
Unobtrusive Realtime Mouse-Tracking Analytics for Node.js

and it's <4kb unminified! Fork me on GitHub



Run server.js in node (see step 4 of How to Use, below) and then open index.html in one browser window and admin.html in another. Try with multiple index.html windows open to test concurrent connections.

How to Install

git clone git://

How to Use

  1. Paste the following right before your </body> tag on the page you'd like to observe:
  2. <script src="./js/snipes-client.js"></script>
  3. Edit the last line of snipes-admin.js and snipes-client.js from 'localhost' to the URI of your server.
  4. Change the src attribute of the iframe in admin.html to the path of the page you're observing.
  5. Then just node server.js and you're good to go!
    (or nohup node server.js & if you want to run it in the background)


Known Issues

This is a pre-beta release, so there might be some bugs. Please report issues on the GitHub page.

Planned Features