/// import { PathLike } from 'fs'; export interface Options { test?: boolean; updateVersion?: UpdateVersion; sourceBranch?: string; masterBranch?: string; sourceFolder?: PathLike | string; buildFolder?: PathLike | string; runScript?: RunScript; buildScript?: BuildScript | string; push?: boolean; publish?: boolean; repositoryPath?: PathLike | string; } export declare enum UpdateVersion { patch = "patch", minor = "minor", major = "major", prepatch = "prepatch" } export declare enum RunScript { npm = "npm run", yarn = "yarn" } export declare enum BuildScript { build = "build" } export declare enum Folder { source = "source", build = "build" } export declare enum CommandlineArgument { buildFolder = "buildFolder", j = "j", buildScript = "buildScript", b = "b", commitMessage = "commitMessage", c = "c", help = "help", h = "h", otp = "otp", o = "o", runscript = "runscript", r = "r", sourceFolder = "sourceFolder", s = "s", publishSource = "publishSource", P = "P" } export declare enum CommandlineArgumentShort { buildFolder = "j", commitMessage = "c", help = "h", otp = "o", runscript = "r", sourceFolder = "s" } export declare enum CommandlineArgumentDescription { buildFolder = "Name of the source folder (default = \"build\")", commitMessage = "Git commit message", help = "List all commandline arguments", otp = "One time password", runscript = "Run script (npm, yarn)", sourceFolder = "Name of the source folder (default = \"source\")" } export declare type CommandlineArgumentKey = keyof typeof CommandlineArgumentDescription;