import type { ReactElement } from 'react' import type { SweetAlertIcon, SweetAlertOptions, SweetAlertResult } from 'sweetalert2' import type swal from 'sweetalert2' /** * Wraps SweetAlert2 implementation with a compatible implementation that supports React elements. * Example: * import swal from 'sweetalert2'; * * const mySwal = withReactContent(swal) * const mySwal = withReactContent() * * @param parentSwal SweetAlert2-compatible implementation if you want to pass your own wrapper. * By default, it will be the SweetAlert2 library itself. * * @returns A SweetAlert2-compatible interface with React capabilities added. */ export default function withReactContent(parentSwal?: SweetAlert2): SweetAlert2 & ReactSweetAlert /** * Mimics SweetAlert2's call signatures, adding React elements as valid inputs. */ interface ReactSweetAlert { (title?: ReactElement | string, message?: ReactElement | string, icon?: SweetAlertIcon): Promise (options: ReactSweetAlertOptions): Promise fire(title?: ReactElement | string, message?: ReactElement | string, icon?: SweetAlertIcon): Promise fire(options: ReactSweetAlertOptions): Promise mixin(options: ReactSweetAlertOptions): SweetAlert2 & ReactSweetAlert } type SweetAlert2 = typeof swal export type ReactSweetAlertOptions = Overwrite type ReactElementOr = SweetAlertOptions[K] | ReactElement interface ReactOptions { title?: ReactElementOr<'title'> html?: ReactElementOr<'html'> confirmButtonText?: ReactElementOr<'confirmButtonText'> denyButtonText?: ReactElementOr<'denyButtonText'> cancelButtonText?: ReactElementOr<'cancelButtonText'> footer?: ReactElementOr<'footer'> closeButtonHtml?: ReactElementOr<'closeButtonHtml'> iconHtml?: ReactElementOr<'iconHtml'> loaderHtml?: ReactElementOr<'loaderHtml'> } // Overwrite will take the properties of U and add to it the properties of T that are not in U. // This emulates an overwrite (override) of chosen properties of T with properties of U. // It works like { ...T, ...U } in JS. // type Overwrite = Pick> & U