import { QueryBuilder } from "./QueryBuilder"; import { ObjectLiteral } from "../common/ObjectLiteral"; import { ObjectType } from "../common/ObjectType"; import { Connection } from "../connection/Connection"; import { QueryRunner } from "../query-runner/QueryRunner"; import { WhereExpression } from "./WhereExpression"; import { Brackets } from "./Brackets"; import { DeleteResult } from "./result/DeleteResult"; import { EntitySchema } from "../index"; /** * Allows to build complex sql queries in a fashion way and execute those queries. */ export declare class DeleteQueryBuilder extends QueryBuilder implements WhereExpression { constructor(connectionOrQueryBuilder: Connection | QueryBuilder, queryRunner?: QueryRunner); /** * Gets generated sql query without parameters being replaced. */ getQuery(): string; /** * Executes sql generated by query builder and returns raw database results. */ execute(): Promise; /** * Specifies FROM which entity's table select/update/delete will be executed. * Also sets a main string alias of the selection data. */ from(entityTarget: ObjectType | EntitySchema | string, aliasName?: string): DeleteQueryBuilder; /** * Sets WHERE condition in the query builder. * If you had previously WHERE expression defined, * calling this function will override previously set WHERE conditions. * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression. */ where(where: Brackets | string | ((qb: this) => string) | ObjectLiteral | ObjectLiteral[], parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this; /** * Adds new AND WHERE condition in the query builder. * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression. */ andWhere(where: Brackets | string | ((qb: this) => string), parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this; /** * Adds new OR WHERE condition in the query builder. * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression. */ orWhere(where: Brackets | string | ((qb: this) => string), parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this; /** * Adds new AND WHERE with conditions for the given ids. */ whereInIds(ids: any | any[]): this; /** * Adds new AND WHERE with conditions for the given ids. */ andWhereInIds(ids: any | any[]): this; /** * Adds new OR WHERE with conditions for the given ids. */ orWhereInIds(ids: any | any[]): this; /** * Optional returning/output clause. * This will return given column values. */ output(columns: string[]): this; /** * Optional returning/output clause. * Returning is a SQL string containing returning statement. */ output(output: string): this; /** * Optional returning/output clause. */ output(output: string | string[]): this; /** * Optional returning/output clause. * This will return given column values. */ returning(columns: string[]): this; /** * Optional returning/output clause. * Returning is a SQL string containing returning statement. */ returning(returning: string): this; /** * Optional returning/output clause. */ returning(returning: string | string[]): this; /** * Creates DELETE express used to perform query. */ protected createDeleteExpression(): string; }