import * as Log from '../log' import { TypeStoreAttrKey, TypeStoreModelKey } from "../Constants"; import {ModelPersistenceEventCallback,ModelPersistenceEventType} from '../Types' import {getMetadataReturnType,getMetadataType,getMetadata,setMetadata} from '../MetadataManager' import {isArrayType} from '../Util' const log = Log.create(__filename) /** * Internal map for property values * * @type {WeakMap} */ const propertyValues = new WeakMap() /** * Simply function to get retype object properties * * @param target * @returns {any} */ function getProps(target) { let props = propertyValues.get(target) if (!props) { props = {} propertyValues.set(target,props) } return props } /** * Attribute index configuration */ export interface IModelAttributeIndex { name:string unique?:boolean isSecondaryKey?:boolean secondaryKey?:string } /** * Model attribute options */ export interface IModelAttributeOptions { name?:string type?:any typeName?:string isArray?:boolean primaryKey?:boolean secondaryKey?:boolean index?: IModelAttributeIndex transient?:boolean } /** * Options provided to model * decorator annotation */ export interface IModelOptions { clazzName?:string clazz?:any onlyMapDefinedAttributes?:boolean tableName?:string attrs?:IModelAttributeOptions[] transientAttrs?:string[] onPersistenceEvent?:ModelPersistenceEventCallback } /** * Model key shape */ export interface IModelKey { } /** * Model key value shape */ export interface IKeyValue { } export type TKeyValue = IKeyValue|string|number /** * Decorate a specified class, making it a * PersistableModel * * Set process.env.DYNO_SKIP to true in order to skip * decorations - useful in dual purpose classes, * in webpack use DefinePlugin * * @param opts */ export function Model(opts:IModelOptions = {}) { return function(constructor:Function) { // Make sure everything is valid //const type = Reflect.getOwnMetadata('design:type',constructor) const type = constructor as any, attrs = Reflect.getOwnMetadata(TypeStoreAttrKey, constructor) as IModelAttributeOptions[], finalOpts = Object.assign({},{ clazz: constructor, clazzName:, tableName:, attrs },opts) log.debug(`Decorating: ${finalOpts.clazzName}`) Reflect.defineMetadata(TypeStoreModelKey,finalOpts,constructor) } } /** * Default value resolver */ export type DefaultValueFn = (o:any) => any /** * Default value decoration */ export function DefaultValue(defaultValueFn:DefaultValueFn) { return function (target:any,propertyKey:string) { Object.defineProperty(target,propertyKey, { set: function(newVal) { const props = getProps(this) if (props[propertyKey] === newVal) return props[propertyKey] = newVal }, get: function() { const props = getProps(this) let val = props[propertyKey] if (typeof val === 'undefined' || val == null) { val = props[propertyKey] = defaultValueFn(this) } return val } }) } } /** * Decorator model attribute * * @param opts * @returns {function(any, string): undefined} * @constructor */ export function Attribute(opts:IModelAttributeOptions = {}) { return function (target:any,propertyKey:string) { const attrType = getMetadataType(target,propertyKey) opts = Object.assign({},{ type:attrType, name: propertyKey, isArray: isArrayType(attrType), typeName: (attrType && ? : 'unknown type', key:propertyKey },opts) // Update the attribute array const modelAttrs = getMetadata(TypeStoreAttrKey,target.constructor) || [] modelAttrs.push(opts) setMetadata(TypeStoreAttrKey,opts,target.constructor,propertyKey) setMetadata(TypeStoreAttrKey,modelAttrs,target.constructor) } }