declare module 'split-grid' {
  // Options passed when creating a new Split instance.
  export interface SplitOptions {
    // An array of objects, with `element` and `track` keys. `element` is the element in the grid to enable as a draggable gutter. `track` is the grid track the gutter element is positioned on. These must match.
    columnGutters?: Gutter[];
    // An array of objects, with `element` and `track` keys. `element` is the element in the grid to enable as a draggable gutter. `track` is the grid track the gutter element is positioned on. These must match.
    rowGutters?: Gutter[];
    // The minimum size in pixels for all tracks. Default: `0`
    minSize?: number;
    // The minimum size in pixels for all tracks. Default: `options.minSize`
    columnMinSize?: number;
    // The minimum size in pixels for all tracks. Default: `options.minSize`
    rowMinSize?: number;
    // An object keyed by `track` index, with values set to the minimum size in pixels for the track at that index. Allows individual minSizes to be specified by track. Note this option is plural with an `s`, while the two fallback options are singular. Default: `options.columnMinSize`
    columnMinSizes?: MinSizes;
    // An object keyed by `track` index, with values set to the minimum size in pixels for the track at that index. Allows individual minSizes to be specified by track. Note this option is plural with an `s`, while the two fallback options are singular. Default: `options.rowMinSize`
    rowMinSizes?: MinSizes;
    // Snap to minimum size at this offset in pixels. Set to `0` to disable snap. Default: `30`
    snapOffset?: number;
    // Snap to minimum size at this offset in pixels. Set to `0` to disable snap. Default: `options.snapOffset`
    columnSnapOffset?: number;
    // Snap to minimum size at this offset in pixels. Set to `0` to disable snap. Default: `options.snapOffset`
    rowSnapOffset?: number;
    // Drag this number of pixels at a time. Defaults to `1` for smooth dragging, but can be set to a pixel value to give more control over the resulting sizes. Default: `1`
    dragInterval?: number;
    // Drag this number of pixels at a time. Defaults to `1` for smooth dragging, but can be set to a pixel value to give more control over the resulting sizes. Default: `options.dragInterval`
    columnDragInterval?: number;
    // Drag this number of pixels at a time. Defaults to `1` for smooth dragging, but can be set to a pixel value to give more control over the resulting sizes. Default: `options.dragInterval`
    rowDragInterval?: number;
    // Cursor to show while dragging. Defaults to `'col-resize'` for column gutters and `'row-resize'` for row gutters.
    cursor?: string;
    // Cursor to show while dragging. Default: `'col-resize'`
    columnCursor?: string;
    // Cursor to show while dragging. Default: `'row-resize'`
    rowCursor?: string;
    // Called continuously on drag. For process intensive code, add a debounce function to rate limit this callback. `gridTemplateStyle` is the computed CSS value for `grid-template-column` or `grid-template-row`, depending on `direction`.
    onDrag?: (direction: Direction, track: number, gridTemplateStyle: string) => void;
    // Called on drag start.
    onDragStart?: (direction: Direction, track: number) => void;
    // Called on drag end.
    onDragEnd?: (direction: Direction, track: number) => void;
    // Called to update the CSS properties of the grid element. Must eventually apply the CSS value to the CSS prop, or the grid will not change. `gridTemplateStyle` is the computed CSS value of CSS rule `gridTemplateProp`.
    writeStyle?: (grid: HTMLElement, gridTemplateProp: GridTemplateProperty, gridTemplateStyle: string) => void;
    gridTemplateColumns?: string;
    gridTemplateRows?: string;

  // Returns from creating a new Split instance.
  export interface SplitInstance {
    // Adds a draggable row gutter. The element must be a direct descendant of the element with grid layout, and positioned in the specified track.
    addColumnGutter: (element: HTMLElement, track: number) => void;
    // Adds a draggable row gutter. The element must be a direct descendant of the element with grid layout, and positioned in the specified track.
    addRowGutter: (element: HTMLElement, track: number) => void;
    // Removes event listeners from a column gutter by track number. If `immediate = false` is passed, event handlers are removed after dragging ends. If a gutter isn't currently being dragged, it's event handlers are removed immediately.
    removeColumnGutter: (track: number, immediate?: boolean) => void;
    // Removes event listeners from a row gutter by track number. If `immediate = false` is passed, event handlers are removed after dragging ends. If a gutter isn't currently being dragged, it's event handlers are removed immediately.
    removeRowGutter: (track: number, immediate?: boolean) => void;
    // Destroy the instance by removing the attached event listeners. If `immediate = false` is passed, the instance is destroyed after dragging ends. If a gutter isn't currently being dragged, it's destroyed immediately.
    destroy: (immediate?: boolean) => void;

  export type Gutter = {
    element: HTMLElement;
    track: number;

  export type MinSizes = { [track: number]: number };

  export type Direction = 'row' | 'column';

  export type GridTemplateProperty = 'grid-template-column' | 'grid-template-row';

  export default function Split(options: SplitOptions): SplitInstance;