import { resolve } from 'path' import { exec } from 'shelljs' import { logGreen, loadConfig, getCwd } from 'ssr-common-utils' import type { Argv } from 'ssr-types' import { getNormalizeArgv, morethan10 } from './utils' const morethan = morethan10() const spinner = require('ora')('starting ') const singleDash = ['c', 'p', 'w', 'd', 'e', 'h'].concat(morethan ? 'b' : '') const doubleDash = ['config', 'path', 'watch', 'watchAssets', 'debug', 'webpack', 'webpackPath', 'tsc', 'exec', 'preserveWatchOutput', 'help'].concat(morethan ? 'builder' : '') const start = async (argv: Argv) => { const cwd = getCwd() const { serverPort, nestStartTips } = loadConfig() spinner.start() if (morethan) { argv.b = argv.b || 'swc' } // use swc as default compiler when nestjs >=10 const normalizeArgv = getNormalizeArgv(argv, { singleDash, doubleDash }) const { stdout, stderr } = exec(`${resolve(cwd, './node_modules/.bin/nest')} start --watch ${normalizeArgv}`, { async: true, silent: true, env: { ...process.env, FORCE_COLOR: '1' } }) stdout?.on('data', function (data) { console.log(data) if (data.match('Nest application successfully started')) { spinner.stop() const https = process.env.HTTPS logGreen(nestStartTips ?? `Server is listening on ${https ? 'https' : 'http'}://${serverPort}`) } }) stderr?.on('data', function (data) { if (!data.includes('DeprecationWarning') && !data.includes('has been deprecated') && !data.includes('reflect-metadata doesn\'t appear to be written in CJS')) { console.error(`error: ${data}`) } }) } export { start }