import XEUtils from 'xe-utils' import { VXETable, InterceptorKeydownParams } from 'vxe-table/lib/vxe-table' /** * 功能键 */ export const enum FUNC_NANE { /** * 只对 edit-config 启用后有效,当单元格处于选中状态时,则进入编辑 */ TABLE_EDIT_ACTIVED = 'table.edit.actived', /** * 只对 edit-config 启用后有效,当单元格处于激活状态时,则退出编辑 */ TABLE_EDIT_CLOSED = 'table.edit.closed', /** * 只对 edit-config / mouse-config 启用后有效,当单元格处于激活状态或者选中状态,则移动到左侧单元格 */ TABLE_EDIT_TAB_LEFT_MOVE = '', /** * 只对 edit-config / mouse-config 启用后有效,当单元格处于激活状态或者选中状态,则移动到右侧单元格 */ TABLE_EDIT_TAB_RIGHT_MOVE = '', /** * 只对 edit-config / mouse-config 启用后有效,当单元格处于激活状态或者选中状态,则移动到上面单元格 */ TABLE_EDIT_ENTER_UP_MOVE = 'table.edit.enter.upMove', /** * 只对 edit-config / mouse-config 启用后有效,当单元格处于激活状态或者选中状态,则移动到下面单元格 */ TABLE_EDIT_ENTER_DOWN_MOVE = 'table.edit.enter.downMove', /** * 只对 mouse-config 启用后有效,当单元格处于选中状态,则移动到左边的单元格 */ TABLE_CELL_LEFT_MOVE = 'table.cell.leftMove', /** * 只对 mouse-config 启用后有效,当单元格处于选中状态,则移动到上面的单元格 */ TABLE_CELL_UP_MOVE = 'table.cell.upMove', /** * 只对 mouse-config 启用后有效,当单元格处于选中状态,则移动到右边的单元格 */ TABLE_CELL_RIGHT_MOVE = 'table.cell.rightMove', /** * 只对 mouse-config 启用后有效,当单元格处于选中状态,则移动到下面的单元格 */ TABLE_CELL_DOWN_MOVE = 'table.cell.downMove', /** * 只对 highlight-current-row 启用后有效,高亮行向上移动 */ TABLE_ROW_CURRENT_TOP_MOVE = 'table.row.current.topMove', /** * 只对 highlight-current-row 启用后有效,高亮行向上移动 */ TABLE_ROW_CURRENT_DOWN_MOVE = 'table.row.current.downMove', /** * 只对 pager-config 启用后有效,则进入上一页 */ PAGER_PREV_PAGE = 'pager.prevPage', /** * 只对 pager-config 启用后有效,则进入下一页 */ PAGER_NEXT_PAGE = 'pager.nextPage', /** * 只对 pager-config 启用后有效,则向上翻页 */ PAGER_PREV_JUMP = 'pager.prevJump', /** * 只对 pager-config 启用后有效,则向下翻页 */ PAGER_NEXT_JUMP = 'pager.nextJump' } export const enum SKEY_NANE { TRIGGER = 'trigger', EMIT = 'emit' } interface KeyStoreMaps { [propName: string]: SKey[]; } const arrowKeys = 'right,up,left,down'.split(',') const specialKeys = 'alt,ctrl,shift,meta'.split(',') const settingMaps: KeyStoreMaps = {} const listenerMaps: KeyStoreMaps = {} const disabledMaps: KeyStoreMaps = {} export class SKey { realKey: string; specialKey: string; funcName?: FUNC_NANE; kConf?: ShortcutKeyConf; constructor (realKey: string, specialKey: string, funcName?: FUNC_NANE, kConf?: ShortcutKeyConf) { this.realKey = realKey this.specialKey = specialKey this.funcName = funcName this.kConf = kConf } [SKEY_NANE.TRIGGER] (params: InterceptorKeydownParams, evnt: any) { if (!this.specialKey || evnt[`${this.specialKey}Key`]) { if (this.funcName && handleFuncs[this.funcName]) { return handleFuncs[this.funcName](params, evnt) } } } [SKEY_NANE.EMIT] (params: InterceptorKeydownParams, evnt: any) { if (!this.specialKey || evnt[`${this.specialKey}Key`]) { if (this.kConf && this.kConf.callback) { return this.kConf.callback(params, evnt) } } } } function getEventKey (key: string): string { if (arrowKeys.indexOf(key.toLowerCase()) > -1) { return `Arrow${key}` } return key } function isTriggerPage (params: InterceptorKeydownParams): boolean { return !params.$table.getActiveRecord() } function handleChangePage (func: string) { return function (params: InterceptorKeydownParams, evnt: any) { const { $grid, $table } = params const { mouseConfig = {} } = $table if ($grid && mouseConfig.selected !== true && ['input', 'textarea'].indexOf( === -1 && isTriggerPage(params)) { const pager: any = $grid.$refs.pager if (pager) { evnt.preventDefault() pager[func](evnt) } } } } function handleCellTabMove (isLeft: boolean) { return function (params: any, evnt: any): any { const { $table } = params const targetParams = $table.getActiveRecord() || $table.getSelectedCell() if (targetParams) { $table.moveTabSelected(targetParams, isLeft, evnt) } return false } } function handleCellEnterMove (isTop: boolean) { return function (params: any, evnt: any): any { const { $table } = params const targetParams = $table.getActiveRecord() || $table.getSelectedCell() if (targetParams) { $table.moveSelected(targetParams, false, !isTop, false, isTop, evnt) } return false } } function handleCellMove (arrowIndex: number) { return function (params: InterceptorKeydownParams, evnt: any) { const $table: any = params.$table const selecteParams = $table.getSelectedCell() const arrows: number[] = [0, 0, 0, 0] arrows[arrowIndex] = 1 if (selecteParams) { $table.moveSelected(selecteParams, arrows[0], arrows[1], arrows[2], arrows[3], evnt) return false } } } function handleCurrentRowMove (isDown: boolean) { return function (params: InterceptorKeydownParams, evnt: any) { const $table: any = params.$table if ($table.highlightCurrentRow) { const currentRow = $table.getCurrentRecord() if (currentRow) { $table.moveCurrentRow(!isDown, isDown, evnt) return false } } } } /** * 快捷键处理方法 */ export const handleFuncs = { [FUNC_NANE.TABLE_EDIT_ACTIVED] (params: InterceptorKeydownParams, evnt: any) { const { $table } = params const selected = $table.getSelectedCell() if (selected) { evnt.preventDefault() $table.setActiveCell(selected.row, return false } }, [FUNC_NANE.TABLE_EDIT_CLOSED] (params: InterceptorKeydownParams, evnt: any) { const { $table } = params const { mouseConfig = {} } = $table const actived = $table.getActiveRecord() if (actived) { evnt.preventDefault() $table.clearActived() if (mouseConfig.selected) { $table.$nextTick(() => $table.setSelectCell(actived.row, } return false } }, [FUNC_NANE.TABLE_EDIT_TAB_RIGHT_MOVE]: handleCellTabMove(false), [FUNC_NANE.TABLE_EDIT_TAB_LEFT_MOVE]: handleCellTabMove(true), [FUNC_NANE.TABLE_EDIT_ENTER_UP_MOVE]: handleCellEnterMove(false), [FUNC_NANE.TABLE_EDIT_ENTER_DOWN_MOVE]: handleCellEnterMove(true), [FUNC_NANE.TABLE_CELL_LEFT_MOVE]: handleCellMove(0), [FUNC_NANE.TABLE_CELL_UP_MOVE]: handleCellMove(1), [FUNC_NANE.TABLE_CELL_RIGHT_MOVE]: handleCellMove(2), [FUNC_NANE.TABLE_CELL_DOWN_MOVE]: handleCellMove(3), [FUNC_NANE.TABLE_ROW_CURRENT_TOP_MOVE]: handleCurrentRowMove(false), [FUNC_NANE.TABLE_ROW_CURRENT_DOWN_MOVE]: handleCurrentRowMove(true), [FUNC_NANE.PAGER_PREV_PAGE]: handleChangePage('prevPage'), [FUNC_NANE.PAGER_NEXT_PAGE]: handleChangePage('nextPage'), [FUNC_NANE.PAGER_PREV_JUMP]: handleChangePage('prevJump'), [FUNC_NANE.PAGER_NEXT_JUMP]: handleChangePage('nextJump') } function runEvent (key: string, maps: any, prop: SKEY_NANE, params: InterceptorKeydownParams, evnt: any) { let skeyList: SKey[] = maps[key.toLowerCase()] if (skeyList) { return !skeyList.some((skey: SKey) => skey[prop](params, evnt) === false) } } function handleShortcutKeyEvent (params: InterceptorKeydownParams, e: any) { const evnt = params.$event || e let key: string = getEventKey(evnt.key) if (!runEvent(key, disabledMaps, SKEY_NANE.EMIT, params, evnt)) { if (runEvent(key, settingMaps, SKEY_NANE.TRIGGER, params, evnt) === false) { return false } runEvent(key, listenerMaps, SKEY_NANE.EMIT, params, evnt) } } interface parseKeyRest { realKey: string; specialKey: string; } function parseKeys (key: string): parseKeyRest { let specialKey = '' let realKey = '' let keys = key.split('+') keys.forEach((item) => { item = item.toLowerCase().trim() if (specialKeys.indexOf(item) > -1) { specialKey = item } else { realKey = item } }) if (!realKey || keys.length > 2 || (keys.length === 2 && !specialKey)) { throw new Error(`[vxe-table-plugin-shortcut-key] Invalid shortcut key configuration '${key}'.`) } return { realKey, specialKey } } function setKeyQueue (maps: KeyStoreMaps, kConf: ShortcutKeyConf, funcName?: FUNC_NANE) { let { realKey, specialKey } = parseKeys(kConf.key) let skeyList: SKey[] = maps[realKey] if (!skeyList) { skeyList = maps[realKey] = [] } if (skeyList.some((skey) => skey.realKey === realKey && skey.specialKey === specialKey)) { throw new Error(`[vxe-table-plugin-shortcut-key] Shortcut key conflict '${kConf.key}'.`) } skeyList.push(new SKey(realKey, specialKey, funcName, kConf)) } function parseDisabledKey (options: ShortcutKeyOptions) { XEUtils.each(options.disabled, (conf: string | ShortcutKeyConf) => { let opts: any = XEUtils.isString(conf) ? { key: conf } : conf setKeyQueue(disabledMaps, XEUtils.assign({ callback: () => false }, opts)) }) } function parseSettingKey (options: ShortcutKeyOptions) { XEUtils.each(options.setting, (opts: string | ShortcutKeySettingConfig, funcName: any) => { let kConf: any = XEUtils.isString(opts) ? { key: opts } : opts if (!handleFuncs[funcName as FUNC_NANE]) { console.error(`[vxe-table-plugin-shortcut-key] '${funcName}' not exist.`) } setKeyQueue(settingMaps, kConf, funcName) }) } function parseListenerKey (options: ShortcutKeyOptions) { XEUtils.each(options.listener, (callback: Function, key: string) => { if (!XEUtils.isFunction(callback)) { console.error(`[vxe-table-plugin-shortcut-key] '${key}' requires the callback function to be set.`) } setKeyQueue(listenerMaps, { key, callback }) }) } export interface ShortcutKeyConf { key: string; callback: Function } export interface ShortcutKeyListenerConfig { [funcName: string]: (params: InterceptorKeydownParams, evnt: any) => any; } export interface ShortcutKeySettingConfig { [funcName: string]: string; } export interface ShortcutKeyOptions { disabled?: string[] | ShortcutKeyConf[]; listener?: ShortcutKeyListenerConfig; setting?: ShortcutKeySettingConfig; } /** * 设置参数 * @param options 参数 */ function setup (options: ShortcutKeyOptions) { if (options) { parseDisabledKey(options) parseSettingKey(options) parseListenerKey(options) } } /** * 基于 vxe-table 表格的增强插件,为键盘操作提供快捷键设置 */ export const VXETablePluginShortcutKey = { setup, install (xtable: typeof VXETable, options?: ShortcutKeyOptions) { if (options) { setup(options) } xtable.interceptor.add('event.keydown', handleShortcutKeyEvent) } } if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.VXETable && window.VXETable.use) { window.VXETable.use(VXETablePluginShortcutKey) } export default VXETablePluginShortcutKey