interface PositionIndicator { /** Inside the viewport area? */ inside: boolean; /** Above the viewport area? */ above: boolean; /** Below the viewport area? */ below: boolean; /** To the left of the viewport area? */ left: boolean; /** To the right of the viewport area? */ right: boolean; } /** * Determines whether the element is in the area of the viewport or not. * * @param elm - DOM element to test * @param threshold - The distance to the edge of the viewport before * the element is no longer inside in the viewport area, * in pixels * * @return An object with indications of where the element is compared to the viewport area * * @example * * ```ts * // Element inside viewport * const { inside } = inView(myElement); * // -> inside === true * * // Element outside viewport * const { inside, below } = inView(myElement); * // -> inside === false; below === true * * // With a threshold * const { inside } = inView(myElement, 30); * // -> inside === true * ``` */ export default function inView(elm: HTMLElement, threshold?: number): PositionIndicator; export {};