import * as fs from 'fs'; import { Builder } from '../Builder'; import { ConfigPlugin } from '../ConfigPlugin'; import Spin from '../Spin'; import JSRuleFinder from './shared/JSRuleFinder'; export default class AngularPlugin implements ConfigPlugin { public configure(builder: Builder, spin: Spin) { const stack = builder.stack; if (stack.hasAll(['angular', 'webpack'])) { const webpack = builder.require('webpack'); const jsRuleFinder = new JSRuleFinder(builder); const tsRule = jsRuleFinder.findAndCreateTSRule(); builder.config = spin.merge(builder.config, { module: { rules: [ { test: tsRule.test, use: { loader: 'angular2-template-loader', options: spin.createConfig(builder, 'angular2Template', {}) } }, /** * Enabling the SystemJS parser for the .js files under @angular/core/ will disable * the deprecation warnings. * See * * SystemJS is disabled by default for webpack. * See * * Note that the webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin must also be properly configured (see below). */ { test: /[\\\/]@angular[\\\/]core[\\\/].+\.js$/, parser: { system: true } } ] }, plugins: [ // Workaround for angular/angular#11580 new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin( /** * Override the initial configuration for ContextReplacementPlugin. * The argument /angular[\\\/]core[\\\/]@angular/ causes several warnings. * See * * It's necessary to remove the @angular part and fix the issue by enabling * the proper module.rules.Rule for @angular/core/*.js files(see above). */ /angular[\\\/]core/ ) ] }); if (!stack.hasAny('dll') && stack.hasAny('web')) { /** * Creating a virtual file for webpack in memory in the desired path inside the project * * Required for local testing */ const VirtualModules = builder.require('webpack-virtual-modules'); const polyfillCode = fs.readFileSync(require.resolve('./angular/angular-polyfill.js')).toString(); builder.config = spin.merge(builder.config, { module: { rules: [ { test: /\.html$/, loader: 'html-loader', options: spin.createConfig(builder, 'html', {}) } ] }, plugins: [new VirtualModules({ 'node_modules/@virtual/angular-polyfill.js': polyfillCode })] }); builder.config = spin.merge( { entry: { index: ['@virtual/angular-polyfill'] } }, builder.config ); } } } }