import { Connection } from "../connection/Connection"; import { FindManyOptions } from "../find-options/FindManyOptions"; import { ObjectType } from "../common/ObjectType"; import { FindOneOptions } from "../find-options/FindOneOptions"; import { DeepPartial } from "../common/DeepPartial"; import { RemoveOptions } from "../repository/RemoveOptions"; import { SaveOptions } from "../repository/SaveOptions"; import { MongoRepository } from "../repository/MongoRepository"; import { TreeRepository } from "../repository/TreeRepository"; import { Repository } from "../repository/Repository"; import { PlainObjectToNewEntityTransformer } from "../query-builder/transformer/PlainObjectToNewEntityTransformer"; import { EntitySchema } from "../index"; import { QueryRunner } from "../query-runner/QueryRunner"; import { SelectQueryBuilder } from "../query-builder/SelectQueryBuilder"; import { QueryDeepPartialEntity } from "../query-builder/QueryPartialEntity"; import { ObjectID } from "../driver/mongodb/typings"; import { InsertResult } from "../query-builder/result/InsertResult"; import { UpdateResult } from "../query-builder/result/UpdateResult"; import { DeleteResult } from "../query-builder/result/DeleteResult"; import { FindConditions } from "../find-options/FindConditions"; import { IsolationLevel } from "../driver/types/IsolationLevel"; /** * Entity manager supposed to work with any entity, automatically find its repository and call its methods, * whatever entity type are you passing. */ export declare class EntityManager { /** * Connection used by this entity manager. */ readonly connection: Connection; /** * Custom query runner to be used for operations in this entity manager. * Used only in non-global entity manager. */ readonly queryRunner?: QueryRunner; /** * Once created and then reused by en repositories. */ protected repositories: Repository[]; /** * Plain to object transformer used in create and merge operations. */ protected plainObjectToEntityTransformer: PlainObjectToNewEntityTransformer; constructor(connection: Connection, queryRunner?: QueryRunner); /** * Wraps given function execution (and all operations made there) in a transaction. * All database operations must be executed using provided entity manager. */ transaction(runInTransaction: (entityManager: EntityManager) => Promise): Promise; /** * Wraps given function execution (and all operations made there) in a transaction. * All database operations must be executed using provided entity manager. */ transaction(isolationLevel: IsolationLevel, runInTransaction: (entityManager: EntityManager) => Promise): Promise; /** * Executes raw SQL query and returns raw database results. */ query(query: string, parameters?: any[]): Promise; /** * Creates a new query builder that can be used to build a sql query. */ createQueryBuilder(entityClass: ObjectType, alias: string, queryRunner?: QueryRunner): SelectQueryBuilder; /** * Creates a new query builder that can be used to build a sql query. */ createQueryBuilder(entityClass: EntitySchema, alias: string, queryRunner?: QueryRunner): SelectQueryBuilder; /** * Creates a new query builder that can be used to build a sql query. */ createQueryBuilder(entityName: string, alias: string, queryRunner?: QueryRunner): SelectQueryBuilder; /** * Creates a new query builder that can be used to build a sql query. */ createQueryBuilder(queryRunner?: QueryRunner): SelectQueryBuilder; /** * Checks if entity has an id. */ hasId(entity: any): boolean; /** * Checks if entity of given schema name has an id. */ hasId(target: Function | string, entity: any): boolean; /** * Gets entity mixed id. */ getId(entity: any): any; /** * Gets entity mixed id. */ getId(target: Function | string, entity: any): any; /** * Creates a new entity instance and copies all entity properties from this object into a new entity. * Note that it copies only properties that present in entity schema. */ create(entityClass: ObjectType, plainObject?: DeepPartial): Entity; /** * Creates a new entities and copies all entity properties from given objects into their new entities. * Note that it copies only properties that present in entity schema. */ create(entityClass: ObjectType, plainObjects?: DeepPartial[]): Entity[]; /** * Creates a new entity instance and copies all entity properties from this object into a new entity. * Note that it copies only properties that present in entity schema. */ create(entitySchema: EntitySchema, plainObject?: DeepPartial): Entity; /** * Creates a new entities and copies all entity properties from given objects into their new entities. * Note that it copies only properties that present in entity schema. */ create(entitySchema: EntitySchema, plainObjects?: DeepPartial[]): Entity[]; /** * Creates a new entity instance and copies all entity properties from this object into a new entity. * Note that it copies only properties that present in entity schema. */ create(entityName: string, plainObject?: DeepPartial): Entity; /** * Creates a new entities and copies all entity properties from given objects into their new entities. * Note that it copies only properties that present in entity schema. */ create(entityName: string, plainObjects?: DeepPartial[]): Entity[]; /** * Merges two entities into one new entity. */ merge(entityClass: ObjectType, mergeIntoEntity: Entity, ...entityLikes: DeepPartial[]): Entity; /** * Merges two entities into one new entity. */ merge(entitySchema: EntitySchema, mergeIntoEntity: Entity, ...entityLikes: DeepPartial[]): Entity; /** * Merges two entities into one new entity. */ merge(entityName: string, mergeIntoEntity: Entity, ...entityLikes: DeepPartial[]): Entity; /** * Creates a new entity from the given plain javascript object. If entity already exist in the database, then * it loads it (and everything related to it), replaces all values with the new ones from the given object * and returns this new entity. This new entity is actually a loaded from the db entity with all properties * replaced from the new object. */ preload(entityClass: ObjectType, entityLike: DeepPartial): Promise; /** * Creates a new entity from the given plain javascript object. If entity already exist in the database, then * it loads it (and everything related to it), replaces all values with the new ones from the given object * and returns this new entity. This new entity is actually a loaded from the db entity with all properties * replaced from the new object. */ preload(entitySchema: EntitySchema, entityLike: DeepPartial): Promise; /** * Creates a new entity from the given plain javascript object. If entity already exist in the database, then * it loads it (and everything related to it), replaces all values with the new ones from the given object * and returns this new entity. This new entity is actually a loaded from the db entity with all properties * replaced from the new object. */ preload(entityName: string, entityLike: DeepPartial): Promise; /** * Saves all given entities in the database. * If entities do not exist in the database then inserts, otherwise updates. */ save(entities: Entity[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Saves all given entities in the database. * If entities do not exist in the database then inserts, otherwise updates. */ save(entity: Entity, options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Saves all given entities in the database. * If entities do not exist in the database then inserts, otherwise updates. */ save>(targetOrEntity: ObjectType | EntitySchema, entities: T[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Saves all given entities in the database. * If entities do not exist in the database then inserts, otherwise updates. */ save>(targetOrEntity: ObjectType | EntitySchema, entity: T, options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Saves all given entities in the database. * If entities do not exist in the database then inserts, otherwise updates. */ save(targetOrEntity: string, entities: T[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Saves all given entities in the database. * If entities do not exist in the database then inserts, otherwise updates. */ save(targetOrEntity: string, entity: T, options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Removes a given entity from the database. */ remove(entity: Entity, options?: RemoveOptions): Promise; /** * Removes a given entity from the database. */ remove(targetOrEntity: ObjectType, entity: Entity, options?: RemoveOptions): Promise; /** * Removes a given entity from the database. */ remove(targetOrEntity: EntitySchema, entity: Entity, options?: RemoveOptions): Promise; /** * Removes a given entity from the database. */ remove(targetOrEntity: string, entity: Entity, options?: RemoveOptions): Promise; /** * Removes a given entity from the database. */ remove(entity: Entity[], options?: RemoveOptions): Promise; /** * Removes a given entity from the database. */ remove(targetOrEntity: ObjectType, entity: Entity[], options?: RemoveOptions): Promise; /** * Removes a given entity from the database. */ remove(targetOrEntity: EntitySchema, entity: Entity[], options?: RemoveOptions): Promise; /** * Removes a given entity from the database. */ remove(targetOrEntity: string, entity: Entity[], options?: RemoveOptions): Promise; /** * Records the delete date of all given entities. */ softRemove(entities: Entity[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Records the delete date of a given entity. */ softRemove(entity: Entity, options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Records the delete date of all given entities. */ softRemove>(targetOrEntity: ObjectType | EntitySchema, entities: T[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Records the delete date of a given entity. */ softRemove>(targetOrEntity: ObjectType | EntitySchema, entity: T, options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Records the delete date of all given entities. */ softRemove(targetOrEntity: string, entities: T[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Records the delete date of a given entity. */ softRemove(targetOrEntity: string, entity: T, options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Recovers all given entities. */ recover(entities: Entity[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Recovers a given entity. */ recover(entity: Entity, options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Recovers all given entities. */ recover>(targetOrEntity: ObjectType | EntitySchema, entities: T[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Recovers a given entity. */ recover>(targetOrEntity: ObjectType | EntitySchema, entity: T, options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Recovers all given entities. */ recover(targetOrEntity: string, entities: T[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Recovers a given entity. */ recover(targetOrEntity: string, entity: T, options?: SaveOptions): Promise; /** * Inserts a given entity into the database. * Unlike save method executes a primitive operation without cascades, relations and other operations included. * Executes fast and efficient INSERT query. * Does not check if entity exist in the database, so query will fail if duplicate entity is being inserted. * You can execute bulk inserts using this method. */ insert(target: ObjectType | EntitySchema | string, entity: QueryDeepPartialEntity | (QueryDeepPartialEntity[])): Promise; /** * Updates entity partially. Entity can be found by a given condition(s). * Unlike save method executes a primitive operation without cascades, relations and other operations included. * Executes fast and efficient UPDATE query. * Does not check if entity exist in the database. * Condition(s) cannot be empty. */ update(target: ObjectType | EntitySchema | string, criteria: string | string[] | number | number[] | Date | Date[] | ObjectID | ObjectID[] | any, partialEntity: QueryDeepPartialEntity): Promise; /** * Deletes entities by a given condition(s). * Unlike save method executes a primitive operation without cascades, relations and other operations included. * Executes fast and efficient DELETE query. * Does not check if entity exist in the database. * Condition(s) cannot be empty. */ delete(targetOrEntity: ObjectType | EntitySchema | string, criteria: string | string[] | number | number[] | Date | Date[] | ObjectID | ObjectID[] | any): Promise; /** * Records the delete date of entities by a given condition(s). * Unlike save method executes a primitive operation without cascades, relations and other operations included. * Executes fast and efficient DELETE query. * Does not check if entity exist in the database. * Condition(s) cannot be empty. */ softDelete(targetOrEntity: ObjectType | EntitySchema | string, criteria: string | string[] | number | number[] | Date | Date[] | ObjectID | ObjectID[] | any): Promise; /** * Restores entities by a given condition(s). * Unlike save method executes a primitive operation without cascades, relations and other operations included. * Executes fast and efficient DELETE query. * Does not check if entity exist in the database. * Condition(s) cannot be empty. */ restore(targetOrEntity: ObjectType | EntitySchema | string, criteria: string | string[] | number | number[] | Date | Date[] | ObjectID | ObjectID[] | any): Promise; /** * Counts entities that match given options. * Useful for pagination. */ count(entityClass: ObjectType, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Counts entities that match given options. * Useful for pagination. */ count(entityClass: EntitySchema, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Counts entities that match given options. * Useful for pagination. */ count(entityClass: string, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Counts entities that match given conditions. * Useful for pagination. */ count(entityClass: ObjectType, conditions?: FindConditions): Promise; /** * Counts entities that match given conditions. * Useful for pagination. */ count(entityClass: EntitySchema, conditions?: FindConditions): Promise; /** * Counts entities that match given conditions. * Useful for pagination. */ count(entityClass: string, conditions?: FindConditions): Promise; /** * Finds entities that match given options. */ find(entityClass: ObjectType, options?: FindManyOptions): Promise; /** * Finds entities that match given conditions. */ find(entityClass: ObjectType, conditions?: FindConditions): Promise; /** * Finds entities that match given options. */ find(entitySchema: EntitySchema, options?: FindManyOptions): Promise; /** * Finds entities that match given conditions. */ find(entitySchema: EntitySchema, conditions?: FindConditions): Promise; /** * Finds entities that match given conditions. */ find(entityClass: string, options?: FindManyOptions): Promise; /** * Finds entities that match given conditions. */ find(entityClass: string, conditions?: FindConditions): Promise; /** * Finds entities that match given find options. * Also counts all entities that match given conditions, * but ignores pagination settings (from and take options). */ findAndCount(entityClass: ObjectType, options?: FindManyOptions): Promise<[Entity[], number]>; /** * Finds entities that match given find options. * Also counts all entities that match given conditions, * but ignores pagination settings (from and take options). */ findAndCount(entityClass: EntitySchema, options?: FindManyOptions): Promise<[Entity[], number]>; /** * Finds entities that match given find options. * Also counts all entities that match given conditions, * but ignores pagination settings (from and take options). */ findAndCount(entityClass: string, options?: FindManyOptions): Promise<[Entity[], number]>; /** * Finds entities that match given conditions. * Also counts all entities that match given conditions, * but ignores pagination settings (from and take options). */ findAndCount(entityClass: ObjectType, conditions?: FindConditions): Promise<[Entity[], number]>; /** * Finds entities that match given conditions. * Also counts all entities that match given conditions, * but ignores pagination settings (from and take options). */ findAndCount(entityClass: EntitySchema, conditions?: FindConditions): Promise<[Entity[], number]>; /** * Finds entities that match given conditions. * Also counts all entities that match given conditions, * but ignores pagination settings (from and take options). */ findAndCount(entityClass: string, conditions?: FindConditions): Promise<[Entity[], number]>; /** * Finds entities with ids. * Optionally find options can be applied. */ findByIds(entityClass: ObjectType, ids: any[], options?: FindManyOptions): Promise; /** * Finds entities with ids. * Optionally find options can be applied. */ findByIds(entityClass: EntitySchema, ids: any[], options?: FindManyOptions): Promise; /** * Finds entities with ids. * Optionally find options can be applied. */ findByIds(entityClass: string, ids: any[], options?: FindManyOptions): Promise; /** * Finds entities with ids. * Optionally conditions can be applied. */ findByIds(entityClass: ObjectType, ids: any[], conditions?: FindConditions): Promise; /** * Finds entities with ids. * Optionally conditions can be applied. */ findByIds(entityClass: EntitySchema, ids: any[], conditions?: FindConditions): Promise; /** * Finds entities with ids. * Optionally conditions can be applied. */ findByIds(entityClass: string, ids: any[], conditions?: FindConditions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given find options. */ findOne(entityClass: ObjectType, id?: string | number | Date | ObjectID, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given find options. */ findOne(entityClass: EntitySchema, id?: string | number | Date | ObjectID, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given find options. */ findOne(entityClass: string, id?: string | number | Date | ObjectID, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given find options. */ findOne(entityClass: ObjectType, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given find options. */ findOne(entityClass: EntitySchema, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given find options. */ findOne(entityClass: string, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given conditions. */ findOne(entityClass: ObjectType, conditions?: FindConditions, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given conditions. */ findOne(entityClass: EntitySchema, conditions?: FindConditions, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given conditions. */ findOne(entityClass: string, conditions?: FindConditions, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given find options or rejects the returned promise on error. */ findOneOrFail(entityClass: ObjectType, id?: string | number | Date | ObjectID, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given find options or rejects the returned promise on error. */ findOneOrFail(entityClass: EntitySchema, id?: string | number | Date | ObjectID, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given find options or rejects the returned promise on error. */ findOneOrFail(entityClass: string, id?: string | number | Date | ObjectID, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given find options or rejects the returned promise on error. */ findOneOrFail(entityClass: ObjectType, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given find options or rejects the returned promise on error. */ findOneOrFail(entityClass: EntitySchema, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given find options or rejects the returned promise on error. */ findOneOrFail(entityClass: string, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given conditions or rejects the returned promise on error. */ findOneOrFail(entityClass: ObjectType, conditions?: FindConditions, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given conditions or rejects the returned promise on error. */ findOneOrFail(entityClass: EntitySchema, conditions?: FindConditions, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Finds first entity that matches given conditions or rejects the returned promise on error. */ findOneOrFail(entityClass: string, conditions?: FindConditions, options?: FindOneOptions): Promise; /** * Clears all the data from the given table (truncates/drops it). * * Note: this method uses TRUNCATE and may not work as you expect in transactions on some platforms. * @see */ clear(entityClass: ObjectType | EntitySchema | string): Promise; /** * Increments some column by provided value of the entities matched given conditions. */ increment(entityClass: ObjectType | EntitySchema | string, conditions: any, propertyPath: string, value: number | string): Promise; /** * Decrements some column by provided value of the entities matched given conditions. */ decrement(entityClass: ObjectType | EntitySchema | string, conditions: any, propertyPath: string, value: number | string): Promise; /** * Gets repository for the given entity class or name. * If single database connection mode is used, then repository is obtained from the * repository aggregator, where each repository is individually created for this entity manager. * When single database connection is not used, repository is being obtained from the connection. */ getRepository(target: ObjectType | EntitySchema | string): Repository; /** * Gets tree repository for the given entity class or name. * If single database connection mode is used, then repository is obtained from the * repository aggregator, where each repository is individually created for this entity manager. * When single database connection is not used, repository is being obtained from the connection. */ getTreeRepository(target: ObjectType | EntitySchema | string): TreeRepository; /** * Gets mongodb repository for the given entity class. */ getMongoRepository(target: ObjectType | EntitySchema | string): MongoRepository; /** * Gets custom entity repository marked with @EntityRepository decorator. */ getCustomRepository(customRepository: ObjectType): T; /** * Releases all resources used by entity manager. * This is used when entity manager is created with a single query runner, * and this single query runner needs to be released after job with entity manager is done. */ release(): Promise; }