import { SpaceProps, LayoutProps, FlexboxProps, GridProps, ColorProps, BorderProps, ShadowProps, PositionProps, ResponsiveValue, TLengthStyledSystem } from 'styled-system'; declare type Props = SpaceProps & LayoutProps & FlexboxProps & GridProps & ColorProps & BorderProps & ShadowProps & PositionProps & { /** Minimum width of a child, will create responsive CSS Grid layout like * `grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax($minColumnWidth$)}, 1fr))`. * (You can use either this prop or `numColumns` but not both.) */ minColumnWidth?: ResponsiveValue; /** Number of columns, will create a responsive CSS Grid layout like * `grid-template-columns: repeat($numColumns$, 1fr))`. * (You can use either this prop or `minColumnWidth` but not both.) */ numColumns?: ResponsiveValue; }; export declare const Stack: import("styled-components").StyledComponent<"div", any, Props, never>; export default Stack;