/** * This module defines the `requireAll` function and its options. * * The goal of this function is to generate scripts that statically require or * import a list of dependencies. * * @module require-all * @internal */ import { AbsPosixPath, RelPosixPath } from "./types"; export interface RequireAllOptions { /** * `glob` patterns matching the files to select. */ sources: string; /** * Base directory for wildstar `**` expansion. * * Absolute POSIX path. */ base: AbsPosixPath; /** * Target file where the result will be written. * * Relative POSIX path, resolved from `.base`. */ target: RelPosixPath; /** * Output mode. * - `"cjs"` means to use a sequence of `require(...)`. * - `"esm"` means to use a sequence of `await import(...)` */ mode: "cjs" | "esm"; /** * Optional source text to add in the IIFE after all the dependencies were * required. */ suffix?: string; } export declare function requireAll(options: RequireAllOptions): Promise;