require('dotenv').config({ path: './test/.env' }); // This is a JavaScript-based config file containing every Mocha option plus others. // If you need conditional logic, you might want to use this type of config, // e.g. set options via environment variables 'process.env'. // Otherwise, JSON or YAML is recommended. module.exports = { 'allow-uncaught': false, 'async-only': false, bail: false, 'check-leaks': false, color: false, delay: false, diff: true, exit: false, // could be expressed as "'no-exit': true" extension: ['js', 'cjs', 'mjs'], 'fail-zero': true, 'forbid-only': false, 'forbid-pending': false, 'full-trace': false, global: ['jQuery', '$'], growl: false, ignore: ['/path/to/some/ignored/file'], 'inline-diffs': true, jobs: 1, 'node-option': ['unhandled-rejections=strict'], // without leading "--", also V8 flags package: './package.json', // parallel: true, // mutually exclusive with --file!! recursive: true, reporter: 'spec', retries: 0, slow: '75', sort: false, timeout: '2000', // same as "timeout: '2s'" 'trace-warnings': true, // node flags ok ui: 'bdd', 'v8-stack-trace-limit': 100, // V8 flags are prepended with "v8-" watch: false, logVerbose: true, 'watch-files': ['lib/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.js'], 'watch-ignore': ['lib/vendor'] };