import { VanillaHCaptchaJsApiConfig } from "./hcaptcha"; declare global { interface Window { _hCaptchaOnLoad?: Function; _hCaptchaOnLoadPromise?: Promise; } } /** * Loads the hCaptcha JS API only once on the page despite multiple attempts. * * Usage: * 1. import hcaptchaScript from './hcaptcha-script'; * 2. when web component is mounted do: * loadJsApiIfNotAlready(HCaptchaConfig) * .then(() => console.log('hcaptcha is loaded, so it is safe to be used')) * .catch((err) => console.error('failed to load the hcaptcha', err)); */ export declare function loadJsApiIfNotAlready(config: VanillaHCaptchaJsApiConfig): Promise;