import { ServiceMetadata } from "./types/ServiceMetadata"; import { ObjectType } from "./types/ObjectType"; import { Token } from "./Token"; import { ServiceIdentifier } from "./types/ServiceIdentifier"; /** * TypeDI can have multiple containers. * One container is ContainerInstance. */ export declare class ContainerInstance { /** * Container instance id. */ id: any; /** * All registered services. */ private services; constructor(id: any); /** * Checks if the service with given name or type is registered service container. * Optionally, parameters can be passed in case if instance is initialized in the container for the first time. */ has(type: ObjectType): boolean; /** * Checks if the service with given name or type is registered service container. * Optionally, parameters can be passed in case if instance is initialized in the container for the first time. */ has(id: string): boolean; /** * Checks if the service with given name or type is registered service container. * Optionally, parameters can be passed in case if instance is initialized in the container for the first time. */ has(id: Token): boolean; /** * Retrieves the service with given name or type from the service container. * Optionally, parameters can be passed in case if instance is initialized in the container for the first time. */ get(type: ObjectType): T; /** * Retrieves the service with given name or type from the service container. * Optionally, parameters can be passed in case if instance is initialized in the container for the first time. */ get(id: string): T; /** * Retrieves the service with given name or type from the service container. * Optionally, parameters can be passed in case if instance is initialized in the container for the first time. */ get(id: Token): T; /** * Gets all instances registered in the container of the given service identifier. * Used when service defined with multiple: true flag. */ getMany(id: string): T[]; /** * Gets all instances registered in the container of the given service identifier. * Used when service defined with multiple: true flag. */ getMany(id: Token): T[]; /** * Sets a value for the given type or service name in the container. */ set(service: ServiceMetadata): this; /** * Sets a value for the given type or service name in the container. */ set(type: Function, value: any): this; /** * Sets a value for the given type or service name in the container. */ set(name: string, value: any): this; /** * Sets a value for the given type or service name in the container. */ set(token: Token, value: any): this; /** * Sets a value for the given type or service name in the container. */ set(token: ServiceIdentifier, value: any): this; /** * Sets a value for the given type or service name in the container. */ set(values: ServiceMetadata[]): this; /** * Removes services with a given service identifiers (tokens or types). */ remove(...ids: ServiceIdentifier[]): this; /** * Completely resets the container by removing all previously registered services from it. */ reset(): this; /** * Filters registered service in the with a given service identifier. */ private filterServices(identifier); /** * Finds registered service in the with a given service identifier. */ private findService(identifier); /** * Gets service value. */ private getServiceValue(identifier, service); /** * Initializes all parameter types for a given target service class. */ private initializeParams(type, paramTypes); /** * Checks if given type is primitive (e.g. string, boolean, number, object). */ private isTypePrimitive(param); /** * Applies all registered handlers on a given target class. */ private applyPropertyHandlers(target, instance); }