import { Color, RGBAColor, HSVAColor } from './color' import { isNumber, isString } from './types' import { clamp, Position, getMousePosition } from './utils' type ColorPickerOptions = { window?: Window el?: HTMLElement | string background?: string | number widthUnits?: string heightUnits?: string width?: number height?: number color?: string | number } export class ColorPicker { private _window: Window private _document: Document private _widthUnits: string = 'px' private _heightUnits: string = 'px' private _huePosition: number = 0 private _hueHeight: number = 0 private _maxHue: number = 0 public _inputIsNumber: boolean = false private _saturationWidth: number = 0 private _isChoosing: boolean = false private _callbacks: Function[] = [] public width: number = 0 public height: number = 0 public hue: number = 0 public position: Position = { x: 0, y: 0 } public color: Color = new Color(0) public backgroundColor: Color = new Color(0) public hueColor: Color = new Color(0) public $el: HTMLElement public $saturation: HTMLElement public $hue: HTMLElement public $sbSelector: HTMLElement public $hSelector: HTMLElement constructor(options: ColorPickerOptions = {}) { // Register window and document references in case this is instantiated inside of an iframe this._window = options.window || window this._document = this._window.document // Create DOM this.$el = this._document.createElement('div') this.$el.className = 'Scp' this.$el.innerHTML = `
` // DOM accessors this.$saturation = this.$el.querySelector('.Scp-saturation') this.$hue = this.$el.querySelector('.Scp-hue') this.$sbSelector = this.$el.querySelector('.Scp-sbSelector') this.$hSelector = this.$el.querySelector('.Scp-hSelector') // Event listeners this.$saturation.addEventListener('mousedown', this._onSaturationMouseDown) this.$saturation.addEventListener('touchstart', this._onSaturationMouseDown) this.$hue.addEventListener('mousedown', this._onHueMouseDown) this.$hue.addEventListener('touchstart', this._onHueMouseDown) // Some styling and DOMing from options if (options.el) { this.appendTo(options.el) } if (options.background) { this.setBackgroundColor(options.background) } if (options.widthUnits) { this._widthUnits = options.widthUnits } if (options.heightUnits) { this._heightUnits = options.heightUnits } this.setSize(options.width || 175, options.height || 150) this.setColor(options.color) } /** * Add the ColorPicker instance to a DOM element. * @param {HTMLElement} el * @return {ColorPicker} Returns itself for chaining purpose */ public appendTo(el: HTMLElement | string): ColorPicker { if (isString(el)) { document.querySelector(el as string).appendChild(this.$el) } else { ;(el as HTMLElement).appendChild(this.$el) } return this } /** * Removes picker from its parent and kill all listeners. * Call this method for proper destroy. */ public remove() { this._callbacks = [] this._onSaturationMouseUp() this._onHueMouseUp() this.$saturation.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this._onSaturationMouseDown ) this.$saturation.removeEventListener( 'touchstart', this._onSaturationMouseDown ) this.$hue.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._onHueMouseDown) this.$hue.removeEventListener('touchstart', this._onHueMouseDown) // if (this.$el.parentNode) { this.$el.parentNode.removeChild(this.$el) } } /** * Manually set the current color of the picker. This is the method * used on instantiation to convert `color` option to actual color for * the picker. Param can be a hexadecimal number or an hex String. * @param {String|Number} color hex color desired * @return {ColorPicker} Returns itself for chaining purpose */ public setColor(color: string | number): ColorPicker { this._inputIsNumber = isNumber(color) this.color.fromHex(color) const { h, s, v } = this.color.hsv if (!isNaN(h)) { this.hue = h } this._moveSelectorTo(this._saturationWidth * s, (1 - v) * this._hueHeight) this._moveHueTo((1 - this.hue) * this._hueHeight) this._updateHue() return this } /** * Set size of the color picker for a given width and height. Note that * a padding of 5px will be added if you chose to use the background option * of the constructor. * @param {Number} width * @param {Number} height * @return {ColorPicker} Returns itself for chaining purpose */ public setSize(width: number, height: number): ColorPicker { this.width = width this.height = height this.$ = this.width + this._widthUnits this.$ = this.height + this._heightUnits this._saturationWidth = this.width - 25 this.$ = this._saturationWidth + 'px' this._hueHeight = this.height this._maxHue = this._hueHeight - 2 return this } /** * Set the background color of the picker. It also adds a 5px padding * for design purpose. * @param {String|Number} color hex color desired for background * @return {ColorPicker} Returns itself for chaining purpose */ public setBackgroundColor(color: string | number): ColorPicker { this.backgroundColor.fromHex(color) this.$ = '5px' this.$ = this.backgroundColor.hexString return this } /** * Removes background of the picker if previously set. It's no use * calling this method if you didn't set the background option on start * or if you didn't call setBackgroundColor previously. */ public setNoBackground(): ColorPicker { this.$ = '0px' this.$ = 'none' return this } /** * Registers callback to the update event of the picker. * picker inherits from [component/emitter]( * so you could do the same thing by calling `colorPicker.on('update');` * @param {Function} callback * @return {ColorPicker} Returns itself for chaining purpose */ public onChange(callback: Function): ColorPicker { if (this._callbacks.indexOf(callback) < 0) { this._callbacks.push(callback) callback(this.getHexString()) } return this } /** * Is true when mouse is down and user is currently choosing a color. */ public get isChoosing(): boolean { return this._isChoosing } /* ============================================================================= Color getters ============================================================================= */ /** * Main color getter, will return a formatted color string depending on input * or a number depending on the last setColor call. * @return {Number|String} */ public getColor(): number | string { if (this._inputIsNumber) { return this.getHexNumber() } return this.getHexString() } /** * Returns color as css hex string (ex: '#FF0000'). * @return {String} */ public getHexString(): string { return this.color.hexString.toUpperCase() } /** * Returns color as number (ex: 0xFF0000). * @return {Number} */ public getHexNumber(): number { return this.color.hex } /** * Returns color as {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0} object. * @return {Object} */ public getRGB(): RGBAColor { return this.color.rgb } /** * Returns color as {h: 100, s: 1, v: 1} object. * @return {Object} */ public getHSV(): HSVAColor { return this.color.hsv } /** * Returns true if color is perceived as dark * @return {Boolean} */ public isDark(): boolean { return this.color.isDark } /** * Returns true if color is perceived as light * @return {Boolean} */ public isLight(): boolean { return this.color.isLight } /* ============================================================================= Private methods ============================================================================= */ private _moveSelectorTo(x: number, y: number): void { this.position.x = clamp(x, 0, this._saturationWidth) this.position.y = clamp(y, 0, this._hueHeight) this.$ = `translate(${this.position.x}px, ${this.position.y}px)` } private _updateColorFromPosition(): void { this.color.fromHsv({ h: this.hue, s: this.position.x / this._saturationWidth, v: 1 - this.position.y / this._hueHeight }) this._updateColor() } private _moveHueTo(y: number): void { this._huePosition = clamp(y, 0, this._maxHue) this.$ = `translateY(${this._huePosition}px)` } private _updateHueFromPosition(): void { const hsvColor = this.getHSV() this.hue = 1 - this._huePosition / this._maxHue this.color.fromHsv({ h: this.hue, s: hsvColor.s, v: hsvColor.v }) this._updateHue() } private _updateHue(): void { this.hueColor.fromHsv({ h: this.hue, s: 1, v: 1 }) this.$ = `linear-gradient(to right, #fff, ${this.hueColor.hexString})` this._updateColor() } private _updateColor(): void { this.$ = this.getHexString() this.$ = this.isDark() ? '#fff' : '#000' this._triggerChange() } private _triggerChange(): void { this._callbacks.forEach(callback => callback(this.getHexString())) } /* ============================================================================= Events handlers ============================================================================= */ private _onSaturationMouseDown = (e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent): void => { const sbOffset = this.$saturation.getBoundingClientRect() const { x, y } = getMousePosition(e) this._isChoosing = true this._moveSelectorTo(x - sbOffset.left, y - this._updateColorFromPosition() this._window.addEventListener('mouseup', this._onSaturationMouseUp) this._window.addEventListener('touchend', this._onSaturationMouseUp) this._window.addEventListener('mousemove', this._onSaturationMouseMove) this._window.addEventListener('touchmove', this._onSaturationMouseMove) e.preventDefault() } private _onSaturationMouseMove = (e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent): void => { const sbOffset = this.$saturation.getBoundingClientRect() const { x, y } = getMousePosition(e) this._moveSelectorTo(x - sbOffset.left, y - this._updateColorFromPosition() } private _onSaturationMouseUp = () => { this._isChoosing = false this._window.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._onSaturationMouseUp) this._window.removeEventListener('touchend', this._onSaturationMouseUp) this._window.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._onSaturationMouseMove) this._window.removeEventListener('touchmove', this._onSaturationMouseMove) } private _onHueMouseDown = (e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent): void => { const hOffset = this.$hue.getBoundingClientRect() const { y } = getMousePosition(e) this._isChoosing = true this._moveHueTo(y - this._updateHueFromPosition() this._window.addEventListener('mouseup', this._onHueMouseUp) this._window.addEventListener('touchend', this._onHueMouseUp) this._window.addEventListener('mousemove', this._onHueMouseMove) this._window.addEventListener('touchmove', this._onHueMouseMove) e.preventDefault() } private _onHueMouseMove = e => { const hOffset = this.$hue.getBoundingClientRect() const { y } = getMousePosition(e) this._moveHueTo(y - this._updateHueFromPosition() } private _onHueMouseUp = () => { this._isChoosing = false this._window.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._onHueMouseUp) this._window.removeEventListener('touchend', this._onHueMouseUp) this._window.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._onHueMouseMove) this._window.removeEventListener('touchmove', this._onHueMouseMove) } }