import { useContext, useEffect, useState } from "react" import {AnimationContext, AnimationContextProps} from "./animation-context" interface AnimationConfig { duration: number, easing?: Easing, started?: boolean, playMode?: PlayMode, } type UpdateFunc = (t: number) => void type Easing = (t: number) => number type PlayMode = 'forward' | 'reverse' | 'loop' | 'pingPong' export function useAnim(config: AnimationConfig, updateFunc: UpdateFunc) { // Auto start animation if no other options override this let shouldStart = true const animationContext = useContext(AnimationContext) if (animationContext && animationContext.started != undefined) { shouldStart = animationContext.started } if (config.started != undefined) { shouldStart = config.started } const [startedAnimation, setStartedAnimation] = useState(shouldStart) if (!startedAnimation && shouldStart) { setStartedAnimation(true) } useEffect( __createUseAnimEffect(startedAnimation, animationContext, config, updateFunc), [startedAnimation], ) return { startedAnimation } } // This function is only exported, such that it can be used in tests. export const __createUseAnimEffect = ( startedAnimation: boolean, animationContext: AnimationContextProps|undefined, config: AnimationConfig, updateFunc: UpdateFunc, ) => () => { if (!startedAnimation) { return } let currentFrame: number|undefined = undefined let delay = 0 if (animationContext) { delay = animationContext.getStagger() animationContext.increaseStagger() } setTimeout(() => { let startTime = let reverse = config.playMode === 'reverse' const update = () => { const elapsed = - startTime let t = Math.min(1, elapsed/config.duration) if (reverse) { t = 1-t } if (config.easing) { if (reverse) { t = 1 - config.easing(1-t) } else { t = config.easing(t) } } updateFunc(t) if (elapsed < config.duration) { currentFrame = requestAnimationFrame(update) } else if (config.playMode === 'loop' || config.playMode === 'pingPong') { startTime = if (config.playMode === 'pingPong') { reverse = !reverse } currentFrame = requestAnimationFrame(update) } } currentFrame = requestAnimationFrame(update) }, delay) return () => { if (currentFrame != undefined) { cancelAnimationFrame(currentFrame) } } }