export declare type Style = { [key in keyof CSSStyleDeclaration]?: string } export type Globals = | '-moz-initial' | 'inherit' | 'initial' | 'revert' | 'unset' declare namespace DataType { type AbsoluteSize = | 'large' | 'medium' | 'small' | 'x-large' | 'x-small' | 'xx-large' | 'xx-small' | 'xxx-large' type AnimateableFeature = 'contents' | 'scroll-position' | (string & {}) type Attachment = 'fixed' | 'local' | 'scroll' type BgPosition = | TLength | 'bottom' | 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | (string & {}) type BgSize = TLength | 'auto' | 'contain' | 'cover' | (string & {}) type BlendMode = | 'color' | 'color-burn' | 'color-dodge' | 'darken' | 'difference' | 'exclusion' | 'hard-light' | 'hue' | 'lighten' | 'luminosity' | 'multiply' | 'normal' | 'overlay' | 'saturation' | 'screen' | 'soft-light' type Box = 'border-box' | 'content-box' | 'padding-box' type Color = | NamedColor | DeprecatedSystemColor | 'currentcolor' | (string & {}) type CompatAuto = | 'button' | 'checkbox' | 'listbox' | 'menulist' | 'meter' | 'progress-bar' | 'push-button' | 'radio' | 'searchfield' | 'slider-horizontal' | 'square-button' | 'textarea' type CompositeStyle = | 'clear' | 'copy' | 'destination-atop' | 'destination-in' | 'destination-out' | 'destination-over' | 'source-atop' | 'source-in' | 'source-out' | 'source-over' | 'xor' type CompositingOperator = 'add' | 'exclude' | 'intersect' | 'subtract' type ContentDistribution = | 'space-around' | 'space-between' | 'space-evenly' | 'stretch' type ContentList = Quote | 'contents' | (string & {}) type ContentPosition = 'center' | 'end' | 'flex-end' | 'flex-start' | 'start' type CubicBezierTimingFunction = | 'ease' | 'ease-in' | 'ease-in-out' | 'ease-out' | (string & {}) type Dasharray = TLength | (string & {}) | (number & {}) type DeprecatedSystemColor = | 'ActiveBorder' | 'ActiveCaption' | 'AppWorkspace' | 'Background' | 'ButtonFace' | 'ButtonHighlight' | 'ButtonShadow' | 'ButtonText' | 'CaptionText' | 'GrayText' | 'Highlight' | 'HighlightText' | 'InactiveBorder' | 'InactiveCaption' | 'InactiveCaptionText' | 'InfoBackground' | 'InfoText' | 'Menu' | 'MenuText' | 'Scrollbar' | 'ThreeDDarkShadow' | 'ThreeDFace' | 'ThreeDHighlight' | 'ThreeDLightShadow' | 'ThreeDShadow' | 'Window' | 'WindowFrame' | 'WindowText' type DisplayInside = | '-ms-flexbox' | '-ms-grid' | '-webkit-flex' | 'flex' | 'flow' | 'flow-root' | 'grid' | 'ruby' | 'table' type DisplayInternal = | 'ruby-base' | 'ruby-base-container' | 'ruby-text' | 'ruby-text-container' | 'table-caption' | 'table-cell' | 'table-column' | 'table-column-group' | 'table-footer-group' | 'table-header-group' | 'table-row' | 'table-row-group' type DisplayLegacy = | '-ms-inline-flexbox' | '-ms-inline-grid' | '-webkit-inline-flex' | 'inline-block' | 'inline-flex' | 'inline-grid' | 'inline-list-item' | 'inline-table' type DisplayOutside = 'block' | 'inline' | 'run-in' type EastAsianVariantValues = | 'jis04' | 'jis78' | 'jis83' | 'jis90' | 'simplified' | 'traditional' type FinalBgLayer = | Color | BgPosition | RepeatStyle | Attachment | Box | 'none' | (string & {}) type FontStretchAbsolute = | 'condensed' | 'expanded' | 'extra-condensed' | 'extra-expanded' | 'normal' | 'semi-condensed' | 'semi-expanded' | 'ultra-condensed' | 'ultra-expanded' | (string & {}) type FontWeightAbsolute = 'bold' | 'normal' | (number & {}) type GenericFamily = | 'cursive' | 'fantasy' | 'monospace' | 'sans-serif' | 'serif' type GeometryBox = Box | 'fill-box' | 'margin-box' | 'stroke-box' | 'view-box' type GridLine = 'auto' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) type LineStyle = | 'dashed' | 'dotted' | 'double' | 'groove' | 'hidden' | 'inset' | 'none' | 'outset' | 'ridge' | 'solid' type LineWidth = TLength | 'medium' | 'thick' | 'thin' type MaskLayer = | Position | RepeatStyle | GeometryBox | CompositingOperator | MaskingMode | 'no-clip' | 'none' | (string & {}) type MaskingMode = 'alpha' | 'luminance' | 'match-source' type NamedColor = | 'aliceblue' | 'antiquewhite' | 'aqua' | 'aquamarine' | 'azure' | 'beige' | 'bisque' | 'black' | 'blanchedalmond' | 'blue' | 'blueviolet' | 'brown' | 'burlywood' | 'cadetblue' | 'chartreuse' | 'chocolate' | 'coral' | 'cornflowerblue' | 'cornsilk' | 'crimson' | 'cyan' | 'darkblue' | 'darkcyan' | 'darkgoldenrod' | 'darkgray' | 'darkgreen' | 'darkgrey' | 'darkkhaki' | 'darkmagenta' | 'darkolivegreen' | 'darkorange' | 'darkorchid' | 'darkred' | 'darksalmon' | 'darkseagreen' | 'darkslateblue' | 'darkslategray' | 'darkslategrey' | 'darkturquoise' | 'darkviolet' | 'deeppink' | 'deepskyblue' | 'dimgray' | 'dimgrey' | 'dodgerblue' | 'firebrick' | 'floralwhite' | 'forestgreen' | 'fuchsia' | 'gainsboro' | 'ghostwhite' | 'gold' | 'goldenrod' | 'gray' | 'green' | 'greenyellow' | 'grey' | 'honeydew' | 'hotpink' | 'indianred' | 'indigo' | 'ivory' | 'khaki' | 'lavender' | 'lavenderblush' | 'lawngreen' | 'lemonchiffon' | 'lightblue' | 'lightcoral' | 'lightcyan' | 'lightgoldenrodyellow' | 'lightgray' | 'lightgreen' | 'lightgrey' | 'lightpink' | 'lightsalmon' | 'lightseagreen' | 'lightskyblue' | 'lightslategray' | 'lightslategrey' | 'lightsteelblue' | 'lightyellow' | 'lime' | 'limegreen' | 'linen' | 'magenta' | 'maroon' | 'mediumaquamarine' | 'mediumblue' | 'mediumorchid' | 'mediumpurple' | 'mediumseagreen' | 'mediumslateblue' | 'mediumspringgreen' | 'mediumturquoise' | 'mediumvioletred' | 'midnightblue' | 'mintcream' | 'mistyrose' | 'moccasin' | 'navajowhite' | 'navy' | 'oldlace' | 'olive' | 'olivedrab' | 'orange' | 'orangered' | 'orchid' | 'palegoldenrod' | 'palegreen' | 'paleturquoise' | 'palevioletred' | 'papayawhip' | 'peachpuff' | 'peru' | 'pink' | 'plum' | 'powderblue' | 'purple' | 'rebeccapurple' | 'red' | 'rosybrown' | 'royalblue' | 'saddlebrown' | 'salmon' | 'sandybrown' | 'seagreen' | 'seashell' | 'sienna' | 'silver' | 'skyblue' | 'slateblue' | 'slategray' | 'slategrey' | 'snow' | 'springgreen' | 'steelblue' | 'tan' | 'teal' | 'thistle' | 'tomato' | 'transparent' | 'turquoise' | 'violet' | 'wheat' | 'white' | 'whitesmoke' | 'yellow' | 'yellowgreen' type Paint = | Color | 'child' | 'context-fill' | 'context-stroke' | 'none' | (string & {}) type Position = | TLength | 'bottom' | 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | (string & {}) type Quote = 'close-quote' | 'no-close-quote' | 'no-open-quote' | 'open-quote' type RepeatStyle = | 'no-repeat' | 'repeat' | 'repeat-x' | 'repeat-y' | 'round' | 'space' | (string & {}) type SelfPosition = | 'center' | 'end' | 'flex-end' | 'flex-start' | 'self-end' | 'self-start' | 'start' type SingleAnimation = | TimingFunction | SingleAnimationDirection | SingleAnimationFillMode | TTime | 'infinite' | 'none' | 'paused' | 'running' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) type SingleAnimationDirection = | 'alternate' | 'alternate-reverse' | 'normal' | 'reverse' type SingleAnimationFillMode = 'backwards' | 'both' | 'forwards' | 'none' type SingleTransition = | TimingFunction | TTime | 'all' | 'none' | (string & {}) type StepTimingFunction = 'step-end' | 'step-start' | (string & {}) type TimingFunction = | CubicBezierTimingFunction | StepTimingFunction | 'linear' type TrackBreadth = | TLength | 'auto' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | (string & {}) type ViewportLength = TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) } export namespace Property { export type AlignContent = | Globals | DataType.ContentDistribution | DataType.ContentPosition | 'baseline' | 'normal' | (string & {}) export type AlignItems = | Globals | DataType.SelfPosition | 'baseline' | 'normal' | 'stretch' | (string & {}) export type AlignSelf = | Globals | DataType.SelfPosition | 'auto' | 'baseline' | 'normal' | 'stretch' | (string & {}) export type All = Globals export type Animation = | Globals | DataType.SingleAnimation | (string & {}) export type AnimationDelay = | Globals | TTime | (string & {}) export type AnimationDirection = | Globals | DataType.SingleAnimationDirection | (string & {}) export type AnimationDuration = | Globals | TTime | (string & {}) export type AnimationFillMode = | Globals | DataType.SingleAnimationFillMode | (string & {}) export type AnimationIterationCount = | Globals | 'infinite' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type AnimationName = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type AnimationPlayState = | Globals | 'paused' | 'running' | (string & {}) export type AnimationTimingFunction = | Globals | DataType.TimingFunction | (string & {}) export type Appearance = | Globals | DataType.CompatAuto | 'auto' | 'menulist-button' | 'none' | 'textfield' export type AspectRatio = Globals | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type BackdropFilter = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type BackfaceVisibility = Globals | 'hidden' | 'visible' export type Background = | Globals | DataType.FinalBgLayer | (string & {}) export type BackgroundAttachment = | Globals | DataType.Attachment | (string & {}) export type BackgroundBlendMode = Globals | DataType.BlendMode | (string & {}) export type BackgroundClip = Globals | DataType.Box | (string & {}) export type BackgroundColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type BackgroundImage = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type BackgroundOrigin = Globals | DataType.Box | (string & {}) export type BackgroundPosition = | Globals | DataType.BgPosition | (string & {}) export type BackgroundPositionX = | Globals | TLength | 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | 'x-end' | 'x-start' | (string & {}) export type BackgroundPositionY = | Globals | TLength | 'bottom' | 'center' | 'top' | 'y-end' | 'y-start' | (string & {}) export type BackgroundRepeat = Globals | DataType.RepeatStyle | (string & {}) export type BackgroundSize = | Globals | DataType.BgSize | (string & {}) export type BlockOverflow = Globals | 'clip' | 'ellipsis' | (string & {}) export type BlockSize = | Globals | TLength | '-moz-max-content' | '-moz-min-content' | 'auto' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | (string & {}) export type Border = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderBlock = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderBlockColor = Globals | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderBlockEnd = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderBlockEndColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type BorderBlockEndStyle = Globals | DataType.LineStyle export type BorderBlockEndWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth export type BorderBlockStart = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderBlockStartColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type BorderBlockStartStyle = Globals | DataType.LineStyle export type BorderBlockStartWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth export type BorderBlockStyle = Globals | DataType.LineStyle export type BorderBlockWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth export type BorderBottom = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderBottomColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type BorderBottomLeftRadius = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type BorderBottomRightRadius = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type BorderBottomStyle = Globals | DataType.LineStyle export type BorderBottomWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth export type BorderCollapse = Globals | 'collapse' | 'separate' export type BorderColor = Globals | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderEndEndRadius = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type BorderEndStartRadius = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type BorderImage = | Globals | 'none' | 'repeat' | 'round' | 'space' | 'stretch' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type BorderImageOutset = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type BorderImageRepeat = | Globals | 'repeat' | 'round' | 'space' | 'stretch' | (string & {}) export type BorderImageSlice = Globals | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type BorderImageSource = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type BorderImageWidth = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type BorderInline = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderInlineColor = Globals | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderInlineEnd = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderInlineEndColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type BorderInlineEndStyle = Globals | DataType.LineStyle export type BorderInlineEndWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth export type BorderInlineStart = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderInlineStartColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type BorderInlineStartStyle = Globals | DataType.LineStyle export type BorderInlineStartWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth export type BorderInlineStyle = Globals | DataType.LineStyle export type BorderInlineWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth export type BorderLeft = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderLeftColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type BorderLeftStyle = Globals | DataType.LineStyle export type BorderLeftWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth export type BorderRadius = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type BorderRight = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderRightColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type BorderRightStyle = Globals | DataType.LineStyle export type BorderRightWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth export type BorderSpacing = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type BorderStartEndRadius = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type BorderStartStartRadius = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type BorderStyle = Globals | DataType.LineStyle | (string & {}) export type BorderTop = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type BorderTopColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type BorderTopLeftRadius = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type BorderTopRightRadius = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type BorderTopStyle = Globals | DataType.LineStyle export type BorderTopWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth export type BorderWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | (string & {}) export type Bottom = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type BoxAlign = | Globals | 'baseline' | 'center' | 'end' | 'start' | 'stretch' export type BoxDecorationBreak = Globals | 'clone' | 'slice' export type BoxDirection = Globals | 'inherit' | 'normal' | 'reverse' export type BoxFlex = Globals | (number & {}) export type BoxFlexGroup = Globals | (number & {}) export type BoxLines = Globals | 'multiple' | 'single' export type BoxOrdinalGroup = Globals | (number & {}) export type BoxOrient = | Globals | 'block-axis' | 'horizontal' | 'inherit' | 'inline-axis' | 'vertical' export type BoxPack = Globals | 'center' | 'end' | 'justify' | 'start' export type BoxShadow = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type BoxSizing = Globals | 'border-box' | 'content-box' export type BreakAfter = | Globals | 'all' | 'always' | 'auto' | 'avoid' | 'avoid-column' | 'avoid-page' | 'avoid-region' | 'column' | 'left' | 'page' | 'recto' | 'region' | 'right' | 'verso' export type BreakBefore = | Globals | 'all' | 'always' | 'auto' | 'avoid' | 'avoid-column' | 'avoid-page' | 'avoid-region' | 'column' | 'left' | 'page' | 'recto' | 'region' | 'right' | 'verso' export type BreakInside = | Globals | 'auto' | 'avoid' | 'avoid-column' | 'avoid-page' | 'avoid-region' export type CaptionSide = | Globals | 'block-end' | 'block-start' | 'bottom' | 'inline-end' | 'inline-start' | 'top' export type CaretColor = Globals | DataType.Color | 'auto' export type Clear = | Globals | 'both' | 'inline-end' | 'inline-start' | 'left' | 'none' | 'right' export type Clip = Globals | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type ClipPath = Globals | DataType.GeometryBox | 'none' | (string & {}) export type Color = Globals | DataType.Color export type ColorAdjust = Globals | 'economy' | 'exact' export type ColumnCount = Globals | 'auto' | (number & {}) export type ColumnFill = Globals | 'auto' | 'balance' export type ColumnGap = | Globals | TLength | 'normal' | (string & {}) export type ColumnRule = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type ColumnRuleColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type ColumnRuleStyle = Globals | DataType.LineStyle | (string & {}) export type ColumnRuleWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | (string & {}) export type ColumnSpan = Globals | 'all' | 'none' export type ColumnWidth = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' export type Columns = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type Contain = | Globals | 'content' | 'layout' | 'none' | 'paint' | 'size' | 'strict' | 'style' | (string & {}) export type Content = | Globals | DataType.ContentList | 'none' | 'normal' | (string & {}) export type CounterIncrement = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type CounterReset = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type CounterSet = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type Cursor = | Globals | '-moz-grab' | '-webkit-grab' | 'alias' | 'all-scroll' | 'auto' | 'cell' | 'col-resize' | 'context-menu' | 'copy' | 'crosshair' | 'default' | 'e-resize' | 'ew-resize' | 'grab' | 'grabbing' | 'help' | 'move' | 'n-resize' | 'ne-resize' | 'nesw-resize' | 'no-drop' | 'none' | 'not-allowed' | 'ns-resize' | 'nw-resize' | 'nwse-resize' | 'pointer' | 'progress' | 'row-resize' | 's-resize' | 'se-resize' | 'sw-resize' | 'text' | 'vertical-text' | 'w-resize' | 'wait' | 'zoom-in' | 'zoom-out' | (string & {}) export type Direction = Globals | 'ltr' | 'rtl' export type Display = | Globals | DataType.DisplayOutside | DataType.DisplayInside | DataType.DisplayInternal | DataType.DisplayLegacy | 'contents' | 'list-item' | 'none' | (string & {}) export type EmptyCells = Globals | 'hide' | 'show' export type Filter = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type Flex = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | 'content' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | 'none' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type FlexBasis = | Globals | TLength | '-moz-max-content' | '-moz-min-content' | '-webkit-auto' | 'auto' | 'content' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | (string & {}) export type FlexDirection = | Globals | 'column' | 'column-reverse' | 'row' | 'row-reverse' export type FlexFlow = | Globals | 'column' | 'column-reverse' | 'nowrap' | 'row' | 'row-reverse' | 'wrap' | 'wrap-reverse' | (string & {}) export type FlexGrow = Globals | (number & {}) export type FlexShrink = Globals | (number & {}) export type FlexWrap = Globals | 'nowrap' | 'wrap' | 'wrap-reverse' export type Float = | Globals | 'inline-end' | 'inline-start' | 'left' | 'none' | 'right' export type Font = | Globals | 'caption' | 'icon' | 'menu' | 'message-box' | 'small-caption' | 'status-bar' | (string & {}) export type FontFamily = Globals | DataType.GenericFamily | (string & {}) export type FontFeatureSettings = Globals | 'normal' | (string & {}) export type FontKerning = Globals | 'auto' | 'none' | 'normal' export type FontLanguageOverride = Globals | 'normal' | (string & {}) export type FontOpticalSizing = Globals | 'auto' | 'none' export type FontSize = | Globals | DataType.AbsoluteSize | TLength | 'larger' | 'smaller' | (string & {}) export type FontSizeAdjust = Globals | 'none' | (number & {}) export type FontSmooth = | Globals | DataType.AbsoluteSize | TLength | 'always' | 'auto' | 'never' export type FontStretch = Globals | DataType.FontStretchAbsolute export type FontStyle = | Globals | 'italic' | 'normal' | 'oblique' | (string & {}) export type FontSynthesis = | Globals | 'none' | 'style' | 'weight' | (string & {}) export type FontVariant = | Globals | DataType.EastAsianVariantValues | 'all-petite-caps' | 'all-small-caps' | 'common-ligatures' | 'contextual' | 'diagonal-fractions' | 'discretionary-ligatures' | 'full-width' | 'historical-forms' | 'historical-ligatures' | 'lining-nums' | 'no-common-ligatures' | 'no-contextual' | 'no-discretionary-ligatures' | 'no-historical-ligatures' | 'none' | 'normal' | 'oldstyle-nums' | 'ordinal' | 'petite-caps' | 'proportional-nums' | 'proportional-width' | 'ruby' | 'slashed-zero' | 'small-caps' | 'stacked-fractions' | 'tabular-nums' | 'titling-caps' | 'unicase' | (string & {}) export type FontVariantAlternates = | Globals | 'historical-forms' | 'normal' | (string & {}) export type FontVariantCaps = | Globals | 'all-petite-caps' | 'all-small-caps' | 'normal' | 'petite-caps' | 'small-caps' | 'titling-caps' | 'unicase' export type FontVariantEastAsian = | Globals | DataType.EastAsianVariantValues | 'full-width' | 'normal' | 'proportional-width' | 'ruby' | (string & {}) export type FontVariantLigatures = | Globals | 'common-ligatures' | 'contextual' | 'discretionary-ligatures' | 'historical-ligatures' | 'no-common-ligatures' | 'no-contextual' | 'no-discretionary-ligatures' | 'no-historical-ligatures' | 'none' | 'normal' | (string & {}) export type FontVariantNumeric = | Globals | 'diagonal-fractions' | 'lining-nums' | 'normal' | 'oldstyle-nums' | 'ordinal' | 'proportional-nums' | 'slashed-zero' | 'stacked-fractions' | 'tabular-nums' | (string & {}) export type FontVariantPosition = Globals | 'normal' | 'sub' | 'super' export type FontVariationSettings = Globals | 'normal' | (string & {}) export type FontWeight = | Globals | DataType.FontWeightAbsolute | 'bolder' | 'lighter' export type Gap = | Globals | TLength | 'normal' | (string & {}) export type Grid = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type GridArea = Globals | DataType.GridLine | (string & {}) export type GridAutoColumns = | Globals | DataType.TrackBreadth | (string & {}) export type GridAutoFlow = | Globals | 'column' | 'dense' | 'row' | (string & {}) export type GridAutoRows = | Globals | DataType.TrackBreadth | (string & {}) export type GridColumn = Globals | DataType.GridLine | (string & {}) export type GridColumnEnd = Globals | DataType.GridLine export type GridColumnGap = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type GridColumnStart = Globals | DataType.GridLine export type GridGap = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type GridRow = Globals | DataType.GridLine | (string & {}) export type GridRowEnd = Globals | DataType.GridLine export type GridRowGap = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type GridRowStart = Globals | DataType.GridLine export type GridTemplate = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type GridTemplateAreas = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type GridTemplateColumns = | Globals | DataType.TrackBreadth | 'none' | 'subgrid' | (string & {}) export type GridTemplateRows = | Globals | DataType.TrackBreadth | 'none' | 'subgrid' | (string & {}) export type HangingPunctuation = | Globals | 'allow-end' | 'first' | 'force-end' | 'last' | 'none' | (string & {}) export type Height = | Globals | TLength | '-moz-max-content' | '-moz-min-content' | 'auto' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | (string & {}) export type Hyphens = Globals | 'auto' | 'manual' | 'none' export type ImageOrientation = Globals | 'flip' | 'from-image' | (string & {}) export type ImageRendering = | Globals | '-moz-crisp-edges' | '-webkit-optimize-contrast' | 'auto' | 'crisp-edges' | 'pixelated' export type ImageResolution = Globals | 'from-image' | (string & {}) export type ImeMode = | Globals | 'active' | 'auto' | 'disabled' | 'inactive' | 'normal' export type InitialLetter = Globals | 'normal' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type InlineSize = | Globals | TLength | '-moz-max-content' | '-moz-min-content' | 'auto' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | (string & {}) export type Inset = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type InsetBlock = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type InsetBlockEnd = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type InsetBlockStart = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type InsetInline = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type InsetInlineEnd = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type InsetInlineStart = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type Isolation = Globals | 'auto' | 'isolate' export type JustifyContent = | Globals | DataType.ContentDistribution | DataType.ContentPosition | 'left' | 'normal' | 'right' | (string & {}) export type JustifyItems = | Globals | DataType.SelfPosition | 'baseline' | 'left' | 'legacy' | 'normal' | 'right' | 'stretch' | (string & {}) export type JustifySelf = | Globals | DataType.SelfPosition | 'auto' | 'baseline' | 'left' | 'normal' | 'right' | 'stretch' | (string & {}) export type Left = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type LetterSpacing = | Globals | TLength | 'normal' export type LineBreak = | Globals | 'anywhere' | 'auto' | 'loose' | 'normal' | 'strict' export type LineClamp = Globals | 'none' | (number & {}) export type LineHeight = | Globals | TLength | 'normal' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type LineHeightStep = Globals | TLength export type ListStyle = | Globals | 'inside' | 'none' | 'outside' | (string & {}) export type ListStyleImage = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type ListStylePosition = Globals | 'inside' | 'outside' export type ListStyleType = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type Margin = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type MarginBlock = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type MarginBlockEnd = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type MarginBlockStart = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type MarginBottom = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type MarginInline = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type MarginInlineEnd = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type MarginInlineStart = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type MarginLeft = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type MarginRight = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type MarginTop = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type Mask = | Globals | DataType.MaskLayer | (string & {}) export type MaskBorder = | Globals | 'alpha' | 'luminance' | 'none' | 'repeat' | 'round' | 'space' | 'stretch' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type MaskBorderMode = Globals | 'alpha' | 'luminance' export type MaskBorderOutset = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type MaskBorderRepeat = | Globals | 'repeat' | 'round' | 'space' | 'stretch' | (string & {}) export type MaskBorderSlice = Globals | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type MaskBorderSource = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type MaskBorderWidth = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type MaskClip = | Globals | DataType.GeometryBox | 'no-clip' | (string & {}) export type MaskComposite = | Globals | DataType.CompositingOperator | (string & {}) export type MaskImage = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type MaskMode = Globals | DataType.MaskingMode | (string & {}) export type MaskOrigin = Globals | DataType.Box | 'margin-box' | (string & {}) export type MaskPosition = | Globals | DataType.Position | (string & {}) export type MaskRepeat = Globals | DataType.RepeatStyle | (string & {}) export type MaskSize = | Globals | DataType.BgSize | (string & {}) export type MaskType = Globals | 'alpha' | 'luminance' export type MaxBlockSize = | Globals | TLength | '-moz-max-content' | '-moz-min-content' | 'auto' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | (string & {}) export type MaxHeight = | Globals | TLength | '-moz-max-content' | '-moz-min-content' | '-webkit-max-content' | '-webkit-min-content' | 'auto' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | (string & {}) export type MaxInlineSize = | Globals | TLength | '-moz-max-content' | '-moz-min-content' | 'auto' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | (string & {}) export type MaxLines = Globals | 'none' | (number & {}) export type MaxWidth = | Globals | TLength | '-moz-max-content' | '-moz-min-content' | '-webkit-max-content' | '-webkit-min-content' | 'auto' | 'intrinsic' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | (string & {}) export type MinBlockSize = | Globals | TLength | '-moz-max-content' | '-moz-min-content' | 'auto' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | (string & {}) export type MinHeight = | Globals | TLength | '-moz-max-content' | '-moz-min-content' | '-webkit-max-content' | '-webkit-min-content' | 'auto' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | (string & {}) export type MinInlineSize = | Globals | TLength | '-moz-max-content' | '-moz-min-content' | 'auto' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | (string & {}) export type MinWidth = | Globals | TLength | '-moz-max-content' | '-moz-min-content' | '-webkit-max-content' | '-webkit-min-content' | 'auto' | 'intrinsic' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | 'min-intrinsic' | (string & {}) export type MixBlendMode = Globals | DataType.BlendMode export type Offset = | Globals | DataType.Position | DataType.GeometryBox | 'auto' | 'none' | (string & {}) export type OffsetDistance = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type OffsetPath = | Globals | DataType.GeometryBox | 'none' | (string & {}) export type OffsetRotate = Globals | 'auto' | 'reverse' | (string & {}) export type ObjectFit = | Globals | 'contain' | 'cover' | 'fill' | 'none' | 'scale-down' export type ObjectPosition = | Globals | DataType.Position export type OffsetAnchor = | Globals | DataType.Position | 'auto' export type Opacity = Globals | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type Order = Globals | (number & {}) export type Orphans = Globals | (number & {}) export type Outline = | Globals | DataType.Color | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.LineWidth | 'auto' | 'invert' | (string & {}) export type OutlineColor = Globals | DataType.Color | 'invert' export type OutlineOffset = Globals | TLength export type OutlineStyle = | Globals | DataType.LineStyle | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type OutlineWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth export type Overflow = | Globals | 'auto' | 'hidden' | 'scroll' | 'visible' | (string & {}) export type OverflowAnchor = Globals | 'auto' | 'none' export type OverflowBlock = | Globals | 'auto' | 'clip' | 'hidden' | 'scroll' | 'visible' export type OverflowClipBox = Globals | 'content-box' | 'padding-box' export type OverflowInline = | Globals | 'auto' | 'clip' | 'hidden' | 'scroll' | 'visible' export type OverflowWrap = Globals | 'anywhere' | 'break-word' | 'normal' export type OverflowX = Globals | 'auto' | 'hidden' | 'scroll' | 'visible' export type OverflowY = Globals | 'auto' | 'hidden' | 'scroll' | 'visible' export type OverscrollBehavior = | Globals | 'auto' | 'contain' | 'none' | (string & {}) export type OverscrollBehaviorBlock = Globals | 'auto' | 'contain' | 'none' export type OverscrollBehaviorInline = Globals | 'auto' | 'contain' | 'none' export type OverscrollBehaviorX = Globals | 'auto' | 'contain' | 'none' export type OverscrollBehaviorY = Globals | 'auto' | 'contain' | 'none' export type Padding = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type PaddingBlock = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type PaddingBlockEnd = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type PaddingBlockStart = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type PaddingBottom = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type PaddingInline = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type PaddingInlineEnd = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type PaddingInlineStart = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type PaddingLeft = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type PaddingRight = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type PaddingTop = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type PageBreakAfter = | Globals | 'always' | 'auto' | 'avoid' | 'left' | 'recto' | 'right' | 'verso' export type PageBreakBefore = | Globals | 'always' | 'auto' | 'avoid' | 'left' | 'recto' | 'right' | 'verso' export type PageBreakInside = Globals | 'auto' | 'avoid' export type PaintOrder = | Globals | 'fill' | 'markers' | 'normal' | 'stroke' | (string & {}) export type Perspective = | Globals | TLength | 'none' export type PerspectiveOrigin = | Globals | DataType.Position export type PlaceContent = | Globals | DataType.ContentDistribution | DataType.ContentPosition | 'baseline' | 'normal' | (string & {}) export type PlaceItems = | Globals | DataType.SelfPosition | 'baseline' | 'normal' | 'stretch' | (string & {}) export type PlaceSelf = | Globals | DataType.SelfPosition | 'auto' | 'baseline' | 'normal' | 'stretch' | (string & {}) export type PointerEvents = | Globals | 'all' | 'auto' | 'fill' | 'inherit' | 'none' | 'painted' | 'stroke' | 'visible' | 'visibleFill' | 'visiblePainted' | 'visibleStroke' export type Position = | Globals | '-webkit-sticky' | 'absolute' | 'fixed' | 'relative' | 'static' | 'sticky' export type Quotes = Globals | 'auto' | 'none' | (string & {}) export type Resize = | Globals | 'block' | 'both' | 'horizontal' | 'inline' | 'none' | 'vertical' export type Right = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type Rotate = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type RowGap = | Globals | TLength | 'normal' | (string & {}) export type RubyAlign = | Globals | 'center' | 'space-around' | 'space-between' | 'start' export type RubyMerge = Globals | 'auto' | 'collapse' | 'separate' export type RubyPosition = Globals | 'over' | 'under' export type Scale = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type ScrollBehavior = Globals | 'auto' | 'smooth' export type ScrollMargin = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type ScrollMarginBlock = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type ScrollMarginBlockEnd = | Globals | TLength export type ScrollMarginBlockStart = | Globals | TLength export type ScrollMarginBottom = | Globals | TLength export type ScrollMarginInline = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type ScrollMarginInlineEnd = | Globals | TLength export type ScrollMarginInlineStart = | Globals | TLength export type ScrollMarginLeft = Globals | TLength export type ScrollMarginRight = Globals | TLength export type ScrollMarginTop = Globals | TLength export type ScrollPadding = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type ScrollPaddingBlock = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type ScrollPaddingBlockEnd = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type ScrollPaddingBlockStart = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type ScrollPaddingBottom = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type ScrollPaddingInline = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type ScrollPaddingInlineEnd = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type ScrollPaddingInlineStart = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type ScrollPaddingLeft = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type ScrollPaddingRight = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type ScrollPaddingTop = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type ScrollSnapAlign = | Globals | 'center' | 'end' | 'none' | 'start' | (string & {}) export type ScrollSnapCoordinate = | Globals | DataType.Position | 'none' | (string & {}) export type ScrollSnapDestination = | Globals | DataType.Position export type ScrollSnapPointsX = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type ScrollSnapPointsY = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type ScrollSnapStop = Globals | 'always' | 'normal' export type ScrollSnapType = | Globals | 'block' | 'both' | 'inline' | 'none' | 'x' | 'y' | (string & {}) export type ScrollSnapTypeX = Globals | 'mandatory' | 'none' | 'proximity' export type ScrollSnapTypeY = Globals | 'mandatory' | 'none' | 'proximity' export type ScrollbarColor = | Globals | DataType.Color | 'auto' | 'dark' | 'light' export type MsScrollbarTrackColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type ScrollbarWidth = Globals | 'auto' | 'none' | 'thin' export type ShapeImageThreshold = Globals | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type ShapeMargin = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type ShapeOutside = | Globals | DataType.Box | 'margin-box' | 'none' | (string & {}) export type TabSize = | Globals | TLength | (number & {}) export type TableLayout = Globals | 'auto' | 'fixed' export type TextAlign = | Globals | 'center' | 'end' | 'justify' | 'left' | 'match-parent' | 'right' | 'start' export type TextAlignLast = | Globals | 'auto' | 'center' | 'end' | 'justify' | 'left' | 'right' | 'start' export type TextCombineUpright = | Globals | 'all' | 'digits' | 'none' | (string & {}) export type TextDecoration = | Globals | DataType.Color | TLength | 'auto' | 'blink' | 'dashed' | 'dotted' | 'double' | 'from-font' | 'grammar-error' | 'line-through' | 'none' | 'overline' | 'solid' | 'spelling-error' | 'underline' | 'wavy' | (string & {}) export type TextDecorationColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type TextDecorationLine = | Globals | 'blink' | 'grammar-error' | 'line-through' | 'none' | 'overline' | 'spelling-error' | 'underline' | (string & {}) export type TextDecorationSkip = | Globals | 'box-decoration' | 'edges' | 'leading-spaces' | 'none' | 'objects' | 'spaces' | 'trailing-spaces' | (string & {}) export type TextDecorationSkipInk = Globals | 'all' | 'auto' | 'none' export type TextDecorationStyle = | Globals | 'dashed' | 'dotted' | 'double' | 'solid' | 'wavy' export type TextDecorationThickness = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | 'from-font' | (string & {}) export type TextEmphasis = | Globals | DataType.Color | 'circle' | 'dot' | 'double-circle' | 'filled' | 'none' | 'open' | 'sesame' | 'triangle' | (string & {}) export type TextEmphasisColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type TextEmphasisPosition = Globals | (string & {}) export type TextEmphasisStyle = | Globals | 'circle' | 'dot' | 'double-circle' | 'filled' | 'none' | 'open' | 'sesame' | 'triangle' | (string & {}) export type TextIndent = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type TextJustify = | Globals | 'auto' | 'inter-character' | 'inter-word' | 'none' export type TextOrientation = Globals | 'mixed' | 'sideways' | 'upright' export type TextOverflow = Globals | 'clip' | 'ellipsis' | (string & {}) export type TextRendering = | Globals | 'auto' | 'geometricPrecision' | 'optimizeLegibility' | 'optimizeSpeed' export type TextShadow = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type TextSizeAdjust = Globals | 'auto' | 'none' | (string & {}) export type TextTransform = | Globals | 'capitalize' | 'full-size-kana' | 'full-width' | 'lowercase' | 'none' | 'uppercase' export type TextUnderlineOffset = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type TextUnderlinePosition = | Globals | 'auto' | 'from-font' | 'left' | 'right' | 'under' | (string & {}) export type Top = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type TouchAction = | Globals | '-ms-manipulation' | '-ms-none' | '-ms-pinch-zoom' | 'auto' | 'manipulation' | 'none' | 'pan-down' | 'pan-left' | 'pan-right' | 'pan-up' | 'pan-x' | 'pan-y' | 'pinch-zoom' | (string & {}) export type Transform = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type TransformBox = | Globals | 'border-box' | 'content-box' | 'fill-box' | 'stroke-box' | 'view-box' export type TransformOrigin = | Globals | TLength | 'bottom' | 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | (string & {}) export type TransformStyle = Globals | 'flat' | 'preserve-3d' export type Transition = | Globals | DataType.SingleTransition | (string & {}) export type TransitionDelay = | Globals | TTime | (string & {}) export type TransitionDuration = | Globals | TTime | (string & {}) export type TransitionProperty = Globals | 'all' | 'none' | (string & {}) export type TransitionTimingFunction = | Globals | DataType.TimingFunction | (string & {}) export type Translate = | Globals | TLength | 'none' | (string & {}) export type UnicodeBidi = | Globals | '-moz-isolate' | '-moz-isolate-override' | '-moz-plaintext' | '-webkit-isolate' | 'bidi-override' | 'embed' | 'isolate' | 'isolate-override' | 'normal' | 'plaintext' export type UserSelect = | Globals | '-moz-none' | 'all' | 'auto' | 'contain' | 'element' | 'none' | 'text' export type VerticalAlign = | Globals | TLength | 'baseline' | 'bottom' | 'middle' | 'sub' | 'super' | 'text-bottom' | 'text-top' | 'top' | (string & {}) export type Visibility = Globals | 'collapse' | 'hidden' | 'visible' export type WhiteSpace = | Globals | '-moz-pre-wrap' | 'break-spaces' | 'normal' | 'nowrap' | 'pre' | 'pre-line' | 'pre-wrap' export type Widows = Globals | (number & {}) export type Width = | Globals | TLength | '-moz-max-content' | '-moz-min-content' | '-webkit-max-content' | 'auto' | 'intrinsic' | 'max-content' | 'min-content' | 'min-intrinsic' | (string & {}) export type WillChange = | Globals | DataType.AnimateableFeature | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type WordBreak = | Globals | 'break-all' | 'break-word' | 'keep-all' | 'normal' export type WordSpacing = | Globals | TLength | 'normal' | (string & {}) export type WordWrap = Globals | 'break-word' | 'normal' export type WritingMode = | Globals | 'horizontal-tb' | 'sideways-lr' | 'sideways-rl' | 'vertical-lr' | 'vertical-rl' export type ZIndex = Globals | 'auto' | (number & {}) export type Zoom = | Globals | 'normal' | 'reset' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type MozAppearance = | Globals | '-moz-mac-unified-toolbar' | '-moz-win-borderless-glass' | '-moz-win-browsertabbar-toolbox' | '-moz-win-communications-toolbox' | '-moz-win-communicationstext' | '-moz-win-exclude-glass' | '-moz-win-glass' | '-moz-win-media-toolbox' | '-moz-win-mediatext' | '-moz-window-button-box' | '-moz-window-button-box-maximized' | '-moz-window-button-close' | '-moz-window-button-maximize' | '-moz-window-button-minimize' | '-moz-window-button-restore' | '-moz-window-frame-bottom' | '-moz-window-frame-left' | '-moz-window-frame-right' | '-moz-window-titlebar' | '-moz-window-titlebar-maximized' | 'button' | 'button-arrow-down' | 'button-arrow-next' | 'button-arrow-previous' | 'button-arrow-up' | 'button-bevel' | 'button-focus' | 'caret' | 'checkbox' | 'checkbox-container' | 'checkbox-label' | 'checkmenuitem' | 'dualbutton' | 'groupbox' | 'listbox' | 'listitem' | 'menuarrow' | 'menubar' | 'menucheckbox' | 'menuimage' | 'menuitem' | 'menuitemtext' | 'menulist' | 'menulist-button' | 'menulist-text' | 'menulist-textfield' | 'menupopup' | 'menuradio' | 'menuseparator' | 'meterbar' | 'meterchunk' | 'none' | 'progressbar' | 'progressbar-vertical' | 'progresschunk' | 'progresschunk-vertical' | 'radio' | 'radio-container' | 'radio-label' | 'radiomenuitem' | 'range' | 'range-thumb' | 'resizer' | 'resizerpanel' | 'scale-horizontal' | 'scale-vertical' | 'scalethumb-horizontal' | 'scalethumb-vertical' | 'scalethumbend' | 'scalethumbstart' | 'scalethumbtick' | 'scrollbarbutton-down' | 'scrollbarbutton-left' | 'scrollbarbutton-right' | 'scrollbarbutton-up' | 'scrollbarthumb-horizontal' | 'scrollbarthumb-vertical' | 'scrollbartrack-horizontal' | 'scrollbartrack-vertical' | 'searchfield' | 'separator' | 'sheet' | 'spinner' | 'spinner-downbutton' | 'spinner-textfield' | 'spinner-upbutton' | 'splitter' | 'statusbar' | 'statusbarpanel' | 'tab' | 'tab-scroll-arrow-back' | 'tab-scroll-arrow-forward' | 'tabpanel' | 'tabpanels' | 'textfield' | 'textfield-multiline' | 'toolbar' | 'toolbarbutton' | 'toolbarbutton-dropdown' | 'toolbargripper' | 'toolbox' | 'tooltip' | 'treeheader' | 'treeheadercell' | 'treeheadersortarrow' | 'treeitem' | 'treeline' | 'treetwisty' | 'treetwistyopen' | 'treeview' export type MozBinding = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type MozBorderBottomColors = | Globals | DataType.Color | 'none' | (string & {}) export type MozBorderLeftColors = | Globals | DataType.Color | 'none' | (string & {}) export type MozBorderRightColors = | Globals | DataType.Color | 'none' | (string & {}) export type MozBorderTopColors = | Globals | DataType.Color | 'none' | (string & {}) export type MozContextProperties = | Globals | 'fill' | 'fill-opacity' | 'none' | 'stroke' | 'stroke-opacity' | (string & {}) export type MozFloatEdge = | Globals | 'border-box' | 'content-box' | 'margin-box' | 'padding-box' export type MozForceBrokenImageIcon = Globals | (number & {}) export type MozImageRegion = Globals | 'auto' | (string & {}) export type MozOrient = | Globals | 'block' | 'horizontal' | 'inline' | 'vertical' export type MozOutlineRadius = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type MozOutlineRadiusBottomleft = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type MozOutlineRadiusBottomright = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type MozOutlineRadiusTopleft = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type MozOutlineRadiusTopright = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type MozStackSizing = Globals | 'ignore' | 'stretch-to-fit' export type MozTextBlink = Globals | 'blink' | 'none' export type MozUserFocus = | Globals | 'ignore' | 'none' | 'normal' | 'select-after' | 'select-all' | 'select-before' | 'select-menu' | 'select-same' export type MozUserInput = Globals | 'auto' | 'disabled' | 'enabled' | 'none' export type MozUserModify = | Globals | 'read-only' | 'read-write' | 'write-only' export type MozWindowDragging = Globals | 'drag' | 'no-drag' export type MozWindowShadow = | Globals | 'default' | 'menu' | 'none' | 'sheet' | 'tooltip' export type MsAccelerator = Globals | 'false' | 'true' export type MsBlockProgression = Globals | 'bt' | 'lr' | 'rl' | 'tb' export type MsContentZoomChaining = Globals | 'chained' | 'none' export type MsContentZoomLimit = Globals | (string & {}) export type MsContentZoomLimitMax = Globals | (string & {}) export type MsContentZoomLimitMin = Globals | (string & {}) export type MsContentZoomSnap = | Globals | 'mandatory' | 'none' | 'proximity' | (string & {}) export type MsContentZoomSnapPoints = Globals | (string & {}) export type MsContentZoomSnapType = | Globals | 'mandatory' | 'none' | 'proximity' export type MsContentZooming = Globals | 'none' | 'zoom' export type MsFilter = Globals | (string & {}) export type MsFlowFrom = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type MsFlowInto = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type MsHighContrastAdjust = Globals | 'auto' | 'none' export type MsHyphenateLimitChars = | Globals | 'auto' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type MsHyphenateLimitLines = Globals | 'no-limit' | (number & {}) export type MsHyphenateLimitZone = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type MsImeAlign = Globals | 'after' | 'auto' export type MsOverflowStyle = | Globals | '-ms-autohiding-scrollbar' | 'auto' | 'none' | 'scrollbar' export type MsScrollChaining = Globals | 'chained' | 'none' export type MsScrollLimit = Globals | (string & {}) export type MsScrollLimitXMax = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' export type MsScrollLimitXMin = Globals | TLength export type MsScrollLimitYMax = | Globals | TLength | 'auto' export type MsScrollLimitYMin = Globals | TLength export type MsScrollRails = Globals | 'none' | 'railed' export type MsScrollSnapPointsX = Globals | (string & {}) export type MsScrollSnapPointsY = Globals | (string & {}) export type MsScrollSnapType = Globals | 'mandatory' | 'none' | 'proximity' export type MsScrollSnapX = Globals | (string & {}) export type MsScrollSnapY = Globals | (string & {}) export type MsScrollTranslation = Globals | 'none' | 'vertical-to-horizontal' export type MsScrollbar3dlightColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type MsScrollbarArrowColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type MsScrollbarBaseColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type MsScrollbarDarkshadowColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type MsScrollbarFaceColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type MsScrollbarHighlightColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type MsScrollbarShadowColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type MsTextAutospace = | Globals | 'ideograph-alpha' | 'ideograph-numeric' | 'ideograph-parenthesis' | 'ideograph-space' | 'none' export type MsTouchSelect = Globals | 'grippers' | 'none' export type MsUserSelect = Globals | 'element' | 'none' | 'text' export type MsWrapFlow = | Globals | 'auto' | 'both' | 'clear' | 'end' | 'maximum' | 'start' export type MsWrapMargin = Globals | TLength export type MsWrapThrough = Globals | 'none' | 'wrap' export type WebkitAppearance = | Globals | 'button' | 'button-bevel' | 'caret' | 'checkbox' | 'default-button' | 'inner-spin-button' | 'listbox' | 'listitem' | 'media-controls-background' | 'media-controls-fullscreen-background' | 'media-current-time-display' | 'media-enter-fullscreen-button' | 'media-exit-fullscreen-button' | 'media-fullscreen-button' | 'media-mute-button' | 'media-overlay-play-button' | 'media-play-button' | 'media-seek-back-button' | 'media-seek-forward-button' | 'media-slider' | 'media-sliderthumb' | 'media-time-remaining-display' | 'media-toggle-closed-captions-button' | 'media-volume-slider' | 'media-volume-slider-container' | 'media-volume-sliderthumb' | 'menulist' | 'menulist-button' | 'menulist-text' | 'menulist-textfield' | 'meter' | 'none' | 'progress-bar' | 'progress-bar-value' | 'push-button' | 'radio' | 'searchfield' | 'searchfield-cancel-button' | 'searchfield-decoration' | 'searchfield-results-button' | 'searchfield-results-decoration' | 'slider-horizontal' | 'slider-vertical' | 'sliderthumb-horizontal' | 'sliderthumb-vertical' | 'square-button' | 'textarea' | 'textfield' export type WebkitBorderBefore = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | DataType.LineStyle | DataType.Color | (string & {}) export type WebkitBorderBeforeColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type WebkitBorderBeforeStyle = | Globals | DataType.LineStyle | (string & {}) export type WebkitBorderBeforeWidth = | Globals | DataType.LineWidth | (string & {}) export type WebkitBoxReflect = | Globals | TLength | 'above' | 'below' | 'left' | 'right' | (string & {}) export type WebkitLineClamp = Globals | 'none' | (number & {}) export type WebkitMask = | Globals | DataType.Position | DataType.RepeatStyle | DataType.Box | 'border' | 'content' | 'none' | 'padding' | 'text' | (string & {}) export type WebkitMaskAttachment = | Globals | DataType.Attachment | (string & {}) export type WebkitMaskClip = | Globals | DataType.Box | 'border' | 'content' | 'padding' | 'text' | (string & {}) export type WebkitMaskComposite = | Globals | DataType.CompositeStyle | (string & {}) export type WebkitMaskImage = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type WebkitMaskOrigin = | Globals | DataType.Box | 'border' | 'content' | 'padding' | (string & {}) export type WebkitMaskPosition = | Globals | DataType.Position | (string & {}) export type WebkitMaskPositionX = | Globals | TLength | 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | (string & {}) export type WebkitMaskPositionY = | Globals | TLength | 'bottom' | 'center' | 'top' | (string & {}) export type WebkitMaskRepeat = Globals | DataType.RepeatStyle | (string & {}) export type WebkitMaskRepeatX = | Globals | 'no-repeat' | 'repeat' | 'round' | 'space' export type WebkitMaskRepeatY = | Globals | 'no-repeat' | 'repeat' | 'round' | 'space' export type WebkitMaskSize = | Globals | DataType.BgSize | (string & {}) export type WebkitOverflowScrolling = Globals | 'auto' | 'touch' export type WebkitTapHighlightColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type WebkitTextFillColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type WebkitTextStroke = | Globals | DataType.Color | TLength | (string & {}) export type WebkitTextStrokeColor = Globals | DataType.Color export type WebkitTextStrokeWidth = | Globals | TLength export type WebkitTouchCallout = Globals | 'default' | 'none' export type WebkitUserModify = | Globals | 'read-only' | 'read-write' | 'read-write-plaintext-only' export type AlignmentBaseline = | Globals | 'after-edge' | 'alphabetic' | 'auto' | 'baseline' | 'before-edge' | 'central' | 'hanging' | 'ideographic' | 'mathematical' | 'middle' | 'text-after-edge' | 'text-before-edge' export type BaselineShift = | Globals | TLength | 'baseline' | 'sub' | 'super' | (string & {}) export type ClipRule = Globals | 'evenodd' | 'nonzero' export type ColorInterpolation = Globals | 'auto' | 'linearRGB' | 'sRGB' export type ColorRendering = | Globals | 'auto' | 'optimizeQuality' | 'optimizeSpeed' export type DominantBaseline = | Globals | 'alphabetic' | 'auto' | 'central' | 'hanging' | 'ideographic' | 'mathematical' | 'middle' | 'no-change' | 'reset-size' | 'text-after-edge' | 'text-before-edge' | 'use-script' export type Fill = Globals | DataType.Paint export type FillOpacity = Globals | (number & {}) export type FillRule = Globals | 'evenodd' | 'nonzero' export type FloodColor = Globals | DataType.Color | 'currentColor' export type FloodOpacity = Globals | (number & {}) export type GlyphOrientationVertical = | Globals | 'auto' | (string & {}) | (number & {}) export type LightingColor = Globals | DataType.Color | 'currentColor' export type Marker = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type MarkerEnd = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type MarkerMid = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type MarkerStart = Globals | 'none' | (string & {}) export type ShapeRendering = | Globals | 'auto' | 'crispEdges' | 'geometricPrecision' | 'optimizeSpeed' export type StopColor = Globals | DataType.Color | 'currentColor' export type StopOpacity = Globals | (number & {}) export type Stroke = Globals | DataType.Paint export type StrokeDasharray = | Globals | DataType.Dasharray | 'none' export type StrokeDashoffset = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type StrokeLinecap = Globals | 'butt' | 'round' | 'square' export type StrokeLinejoin = Globals | 'bevel' | 'miter' | 'round' export type StrokeMiterlimit = Globals | (number & {}) export type StrokeOpacity = Globals | (number & {}) export type StrokeWidth = | Globals | TLength | (string & {}) export type TextAnchor = Globals | 'end' | 'middle' | 'start' export type VectorEffect = Globals | 'non-scaling-stroke' | 'none' } export interface StandardLonghandProperties< TLength = (string & {}) | 0, TTime = string & {} > { /** * The CSS **`align-content`** property sets the distribution of space between and around content items along a flexbox's cross-axis or a grid's block axis. * * **Syntax**: `normal | | | ? ` * * **Initial value**: `normal` * * --- * * _Supported in Flex Layout_ * * | Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE | * | :------: | :-----: | :-------: | :----: | :----: | * | **29** | **28** | **9** | **12** | **11** | * | 21 _-x-_ | | 6.1 _-x-_ | | | * * --- * * _Supported in Grid Layout_ * * | Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE | * | :----: | :-----: | :------: | :----: | :-: | * | **57** | **52** | **10.1** | **16** | No | * * --- * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/align-content */ alignContent?: Property.AlignContent /** * The CSS **`align-items`** property sets the `align-self` value on all direct children as a group. In Flexbox, it controls the alignment of items on the Cross Axis. In Grid Layout, it controls the alignment of items on the Block Axis within their grid area. * * **Syntax**: `normal | stretch | | [ ? ]` * * **Initial value**: `normal` * * --- * * _Supported in Flex Layout_ * * | Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE | * | :------: | :-----: | :-----: | :----: | :----: | * | **52** | **20** | **9** | **12** | **11** | * | 21 _-x-_ | | 7 _-x-_ | | | * * --- * * _Supported in Grid Layout_ * * | Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE | * | :----: | :-----: | :------: | :----: | :-: | * | **57** | **52** | **10.1** | **16** | No | * * --- * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/align-items */ alignItems?: Property.AlignItems /** * The **`align-self`** CSS property overrides a grid or flex item's `align-items` value. In Grid, it aligns the item inside the grid area. In Flexbox, it aligns the item on the cross axis. * * **Syntax**: `auto | normal | stretch | | ? ` * * **Initial value**: `auto` * * --- * * _Supported in Flex Layout_ * * | Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE | * | :------: | :-----: | :-------: | :----: | :----: | * | **36** | **20** | **9** | **12** | **11** | * | 21 _-x-_ | | 6.1 _-x-_ | | | * * --- * * _Supported in Grid Layout_ * * | Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE | * | :----: | :-----: | :------: | :----: | :----------: | * | **57** | **52** | **10.1** | **16** | **10** _-x-_ | * * --- * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/align-self */ alignSelf?: Property.AlignSelf /** * The **`animation-delay`** CSS property specifies the amount of time to wait from applying the animation to an element before beginning to perform the animation. The animation can start later, immediately from its beginning, or immediately and partway through the animation. * * **Syntax**: `