import { spawn } from 'p-spawn'; import { loadBlocks } from './block'; import { getRepositoryName, Realm } from './main'; //#region ---------- Hook Functions ---------- // finish initializing a realm object export async function realm_init(realm: Realm) { // a aws realm must have a profile. Default is 'default' if (!realm.profile) { realm.profile = 'default'; } } export async function dpush_prep(realm: Realm, serviceNames: string[]) { const blockByName = await loadBlocks(); const repoNames = => getRepositoryName(blockByName[sn])); const existingRepositoryNames = await getAwsExistingRepositoryNames(realm); const missingRepositoryNames = repoNames.filter(n => !existingRepositoryNames.includes(n)); await createRepositories(realm, missingRepositoryNames); } export async function dpush_image_ex(realm: Realm, ex: any, remoteImage: string) { console.log(`dpush - recovering - first docker dpush to ${remoteImage} failed, trying to recover`); // AWS CLI 2 try { // get ecr password const cmdGetPwd = await spawn('aws', ['ecr', 'get-login-password', '--profile', realm.profile], { capture: 'stdout' }); const pwd = cmdGetPwd.stdout!.trim(); // docker login (leave output to console) const cmdDockerLogin = await spawn('docker', ['login', '--username', 'AWS', '--password-stdin', realm.registry], { input: pwd }); console.log('dpush - relogin success'); console.log(`dpush - trying to push again ${remoteImage}`); await spawn('docker', ['push', remoteImage]); console.log('dpush - fully recovered'); } catch (ex) { console.log('dpush - error - relogin/repush failed', ex); throw ex; } // AWS CLI 1.x // aws ecr get-login --no-include-email // const reloginCmd = await spawn('aws', ['ecr', 'get-login', '--no-include-email', '--profile', realm.profile], { capture: 'stdout' }); // const reloginArg = reloginCmd.stdout!.trim().split(' '); // reloginArg.shift(); // remove the 'docker' first item. // try { // const relogin = await spawn('docker', reloginArg, { capture: 'stdout' }); // console.log('dpush - relogin success'); // console.log(`dpush - trying to push again ${remoteImage}`); // await spawn('docker', ['push', remoteImage]); // console.log('dpush - fully recovered'); // } catch (ex2) { // console.log('dpush - error - relogin/repush failed', ex2); // throw ex2; // } return true; } //#endregion ---------- /Hook Functions ---------- //#region ---------- Utils ---------- async function createRepositories(realm: Realm, repoNames: string[]) { for (const repo of repoNames) { // aws ecr create-repository --profile default --repository-name cstar-agent console.log(`Info - aws ECR repository ${repo} does not exist, creating...`); await spawn('aws', ['ecr', 'create-repository', '--profile', realm.profile, '--repository-name', repo]); } } async function getAwsExistingRepositoryNames(realm: Realm) { // NOTE: Somehow even when the login has expired, this call works (it's the push that does not work) const dataStr = await spawn('aws', ['ecr', 'describe-repositories', '--profile', realm.profile], { capture: 'stdout' }); const repositories = JSON.parse(dataStr.stdout!.trim()).repositories; if (repositories) { return any) => r.repositoryName); } else { return []; } } //#endregion ---------- /Utils ----------