: any): any; static getAnnotations(type: any): any[]; static getAnnotation(annotations: any[], annotationType: any): any; static getTypeAnnotation(type: any, annotationType: any, own?: boolean): any; static equals(v1: any, v2: any): boolean; static _copy(dst: any, src: any, override?: boolean, includePrivate?: boolean, filter?: (name: string, value: any) => boolean): void; } export declare class WjValueAccessor implements ControlValueAccessor { private _writeQnt; private _directive; private _behavior; private _ngModelProp; private _modelValue; private _isSubscribed; private _dirUpdateQnt; private _dirInitEh; private _onChange; private _onTouched; constructor(/*@Inject(Injector) injector: Injector*/ directive: any); writeValue(value: any): void; registerOnChange(fn: (_: any) => void): void; registerOnTouched(fn: () => void): void; setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void; private _updateDirective; private _ensureSubscribed; private _ensureNgModelProp; private _ensureInitEhUnsubscribed; private _isFirstChange; private _dirValChgEh; private _dirLostFocusEh; } export declare function WjValueAccessorFactory(/*injector: Injector*/ directive: any): WjValueAccessor;