b0VIM 8.0 X9 ]celideology~cel/src/ssb-issues/index.jsutf-8 3210#"! UtpadgFE+kjUE3# s L % # " u c S # s \ V R P O / . { Y ; & L c<+%$ zI"h\N'X&OGF" kJ<43 ~MKJI if (!msg.value || !isUpdateValid(issue, msg if (!msg.value || !isUpdateValid(iss if (!msg.value || !isUpdateVali if (!msg.value || ! if (!msg.value) function onNewMsg(msg) { } checkReady() } }}) content: c.issues[i] author: msg.value.author, timestamp: msg.value.timestamp, onOldMsg({value: { for (var i = 0; i < c.issues.length; i++) if (c.issues) { // handle updates via mention } issue.updated_at = msg.value.timestamp if (msg.value.timestamp > issue.updated_at) issue.title = c.title if (c.title != null && issue.title == null) issue.open = c.open if (c.open != null && issue.open == null) if (msg.key == id || c.issue == id || c.link == id) { // handle updates to issue var c = msg.value.content return if (!msg.value) function onOldMsg(msg) { } ) pull.drain(onNewMsg, onNewEnd) read, pull( liveStreams.push(read) old: false, live: true, sync: false}) var read = ssb.links({dest: id, values: true, // keep the results up-to-date in the future ) pull.drain(onOldMsg, onOldEnd) old: true, live: false, sync: false}), ssb.links({dest: id, reverse: true, values: true, pull( // compute the result from the past data var now = Date.now() function getLinks() { } getLinks() issue.projectAuthor = msg.author if (err) return cb(err) function gotProjectMsg(err, msg) { }) getLinks() else ssbGet(c.project, gotProjectMsg) if (c.project) issue.created_at = issue.updated_at = msg.value.timestamp issue.text = c.text || c.title || JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2) issue.project = c.project var c = msg.value.content issue.author = msg.value.author issue.msg = msg issue.id = msg.key issueMsg = msg if (err) return cb(err) msg = {key: id, value: msg} ssbGet(id, function (err, msg) { var issueMsg var issue = {} var getIssue = asyncMemo(function (id, cb) { var liveStreams = [] var ssbGet = asyncMemo(ssb.get)exports.init = function (ssb) {} } } return mention if (mention) }}, issue) content: c.issues[i] author: msg.value.author, timestamp: msg.value.timestamp, mention = getMention({value: { for (var i = 0; i < c.issues.length; i++) { var mention if (c.issues) { return c if (c.open != null) if (msg.key == issue.id || c.issue == issue.id || c.link == issue.id) var c = msg.value.contentfunction getMention(msg, issue) {} return mention ? mention.open : null var mention = getMention(msg, issue)function isStatusChanged(msg, issue) {exports.schemas = issueSchemas} isStatusChanged: 'sync' getMention: 'sync', reopen: 'async', close: 'async', edit: 'async', new: 'async', list: 'source', get: 'async',exports.manifest = {exports.name = 'issues'} return str.length > len ? str.substr(0, len) + '...' : strfunction truncate(str, len) {} return function (key, cb) { ac.get(key, cb) } return asyncMemo(fn)function Cache(fn, ssb) {var multicb = require('multicb')var issueSchemas = require('./lib/schemas')var asyncMemo = require('asyncmemo')var paramap = require('pull-paramap')var pull = require('pull-stream')adsW9jT" | v u Y } l T 4 %  c G &  _ W Q L K 3  i X 5  MC aU{wvUIoQ&pY@$} } isStatusChanged: isStatusChanged getMe} } isStatusChanged: isStatusChanged getMention: getMention, reopen: reopenIssue, close: closeIssue, edit: editIssue, new: newIssue, list: listIssues, get: getIssue, deinit: deinit, return { } }) getIssue(msg.key, cb) if (err) return cb(err) ssb.publish(msg, function (err, msg) { catch(e) { return cb(e) } try { msg = issueSchemas.new(opts.project, opts.title, opts.text) } var msg function newIssue(opts, cb) { } ssb.publish(msg, cb) catch(e) { return cb(e) } try { msg = issueSchemas.reopen(id) } var msg function reopenIssue(id, cb) { } catch(e) { return cb(e) } try { ssb.publish(issueSchemas.close(id), cb) } var msg function closeIssue(id, cb) { } catch(e) { return cb(e) } try { ssb.publish(issueSchemas.edit(id, opts), cb) } var msg function editIssue(id, opts, cb) { } ) }) return pr.open == opts.open pull.filter(opts.open != null && function (pr) { }, 8), getIssue(msg.key, cb) paramap(function (msg, cb) { }), && (!opts.author || opts.author == msg.value.author) return (!opts.project || opts.project == msg.value.content.project) pull.filter(function (msg) { pull.unique('key'), ssb.messagesByType(opts), // TODO: use links2 for this return pull( opts.type = 'issue' function listIssues(opts) { } done(cb) }) read(true, done()) liveStreams.forEach(function (read) { // cancel all live streams var done = multicb() function deinit(cb) { }) } } else console.error(err) if (cb) cb(err) if (err) { function onNewEnd(err) { } } checkReady() issue.title = truncate(issue.text, 40) || issue.id if (issue.title == null) issue.open = true if (issue.open == null) if (cb) { // if callback hasn't been called yet, the issue is missing a field onOldMsg(issueMsg) // process the root message last } return else console.error(err) if (cb) cb(err) if (err) { function onOldEnd(err) { } } _cb(null, issue) delete cb var _cb = cb if (issue.open != null && issue.title != null) { // call back once all the issue properties are set function checkReady() { } } }}) content: c.issues[i] author: msg.value.author, timestamp: msg.value.timestamp, onNewMsg({value: { for (var i = 0; i < c.issues.length; i++) if (c.issues) { // handle updates via mention } issue.updated_at = msg.value.timestamp if (msg.value.timestamp > issue.updated_at) issue.title = c.title if (c.title != null) issue.open = c.open if (c.open != null) if (msg.key == id || c.issue == id || c.link == id) { // handle updates to issue var c = msg.value.content return