import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as humps from 'humps'; import * as ip from 'ip'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as url from 'url'; import { Builder } from '../Builder'; import { ConfigPlugin } from '../ConfigPlugin'; import Spin from '../Spin'; import upDirs from '../upDirs'; import resolveModule from './shared/resolveModule'; const __WINDOWS__ = /^win/.test(process.platform); const createPlugins = (builder: Builder, spin: Spin) => { const stack = builder.stack; const webpack = builder.require('webpack'); const webpackVer = builder.require('webpack/package.json').version.split('.')[0]; const buildNodeEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV || ( ? (spin.test ? 'test' : 'development') : 'production'); let plugins = []; if ( { if (webpackVer < 4) { plugins.push(new webpack.NamedModulesPlugin()); } if (builder.profile) { plugins.push( new webpack.debug.ProfilingPlugin({ outputPath: path.join( builder.require.cwd, stack.hasAny('dll') ? builder.dllBuildDir : builder.buildDir, 'profileEvents.json' ) }) ); } if (stack.hasAny(['server', 'web']) && !spin.test && !stack.hasAny('storybook')) { plugins.push(new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()); if (webpackVer < 4) { plugins.push(new webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin()); } } } else { if (builder.minify) { const uglifyOpts: any = { test: /\.(js|bundle)(\?.*)?$/i, cache: true, parallel: true }; if (builder.sourceMap) { uglifyOpts.sourceMap = true; } if (stack.hasAny('angular')) { // uglifyOpts.uglifyOptions = { mangle: { keep_fnames: true } }; } const UglifyJsPlugin = builder.require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin'); plugins.push(new UglifyJsPlugin(uglifyOpts)); } if (webpackVer < 4) { plugins.push(new webpack.optimize.ModuleConcatenationPlugin()); } } const backendOption = builder.backendUrl; const defines: any = {}; if (backendOption) { defines.__BACKEND_URL__ = `'${backendOption.replace('{ip}', ip.address())}'`; } if (builder.require.probe('clean-webpack-plugin')) { const CleanWebpackPlugin = builder.require('clean-webpack-plugin'); plugins = plugins.concat(new CleanWebpackPlugin(builder.buildDir)); } if (stack.hasAny('dll')) { const name = `vendor_${humps.camelize(}`; plugins = [ new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'process.env.NODE_ENV': `"${buildNodeEnv}"`, ...defines, ...builder.defines }), new webpack.DllPlugin({ name, path: path.join(builder.dllBuildDir, `${name}_dll.json`) }) ]; } else { if (stack.hasAny('server')) { plugins = plugins.concat([ new webpack.BannerPlugin({ banner: 'require("source-map-support").install();', raw: true, entryOnly: false }), new webpack.DefinePlugin({ __CLIENT__: false, __SERVER__: true, __SSR__: builder.ssr && !spin.test, __DEV__:, __TEST__: spin.test, 'process.env.NODE_ENV': `"${buildNodeEnv}"`, ...defines, ...builder.defines }) ]); } else { plugins = plugins.concat([ new webpack.DefinePlugin({ __CLIENT__: true, __SERVER__: false, __SSR__: builder.ssr && !spin.test, __DEV__:, __TEST__: spin.test, 'process.env.NODE_ENV': `"${buildNodeEnv}"`, ...defines, ...builder.defines }) ]); if (stack.hasAny('web')) { const ManifestPlugin = builder.require('webpack-manifest-plugin'); plugins.push( new ManifestPlugin({ fileName: 'assets.json' }) ); if (!builder.ssr && !stack.hasAny('storybook')) { const HtmlWebpackPlugin = builder.require('html-webpack-plugin'); let template = builder.htmlTemplate; if (!template) { const dirs = ['.', 'src']; for (const dir of dirs) { const htmlPath = path.join(builder.require.cwd, dir, 'index.html'); if (fs.existsSync(htmlPath)) { template = htmlPath; break; } } } template = template || path.join(__dirname, '../../html-plugin-template.ejs'); plugins.push( new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template, inject: 'body' }) ); } if (webpackVer < 4 && ! { plugins.push( new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ name: 'vendor', filename: '[name].[hash].js', minChunks(module) { return module.resource && module.resource.indexOf(path.join(builder.require.cwd, 'node_modules')) === 0; } }) ); } } } } return plugins; }; const findNodeModulesDirs = () => upDirs(path.resolve('.'), 'node_modules').reduce((res, dir) => res.concat(fs.existsSync(dir) ? [dir] : []), []); const findNodeModule = (name, nodeModulesDirs) => { for (const dir of nodeModulesDirs) { const packageDir = path.join(dir, name); if (fs.existsSync(path.join(packageDir, 'package.json'))) { return packageDir; } } }; const getDepsForNode = (spin: Spin, builder: Builder): string[] => { const nodeModulesDirs = findNodeModulesDirs(); const pkg = builder.require('./package.json'); const deps = []; for (const key of Object.keys(pkg.dependencies)) { const val = builder.depPlatforms[key]; let excluded = false; for (const regexp of builder.dllExcludes) { if (new RegExp(regexp).test(key)) { excluded = true; } } if ( !excluded && key.indexOf('@types') !== 0 && (!val || (val.constructor === Array && val.indexOf( >= 0) || val === ) { const moduleDir = findNodeModule(key, nodeModulesDirs); if (moduleDir && !fs.lstatSync(moduleDir).isSymbolicLink()) { const resolves = builder.require.probe(key); if (resolves && resolves.endsWith('.js')) { deps.push(key); } } else if (!moduleDir) { throw new Error(`Cannot find module '${key}'`); } } } return deps; }; let curWebpackDevPort = 3000; const webpackPortMap = {}; const createConfig = (builder: Builder, spin: Spin) => { const stack = builder.stack; const cwd = process.cwd(); const webpackVer = builder.require('webpack/package.json').version.split('.')[0]; const baseConfig: any = { name:, module: { rules: [ webpackVer >= 4 ? { test: /\.mjs$/, include: /node_modules/, type: 'javascript/auto' } : { test: /\.mjs$/, include: /node_modules/ } ] }, resolve: { symlinks: false, cacheWithContext: false }, watchOptions: { ignored: new RegExp(builder.buildDir) }, bail: !, stats: { hash: false, version: false, timings: true, assets: false, chunks: false, modules: false, reasons: false, children: false, source: true, errors: true, errorDetails: true, warnings: true, publicPath: false, colors: true }, output: {} }; if (builder.sourceMap) { baseConfig.devtool = ? '#cheap-module-source-map' : '#nosources-source-map'; baseConfig.output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate = ? info => 'webpack:///./' + path .relative(cwd, resolveModule(builder, info.absoluteResourcePath.split('?')[0]).realPath) .replace(/\\/g, '/') : info => path.relative(cwd, resolveModule(builder, info.absoluteResourcePath).realPath); } if (webpackVer >= 4) { baseConfig.mode = ! ? 'production' : 'development'; baseConfig.performance = { hints: false }; baseConfig.output.pathinfo = false; } const baseDevServerConfig = { hot: true, publicPath: '/', headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' }, open: builder.openBrowser !== false, quiet: false, noInfo: true, historyApiFallback: true }; const plugins = createPlugins(builder, spin); let config = { ...baseConfig, plugins }; if (stack.hasAny('server')) { config = { ...config, target: 'node', externals: (context, request, callback) => { if ( request.indexOf('webpack') < 0 && request.indexOf('babel-polyfill') < 0 && request.indexOf('@babel/polyfill') < 0 && request.indexOf('mochapack') < 0 && request.indexOf('mocha-webpack') < 0 && !request.startsWith('.') ) { const fullPath = builder.require.probe(request, context); if (fullPath) { const ext = path.extname(fullPath); if (fullPath.indexOf('node_modules') >= 0 && ['.js', '.jsx', '.json'].indexOf(ext) >= 0) { return callback(null, 'commonjs ' + request); } } } return callback(); } }; if (builder.sourceMap) { config.output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate = (info: any) => { const modPath = path.relative(config.output.path, resolveModule(builder, info.absoluteResourcePath).realPath); return modPath; }; } } else { config = { ...config, node: { __dirname: true, __filename: true, fs: 'empty', net: 'empty', tls: 'empty' } }; } if (webpackVer >= 4) { if ( { config = { ...config, optimization: { removeAvailableModules: false, removeEmptyChunks: false, splitChunks: false } }; } else { config = { ...config, optimization: { minimize: builder.minify, concatenateModules: builder.minify, namedModules: true, removeAvailableModules: false, removeEmptyChunks: false, noEmitOnErrors: true } }; } } if (stack.hasAny('web') && webpackVer >= 4) { config = { ...config, output: { ...config.output, libraryTarget: 'umd', globalObject: "(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this)" } }; } if (stack.hasAny('dll')) { const name = `vendor_${humps.camelize(}`; config = { ...config, entry: { vendor: getDepsForNode(spin, builder) }, output: { ...config.output, filename: `${name}_[hash]_dll.js`, path: path.join(builder.require.cwd, builder.dllBuildDir), library: name }, bail: true }; if (stack.hasAny('web')) { config.entry.vendor.push('webpack-dev-server/client'); } if (builder.sourceMap) { config.devtool = ? '#cheap-module-source-map' : '#nosources-source-map'; } } else { if ( { config.module.unsafeCache = false; config.resolve.unsafeCache = false; } if (stack.hasAny('server')) { const index = []; if ( && !spin.test) { if (__WINDOWS__) { index.push('webpack/hot/poll?1000'); } else { index.push('webpack/hot/signal.js'); } } index.push(builder.entry || './src/server/index.js'); config = { ...config, entry: { index }, output: { ...config.output, filename: '[name].js', path: path.join(builder.require.cwd, builder.buildDir || builder.backendBuildDir || 'build/server'), publicPath: '/' }, node: { __dirname: true, __filename: true } }; if (builder.sourceMap && { // TODO: rollout proper source map handling during Webpack HMR on a server code // Use that to improve situation with source maps of hot reloaded server code config.output.sourceMapFilename = '[name].[chunkhash]'; } } else if (stack.hasAny('web')) { let webpackDevPort; if (!builder.webpackDevPort) { if (!webpackPortMap[]) { webpackPortMap[] = curWebpackDevPort++; } webpackDevPort = webpackPortMap[]; } else { webpackDevPort = builder.webpackDevPort; } const webpackDevProtocol = builder.webpackDevProtocol ? builder.webpackDevProtocol : 'http'; const webpackDevHost = builder.webpackDevHost ? builder.webpackDevHost : 'localhost'; let webpackDevPortStr = `:${webpackDevPort}`; if (webpackDevProtocol === 'http' && webpackDevPort === 80) { webpackDevPortStr = ''; } if (webpackDevProtocol === 'https' && webpackDevPort === 443) { webpackDevPortStr = ''; } const webpackDevURL = `${webpackDevProtocol}://${webpackDevHost}${webpackDevPortStr}`; config = { ...config, entry: { index: ( ? ['webpack/hot/dev-server', `webpack-dev-server/client?${webpackDevURL}/`] : []).concat([ builder.entry || './src/client/index.js' ]) }, output: { ...config.output, filename: '[name].[hash].js', path: builder.buildDir ? path.join(builder.require.cwd, builder.buildDir) : path.join(builder.require.cwd, builder.frontendBuildDir || 'build/client', 'web'), publicPath: '/' }, devServer: { ...baseDevServerConfig, port: webpackDevPort } }; if (builder.devProxy) { const proxyUrl = typeof builder.devProxy === 'string' ? builder.devProxy : builder.backendUrl ? `http://localhost:${url.parse(builder.backendUrl).port}` : `http://localhost:8080`; config.devServer.proxy = { '!(/sockjs-node/**/*|/*.hot-update.{json,js})': { target: proxyUrl, logLevel: 'info', ws: true } }; } if (webpackVer >= 4 && ! { config.optimization.splitChunks = { cacheGroups: { commons: { test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/].*\.(js|mjs|ejs)$/, name: 'vendor', chunks: 'all' }, styles: { name: 'index', test: /\.(css|sass|less|scss)$/, chunks: 'all', enforce: true } } }; } } else if (stack.hasAny('react-native')) { config = { ...config, entry: { index: [builder.entry || './src/mobile/index.js'] }, output: { ...config.output, filename: ``, publicPath: '/', path: builder.buildDir ? path.join(builder.require.cwd, builder.buildDir) : path.join(builder.require.cwd, builder.frontendBuildDir || 'build/client', }, devServer: { ...baseDevServerConfig, hot: false, port: stack.hasAny('android') ? 3010 : 3020 } }; } else { throw new Error(`Unknown platform target: ${stack.platform}`); } } return config; }; export default class WebpackPlugin implements ConfigPlugin { public configure(builder: Builder, spin: Spin) { const stack = builder.stack; if (stack.hasAny('webpack')) { builder.config = builder.config || {}; builder.config = spin.merge(builder.config, createConfig(builder, spin)); } } }