import { Coordinate } from 'ol/coordinate'; import Feature from 'ol/Feature'; import {Geometry} from 'ol/geom'; import GeometryType from 'ol/geom/GeometryType'; /** Create a geometry given a type and coordinates * @param {ol.geom.GeometryType} type the geometry type * @param {ol.Coordinate[]|number[]} coordinates the geometry coordinates * @return {ol.geom.Geometry} the geometry */ export function ol_geom_createFromType(type: GeometryType, coordinates: Coordinate[] | number[]): Geometry; /** Distance beetween 2 points * Useful geometric functions * @param {ol.Coordinate} p1 first point * @param {ol.Coordinate} p2 second point * @return {number} distance */ export function ol_coordinate_dist2d(p1: Coordinate, p2: Coordinate): number; /** 2 points are equal * Useful geometric functions * @param {Coordinate} p1 first point * @param {Coordinate} p2 second point * @return {boolean} */ export function ol_coordinate_equal(p1: Coordinate, p2: Coordinate): boolean; /** Get center coordinate of a feature * @param {Feature} f * @return {Coordinate} the center */ export function ol_coordinate_getFeatureCenter(f: Feature): Coordinate; /** Get center coordinate of a geometry * @param {Feature} geom * @return {Coordinate} the center */ export function ol_coordinate_getGeomCenter(geom: Feature): Coordinate; /** Offset a polyline * @param {Array} coords * @param {number} offset * @return {Array} resulting coord * @see * @see */ export function ol_coordinate_offsetCoords(coords: Coordinate[], offset: number): Coordinate[]; /** Find the segment a point belongs to * @param {Coordinate} pt * @param {Array} coords * @return {} the index (-1 if not found) and the segment */ export function ol_coordinate_findSegment(pt: Coordinate, coords: Coordinate[]): any; /** * Split a Polygon geom with horizontal lines * @param {Array} geom * @param {number} y the y to split * @param {number} n contour index * @return {Array>} */ export function ol_coordinate_splitH(geom: Coordinate[], y: number, n: number): Coordinate[][];