import React, { ReactNode } from 'react'; import { StandardProps } from '../@types/common'; export declare type Mode = 'top' | 'bottom'; /** * @title Sticky */ export interface StickyProps extends StandardProps { /** * @en Extend style. The default z-Index after triggering the float is 900, and you can modify the z-Index of the style to change. * @cn 扩展样式。触发浮动后的默认 zIndex 为900,修改 style的 zIndex 来改变。 */ style?: React.CSSProperties; /** * @en Offsets from the bottom. * @cn 距离底部多少偏移量触发 */ bottom?: number; /** * @en Attached target. the default is the document.body. You can pass in an HTMLElement or css selector, and the target must be an ancestor node of the Sticky component. * @cn 附着的目标,默认为 document.body。可以传入 HTMLElement 或者 css selector,target 必须为 Sticky 组件的祖先节点 */ target?: string | HTMLElement; /** * @en Offsets from the top. * @cn 距离顶部多少偏移量触发 */ top?: number; /** * @en use css position:sticky while target is ordered * @cn 在指定 target 下,是否采用 css 方式实现附着效果 * @default true */ css?: boolean; /** * @en When the adsorption effect, trigger the callback,this method is invalid when native sticky is used * @cn 吸附效果时,触发该回调,当使用原生 sticky 时该方法无效 */ onChange?: (isSticky: boolean) => void; /** * @en children * @cn 子元素 */ children?: ReactNode; /** * @inner 内部使用 */ needResetPostion?: boolean; } export declare class Sticky extends React.Component { render(): JSX.Element; } export declare type StickyType = typeof Sticky;