import { useCallback, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useRef, useState, } from "react"; import ResizeObserver from "resize-observer-polyfill"; export type TLogLevel = "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "none"; export type TOptions = { logLevel?: TLogLevel; maxFontSize?: number; minFontSize?: number; onFinish?: (fontSize: number) => void; onStart?: () => void; resolution?: number; }; const LOG_LEVEL: Record = { debug: 10, info: 20, warn: 30, error: 40, none: 100, }; // Suppress `useLayoutEffect` warning when rendering on the server // const useIsoLayoutEffect = typeof window !== "undefined" && window.document && window.document.createElement ? useLayoutEffect : useEffect; const useFitText = ({ logLevel: logLevelOption = "info", maxFontSize = 100, minFontSize = 20, onFinish, onStart, resolution = 5, }: TOptions = {}) => { const logLevel = LOG_LEVEL[logLevelOption]; const initState = useCallback(() => { return { calcKey: 0, fontSize: maxFontSize, fontSizePrev: minFontSize, fontSizeMax: maxFontSize, fontSizeMin: minFontSize, }; }, [maxFontSize, minFontSize]); const ref = useRef(null); const innerHtmlPrevRef = useRef(); const isCalculatingRef = useRef(false); const [state, setState] = useState(initState); const { calcKey, fontSize, fontSizeMax, fontSizeMin, fontSizePrev } = state; // Montior div size changes and recalculate on resize let animationFrameId: number | null = null; const [ro] = useState( () => new ResizeObserver(() => { animationFrameId = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (isCalculatingRef.current) { return; } onStart && onStart(); isCalculatingRef.current = true; // `calcKey` is used in the dependencies array of // `useIsoLayoutEffect` below. It is incremented so that the font size // will be recalculated even if the previous state didn't change (e.g. // when the text fit initially). setState({ ...initState(), calcKey: calcKey + 1, }); }); }), ); useEffect(() => { if (ref.current) { ro.observe(ref.current); } return () => { animationFrameId && window.cancelAnimationFrame(animationFrameId); ro.disconnect(); }; }, [animationFrameId, ro]); // Recalculate when the div contents change const innerHtml = ref.current && ref.current.innerHTML; useEffect(() => { if (calcKey === 0 || isCalculatingRef.current) { return; } if (innerHtml !== innerHtmlPrevRef.current) { onStart && onStart(); setState({ ...initState(), calcKey: calcKey + 1, }); } innerHtmlPrevRef.current = innerHtml; }, [calcKey, initState, innerHtml, onStart]); // Check overflow and resize font useIsoLayoutEffect(() => { // Don't start calculating font size until the `resizeKey` is incremented // above in the `ResizeObserver` callback. This avoids an extra resize // on initialization. if (calcKey === 0) { return; } const isWithinResolution = Math.abs(fontSize - fontSizePrev) <= resolution; const isOverflow = !!ref.current && (ref.current.scrollHeight > ref.current.offsetHeight || ref.current.scrollWidth > ref.current.offsetWidth); const isFailed = isOverflow && fontSize === fontSizePrev; const isAsc = fontSize > fontSizePrev; // Return if the font size has been adjusted "enough" (change within `resolution`) // reduce font size by one increment if it's overflowing. if (isWithinResolution) { if (isFailed) { isCalculatingRef.current = false; if (logLevel <= { `[use-fit-text] reached \`minFontSize = ${minFontSize}\` without fitting text`, ); } } else if (isOverflow) { setState({ fontSize: isAsc ? fontSizePrev : fontSizeMin, fontSizeMax, fontSizeMin, fontSizePrev, calcKey, }); } else { isCalculatingRef.current = false; onFinish && onFinish(fontSize); } return; } // Binary search to adjust font size let delta: number; let newMax = fontSizeMax; let newMin = fontSizeMin; if (isOverflow) { delta = isAsc ? fontSizePrev - fontSize : fontSizeMin - fontSize; newMax = Math.min(fontSizeMax, fontSize); } else { delta = isAsc ? fontSizeMax - fontSize : fontSizePrev - fontSize; newMin = Math.max(fontSizeMin, fontSize); } setState({ calcKey, fontSize: fontSize + delta / 2, fontSizeMax: newMax, fontSizeMin: newMin, fontSizePrev: fontSize, }); }, [ calcKey, fontSize, fontSizeMax, fontSizeMin, fontSizePrev, onFinish, ref, resolution, ]); return { fontSize: `${fontSize}%`, ref }; }; export default useFitText;