import * as React from 'react'; import { StandardProps, ObjectType } from '../@types/common'; import { GetInputableProps } from '../Form/Props'; import { GetInputBorderProps, GetDelayProps, GetCoinProps, CoinProps } from '../hoc/Props'; import { InputTitleProps } from '../InputTitle/Props'; declare type ReactNode = React.ReactNode; export declare type NumType = 'positive' | 'non-negative'; declare type InputValue = string; export declare type NumberValueType = InputValue | number | null; declare type WidthInputHTMLAttribute = U & Omit, keyof U>; export interface Props extends StandardProps, Pick, Pick { /** * @en value * @cn 输入值 */ value?: InputValue; /** * @en onChange * @cn 值改变回调 */ onChange: (value?: InputValue) => void; /** * @en width * @cn 宽度 */ width?: number; /** * @en Remove content of the input when clicking the clear icon, clear event function * @cn 可点击清空图标删除输入框内容,为函数式表示清空回调 * @default false */ clearable?: boolean | (() => void); /** * @en The callback function for enter key * @cn 回车键回调函数 */ onEnterPress?: (value: InputValue, e?: any) => void; /** * @en The callback function for key down * @cn 键盘按下回调 */ onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => void; /** * @en The callback function for key up * @cn 键盘按下后抬起的回调 */ onKeyUp?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => void; /** * @en Same as the type of the native input tag * @cn 同原生 input 标签的 type * @default 'text' */ type?: string; /** * @en Infomation * @cn 提示信息 */ info?: ((msg: string) => string) | number; /** * @en input max length * @cn 可输入最大长度 */ maxLength?: number; /** * @en get input element * @cn 获取 input dom 元素 */ forwardedRef?: (el: HTMLElement) => void; /** * @en show border bottom * @cn 仅仅展示下边框 * @default false */ underline?: boolean; /** * @en After clicking the clear button, the data becomes undefined * @cn 点击清除按钮后数据变为 undefined * @default false */ clearToUndefined?: boolean; /** * @en Decimal place limit (valid when type is number) * @cn 小数位限制(type 为 number 时生效) */ digits?: number; /** * @en Integer bit limit (valid when type is number) * @cn 整数位数限制, 仅在 type = number 下生效 */ integerLimit?: number; /** * @en Number type supports 'positive' and 'non-negative', only works when type = number * @cn 设置数字类型 支持 'positive' 和 'non-negative', 仅在 type = number 下生效 * */ numType?: NumType; /** * @en Automatically select all data after mouse click * @cn 鼠标点击后自动全选数据 * @default false * */ autoSelect?: boolean; /** * @en Automatically fill up according to the precision limit of digits after out of focus * @cn 失焦后自动按照 digits 精度限制补足 (type 为 number 时生效) * @default false * */ autoFix?: boolean; /** * @en The original property of html * @cn 原生 html 属性 * */ htmlName?: string; /** * @en Disable component * @cn 禁用组件 * @default false * */ disabled?: boolean; inputFocus?: boolean; /** * @en The callback of blur * @cn 失去焦点后的回调 * */ onBlur: React.FocusEventHandler; /** * @en The callback when Textarea focus * @cn 聚焦后的回调 */ onFocus: React.FocusEventHandler; cancelChange?: () => void; forceChange?: (value: unknown, ...args: unknown[]) => void; /** * @en Same as the native input tag * @cn 同原生 input 标签的 placeholder */ placeholder?: string; /** * @en Form field, used with Form * @cn 表单字段, 配合 Form 使用 */ name?: string; /** * @en default value * @cn 默认值 */ defaultValue?: InputValue; /** * @en When trim is true, blank characters are automatically deleted when lose focus。 * @cn trim 为 true 时,失去焦点时会自动删除空白字符。 * @default false */ trim?: boolean; } export declare type InputPropsWithCoin = GetCoinProps; export declare type InputPropsWithDelay = GetDelayProps; export declare type InputPropsWithBorder = GetInputBorderProps; /** * @title Input */ export declare type InputPropsWithInputable = Omit, 'filterSameChange'>; export declare type InputProps = WidthInputHTMLAttribute; export interface ClearProps { onClick: (e: React.ChangeEvent, clearClick: boolean) => void; clearResult?: string; } export interface InputNumber extends Omit { /** * @en The minimum value * @cn 最小值 */ min?: number; /** * @en The maximum value * @cn 最大值 */ max?: number; /** * @en Change the digital span. It can be decimal. * @cn 改变数字跨度,可为小数 * @default 1 */ step?: number; /** * @en value * @cn 值 */ value?: NumberValueType; /** * @en default value * @cn 默认值 */ defaultValue?: NumberValueType; /** * @en allow value is null * @cn 清空后值为 null * @default false */ allowNull?: boolean; /** * @en Whether to hide increase/decrease buttons * @cn 是否隐藏增减按钮 * @default false */ hideArrow?: boolean; /** * @en onChange * @cn 值改变回调 */ onChange: (value?: NumberValueType) => void; /** * @en The callback function for mouse down * @cn 鼠标按下后的回调 */ onMouseDown?: (e: React.MouseEvent) => void; /** * @en The callback function for mouse up * @cn 鼠标按下后抬起的回调 */ onMouseUp?: (e: React.MouseEvent) => void; } export declare type InputNumberPropsWithCoin = GetCoinProps; export declare type InputNumberPropsWithBorder = GetInputBorderProps; /** * @title Input.Number */ export declare type InputNumberPropsWithInputable = Omit, 'filterSameChange' | 'forceChange' | 'cancelChange' | 'type'>; export declare type InputNumberProps = WidthInputHTMLAttribute; export interface InputPassword extends Props { /** * @en password symbol * @cn 密码符号 * @default "." */ point?: string; } export declare type InputPasswordPropsWithInputable = Omit, string>, 'filterSameChange' | 'forceChange' | 'cancelChange'>; export declare type InputPasswordProps = WidthInputHTMLAttribute; export interface InputGroupBaseProps { children?: ReactNode; } export interface InputGroupProps extends InputGroupBaseProps, ObjectType { } export declare class InputNumberClass extends React.Component { render(): JSX.Element; } export declare class InputGroupClass extends React.Component { render(): JSX.Element; } export declare class InputPasswordClass extends React.Component { render(): JSX.Element; } export declare class InputClass extends React.Component { static Number: typeof InputNumberClass; static Password: typeof InputPasswordClass; static Group: typeof InputGroupClass; render(): JSX.Element; } export declare type InputType = typeof InputClass; export {};