declare namespace snapshot { // This is necessary, or TS will consider this to be a "non-module entity" } /** * Saves any value (except for undefined or nulls) in a snapshot file. * If the value with matching name already exists, and the new value is * different, throws an error. * * @see * @example * ``` const snapshot = require('snap-shot-it') describe('example', () => { it('works', () => { snapshot(add(10, 20)) snapshot('a text message') return Promise.resolve(42).then(snapshot) }) }) // expected snapshot file exports['example works 1'] = 30 exports['example works 2'] = "a text message" exports['example works 3'] = 42 ``` */ declare function snapshot(value: {}): void; /** * Saves value using given name, instead of computing the name from * the test title and snapshot index. * * @see * @example * ``` const snapshot = require('snap-shot-it') const value = 42 snapshot('my name', value) // expected snapshot file exports['my name'] = 42 ``` * **Note:** you should make sure that the name is unique per spec file. */ declare function snapshot(name: string, value: {}): void; /** * Data-driven testing. Pass a single unary function and multiple arguments, * and function will be called with each argument separately, then results will * be stored as a snapshot. * * @see * @example * ``` // checks if n is prime const isPrime = n => ... it('tests prime', () => { snapshot(isPrime, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) }) // expected snapshot file exports['tests prime 1'] = { "name": "isPrime", "behavior": [ { "given": 1, "expect": false }, { "given": 2, "expect": true }, { "given": 3, "expect": true }, { "given": 4, "expect": false }, { "given": 5, "expect": true }, ... ] } ``` */ declare function snapshot(fn: (arg: T) => any, ...fnArgs: T[]): void; /** * Data-driven testing for a function with multiple arguments. * @see * @example ``` const add = (a, b) => a + b it('checks behavior of binary function add', () => { snapshot(add, [1, 2], [2, 2], [-5, 5], [10, 11]) }) // expected snapshot exports['checks behavior of binary function add 1'] = { "name": "add", "behavior": [ { "given": [ 1, 2 ], "expect": 3 }, { "given": [ 2, 2 ], "expect": 4 }, { "given": [ -5, 5 ], "expect": 0 }, { "given": [ 10, 11 ], "expect": 21 } ] } ``` */ declare function snapshot( fn: (...args: T) => any, ...fnArgs: T[] ): void; export = snapshot;