import { ObjectLiteral } from "../common/ObjectLiteral"; export declare class OrmUtils { /** * Chunks array into pieces. */ static chunk(array: T[], size: number): T[][]; static splitClassesAndStrings(clsesAndStrings: (string | T)[]): [T[], string[]]; static groupBy(array: T[], propertyCallback: (item: T) => R): { id: R; items: T[]; }[]; static uniq(array: T[], criteria?: (item: T) => any): T[]; static uniq(array: T[], property: K): T[]; static isObject(item: any): any; /** * Deep Object.assign. * * @see */ static mergeDeep(target: any, ...sources: any[]): any; /** * Deep compare objects. * * @see */ static deepCompare(...args: any[]): boolean; /** * Check if two entity-id-maps are the same */ static compareIds(firstId: ObjectLiteral | undefined, secondId: ObjectLiteral | undefined): boolean; /** * Transforms given value into boolean value. */ static toBoolean(value: any): boolean; /** * Composes an object from the given array of keys and values. */ static zipObject(keys: any[], values: any[]): ObjectLiteral; /** * Compares two arrays. */ static isArraysEqual(arr1: any[], arr2: any[]): boolean; private static compare2Objects; }