// @ts-check /** * The @type annotations are harmless, vscode might just make your life easier * by adding intellisense support whilst you type! */ const { configure } = require('./lib/public') module.exports = configure({ javascripts: { /** @type { import("./lib/public").ITimplaWebpackEntryHook } */ entry: ({ resolve: r }) => ({ 'js-index': r('./js-index.jsx'), 'ts-index': r('./ts-index.tsx'), 'ts-error': r('./ts-error.ts'), }), /** @type { import("./lib/public").ITimplaCustomizeWebpackConfig } */ customizeWebpackConfig(w) { // The following helpers are available to aid you in extending the webpack config. const { projectDestPath, projectSrcPath, timplaConfig, timplaProcess, webpack, webpackConfig, webpackMerge, } = w return w.webpackConfig }, }, // To get intellisense for more complex configs, follow the jsdoc example below: // html: { // /** @type { import("./lib/public").ITimplaHofTask } */ // alternate: p => { // p.timplaProcess // }, // }, // additionalTasks: { // /** @param p { import("./lib/public").ITimplaHelper } */ // initialize: p => {}, // development: { // /** @type { import("./lib/public").ITimplaHofTask } */ // prebuild(tp) {}, // }, // }, })