/** * Takes a class for an extended Component/HTMLElement * and registes it basedof the ClassName as class-name. * * @param {CustomElementConstructor} classInstace Instance of a custom element to register * @param {{ name: ?string }} options * @returns {string} the kebab-case version fo ClassName */ export default function registerComponent(classInstace: CustomElementConstructor, { name }?: { name: string | null; }): string; export class Component extends HTMLElement { constructor(componentPath: any); componentPath: any; $(q: any): any; get cssPath(): any; get htmlPath(): any; get props(): any; /** * Fetch sibling CSS if componentPath was sent in the super call. * Execute the render method of the component and return the result as a node * * @returns {Promise} */ _render(): Promise; fetchHTMLAsDocFrag(): Promise; fetchCSSAsStyleSheet(): Promise; /** * Fetch sibling CSS and HTML if componentPath was sent in the super call. * If these has already been fetched (a component is initied more than one) * then re-use the cached document fragment instead of fethcing again. * * @returns {Promise} */ _renderHTMLFile(): Promise; componentDidMount(): void; connectedCallback(): Promise; _sDOM: ShadowRoot; }