export namespace logStats { const verbosity: number; const suppressedLogs: number; } export function logMessage(message: any, logLevel: any): void; export let audioCache: {}; export let context: any; /** Pre-render a noise buffer instead of generating noise on the fly. **/ export let noiseBuffer: any; /** Set up the default ADSR envelope. **/ export function constructEnv(arg: any): { attack: any; decay: any; sustain: any; hold: any; release: any; }; /** Set up the default filter and filter envelope. **/ export function constructFilter(arg: any): any; /** If the Wad uses an audio file as the source, request it from the server, or use a cached copy if available. Don't let the Wad play until all necessary files have been downloaded. **/ export function requestAudioFile(that: any, callback: any): void; /** Set up the vibrato LFO **/ export function constructVibrato(arg: any): { shape: any; speed: any; magnitude: any; attack: any; }; /** Set up the tremolo LFO **/ export function constructTremolo(arg: any): { shape: any; speed: any; magnitude: any; attack: any; }; export function constructReverb(that: any, arg: any): { wet: any; }; export function constructPanning(arg: any): { location: number[]; type: string; panningModel: string; } | { location: any; type?: undefined; panningModel?: undefined; } | { location: number; type: string; panningModel?: undefined; }; export function constructDelay(arg: any): { delayTime: any; maxDelayTime: any; feedback: any; wet: any; }; export function constructCompressor(that: any, arg: any): void; /** Special initialization and configuration for microphone Wads **/ export function getConsent(that: any, arg: any): any; export namespace permissionsGranted { const micConsent: boolean; } export function setUpMic(that: any, arg: any): void; /** Initialize and configure a panner node for playback **/ export function setUpPanningOnPlay(that: any, arg: any): void; /** Initialize and configure a vibrato LFO Wad for playback **/ export function setUpVibratoOnPlay(that: any, arg: any, Wad: any): void; /** Initialize and configure a tremolo LFO Wad for playback **/ export function setUpTremoloOnPlay(that: any, arg: any, Wad: any): void; export function setUpDelayOnPlay(that: any, arg: any): void; export function setUpTunaOnPlay(that: any, arg: any): void; /** When all the nodes are set up for this Wad, this function plugs them into each other, with special handling for nodes with custom interfaces (e.g. reverb, delay). **/ export function plugEmIn(that: any, arg: any): void; /** Set the ADSR volume envelope according to play() arguments, or revert to defaults **/ export function setUpEnvOnPlay(that: any, arg: any): void; export function setUpFilterOnPlay(that: any, arg: any): void; /** Initialize and configure a convolver node for playback **/ export function setUpReverbOnPlay(that: any, arg: any): void; /** When a note is played, these two functions will schedule changes in volume and filter frequency, as specified by the volume envelope and filter envelope **/ export function filterEnv(wad: any, arg: any): void; export function playEnv(wad: any, arg: any): void; /** Initialize and configure an oscillator node **/ export function setUpOscillator(that: any, arg: any): void; /** Set the filter and filter envelope according to play() arguments, or revert to defaults **/ export function createFilters(that: any, arg: any): void; //# sourceMappingURL=common.d.ts.map